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The relationship between trade liberalization and productivity growth has been one of the important topics in economic research. So far, most of the literatures on this topic have made an implicit assumption, that is, all firms in an industry are homogeneous, so that all firms in export sector export when trade liberalized. However, that is not the case. In reality, firm heterogeneity in international trade is a common phenomenon. Some of the studies have showed that exporters usually have superior performances than non-exporters, the co-existence of the exporters and non-exporters among the same narrowly defined industries, is due to the different behaviors among heterogeneous firms when facing export entry sunk costs, and the more productive firms are more likely to enter the export market. Therefore, the recent development of the research in international trade breaking the framework of representative firm, analyzes the impact of trade liberalization on productivity growth with the view of firm heterogeneity, and proposes that trade liberalization can contribute to an aggregate productivity gain through the intra-industrial reallocation. Most of the current literatures showing the impact of trade liberalization on intra-industrial reallocations, however, are based on the assumption of fixed technology in firms. Dynamically, aggregate productivity growth in an industry is not only rooted in the effect of intra-industrial reallocation, but also in the effect of technical progress of firms, and the latter is the most important origin of the long term economic growth. This paper attempts to introduce the fact of firm heterogeneity in international trade, demonstrates the micro-mechanisms of the impact of trade liberalization on industrial productivity in an integrated framework with the view of firm heterogeneity, and provides empirical evidence from Chinese manufacturing using firm-level data.
     Theoretically, this paper starts with the dynamic behavior of heterogeneous firms in the context of trade liberalization, and shows the micro-mechanisms of the impact of trade liberalization on industrial productivity. Firstly, under the assumption of fixed technology in firms, this paper demonstrates the impact of trade liberalization on industrial productivity through intra-industrial reallocation effect, which is induced by the production and export decision of heterogeneous firms in the context of trade liberalization. The mechanism of intra-industrial reallocation can be summarized as: trade liberalization→industrial export expansion and import penetration→the exit of low-productive firms (market selection effect) and the resource reallocation toward higher-productive firms (market share effect)→the growth of industrial productivity. Secondly, introducing an endogenous technology choice of firms to make an assumption of changeable technology in firms, this paper demonstrates the impact of trade liberalization on industrial productivity through technical progress effect in firms, which is induced by the production, export and technology decision of heterogeneous firms in the context of trade liberalization. The mechanism of technical progress in firms can be summarized as: trade liberalization→industrial export expansion and import penetration→the decline of the introduction costs of the High-Tec technology→more firms choose the High-Tec technology→technical progress in firms→the growth of industrial productivity. Based on the model, this paper puts forward the following testable hypotheses: First, trade liberalization leads to an aggregate industry productivity gain. Second, intra-industrial reallocation and firm-level technical progress lead to an aggregate industry productivity gain with the view of dynamics. Third, trade liberalization leads to the intra-industrial reallocation through raising the probability of firm exit and shifting the market share among surviving firms. Four, trade liberalization increases firm-level productivity.
     Empirically, this paper uses 2001-2006 Chinese manufacturing firm-level data, tests the four hypotheses proposed in the theoretical section. Firstly, to examine the relationship between trade liberalization and industrial productivity growth as a whole, this paper starts by estimating the impact of industry-level trade liberalization on industrial productivity via a panel data fixed effect OLS regression. Secondly, to show the sources of industrial productivity growth, this paper examines the contributions of intra-industrial reallocation and firm-level technical progress to industrial productivity growth, based on the decomposition of the industrial productivity growth. Thirdly, to examine the micro-mechanisms of the impact of trade liberalization on industrial productivity, this paper estimating the impacts of trade liberalization on intra-industrial reallocation and firm-level technical progress via panel data fixed effect logistic and OLS regression.
     The main empirical results are following. First, trade liberalization significantly promotes Chinese manufacturing's productivity growth, and export expansion has been the main influencing factor for the growth. Second, during 2001-2006, Chinese manufacturing industries have experienced considerable productivity growth, which are driven by the first reallocation effect (the exit of low-productive firms), the second reallocation effect (the resource reallocation toward higher-productive firms), and the technical progress effect in firms. Among all these driving forces, the technical progress effect is the primary one. Third, the impact of trade liberalization on the first reallocation in significant, which is primarily driven by import competition, because increasing industry-level import penetration significantly increase the probability that low-productive firms exit, but the industry-level export expansion has no significant impact on the probability of exit. However, the impact of trade liberalization on the second reallocation is uncertain, because trade liberalization raises the probability of higher-productivity expand by entering export market, but the impact of trade liberalization on exporters' foreign sales and the domestic market share of surviving firms are not significant. Finally, trade liberalization has played a significant role in firms' technical progress, and the impact of industry-level export expansion on the productivity growth of exporters is bigger than non-exporters, which is in accordance with the conclusion of the reality examination that learning-effect of export is significant in Chinese manufacturing.
     Based on the above analysis, this paper provides the corresponding policy implications and suggestions, and expects the fully function of the micro-mechanisms of the impact of trade liberalization on industrial productivity, so as to promote the productivity growth of Chinese industry.
1 尽管“贸易自由化”(Trade Liberalization)一词频频出现于国内外的经济学研究文献,但是迄今为止,关于贸易自由化尚未有权威的界定,学者们对贸易自由化的理解存在较大差异,对此的概念阐述也不尽相同。Winters(2004)指出,区分贸易开放(openness to trade)和贸易自由化是非常重要的,前者是指一种贸易开放的水平或状态,而后者则是指贸易开放度的变化,两者都需要从贸易政策的角度进行测度,但由于这种测度的复杂性,实证研究中大多从结果层面(即贸易依存度)进行测度。本文认为,贸易自由化是各国逐步降低关税和非关税壁垒的过程,由此产生的结果便是进出口贸易规模以及对外贸易依存度的逐渐提高。关税和非关税壁垒的降低意味着贸易成本的下降,本文在第四章的机理分析中,用贸易成本(包括可变贸易成本和固定贸易成本)的下降来刻画贸易自由化。但是,由于贸易成本的测度是一个未决之难题,本文在第五章的实证研究中,采用贸易依存度指标(包括出口依存度和进口渗透率)从结果上测度贸易自由化。
    2 Bernard et al.(1995);Bernard & Jensen(1999,2004a,b);Clerides et Al(1998);Aw et.al(2000,2001)等.
    3 本文将英文文献中的“Industry”解释为“行业”,是指生产差异化产品、相互竞争的企业所组成的整体,也有国内文献将其解释为“产业”,若没有特殊说明,本文中所提到的“行业”与“产业”具有相同的含义。
    4 事实上,出口进入成本包含了出口进入沉没成本和固定出口成本,而在考虑企业一期出口决策的模型中,并不进行详细区分(Falvey el al.(2004))。
    5 赵伟、李淑贞(2007);樊瑛(2008)等。
    6 从2000-2005年,中国制造业产出占GDP的比重达32%,且制造业产出的89%用于出口,(Hanson &Robertson,2008)
    49 赵伟等(2005),许和连、元朋(2008)等已经就20世纪90年代以来贸易开放度的度量指标以及度量方法进行了较为全面的综述。
    50 与第三章的分类一致,分为轻工业、化工业、材料工业、机械设备制造业
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