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针对工业上两步法加氢辛醇合成过程中的第二步液相加氢反应工艺,研制开发了新型镍系液相加氢催化剂。试验研究了两个系列的液相加氢催化剂,Ni/SiO2系列和Ni/Al2O 3系列催化剂。
     研究的Ni/Al2O 3系列液相加氢催化剂,采用浸渍法制备。考察了催化剂的各物性参数。在小型加压评价装置上,考察了催化剂中的活性组分镍含量、助剂镁的加入、助剂钙的加入以及还原温度对催化剂加氢性能的影响。在此基础上,进行了500小时的评价运转试验。试验结果表明,催化剂中活性组分镍的质量分数在20.0%左右时,催化剂的加氢活性最佳;在催化剂中加入少量的助剂镁有利于提高加氢活性,镁的质量分数在2.0%左右为最佳;在催化剂中加入少量的助剂钙有利于提高加氢活性,钙的质量分数在1.8%左右为最佳;催化剂的还原温度不易超过600℃。小试研究中,开发的Ni/Al2O3系催化剂用于辛醇液相加氢精制反应,具有良好的加氢活性、选择性和稳定性,性能达到进口同类催化剂LPH-86的水平,并且催化剂的物相结构稳定,活性组份分布均匀且颗粒度较细。
As a very important chemical product, 2-ethylhexanol was applied broadly in domestic economy. Industrial 2-ethylhexanol was made usually by hydrogenation of 2-ethylhexanal. According to the liquid phase hydrogenation technology in the production of 2-ethylhexanol, we exploited a new series of Ni catalysts for liquid phase hydrogenation. The experiment researched two series of catalysts, Ni/SiO2 catalysts and Ni/Al2O3 catalysts.
     The Ni/SiO2 catalysts were prepared by co-precipitation method. First, the physical properties of Ni/SiO2 catalysts were investigated by the various analysis measures. In laboratory pressurized system, effects of the active component Ni content、the addition of promoter Al、the addition of promoter Mg、incorporating ways of support SiO2 and reduction temperature on hydrogenating property of catalysts were studied. On the basis of these studies, an investigating test of 500 hours was carried out. The results showed that (1) the best hydrogenation activity was obtained on catalyst with a mass fraction of Ni about 55.0%; (2) the incorporation of promoter aluminum into Ni/SiO2 catalysts can improve the hydrogenation activity and the best mass fraction of Al in catalyst system was about 4.5~6.5%; (3) the addition of promoter magnesium into Ni/SiO2 catalysts can promote the hydrogenating activity of catalysts and the best mass fraction of Mg in catalyst system was about 4.5~5.5%; (4) the support SiO2 with the dried mixture way or the co-precipitation + dried mixture way adding into catalyst system was favorable to improve hydrogenation activity of catalysts; and (5) the reduction temperature of Ni/SiO2 catalysts should not be higher than 600℃. The studied Ni/SiO2 catalysts showed very good activity for liquid phase hydrogenation of 2-ethylhexanol processing. Proved that the Ni/SiO2 catalysts have excellent hydrogenating activity、selectivity and stability, as well the catalysts have the stable substance structure and the active component Ni crystalline was well fine scattering into the catalyst system.
     The Ni/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by the impregnation method. First, the physical properties of Ni/Al2O3 catalysts were investigated by the various analysis
    measures. On the laboratory small pressurized apparatus, effects of the active component Ni content、the addition of promoter Mg、the addition of promoter Ca and reduction temperature on hydrogenating property of catalysts were studied. On the basis of these studies, an investigating test of 500 hours was carried out. The results showed that (1) the best hydrogenation activity was obtained on catalyst with a mass fraction of Ni about 20.0%; (2) the addition of promoter magnesium into Ni/Al2O3 catalysts can improve the hydrogenation activity and the best mass fraction of Mg in Ni/Al2O3 catalyst system was about 2.0%; (3) the addition of promoter calcium into Ni/Al2O3 catalysts can promote the hydrogenating activity of catalyst and the best mass fraction of Ca in catalyst system was about 1.8%; and (4) the reduction temperature of Ni/Al2O3 catalysts should not be higher than 600℃. Studies indicated that Ni/Al2O3 catalysts for liquid phase hydrogenation have excellent hydrogenating activity、selectivity and stability, moreover Ni/Al2O3 catalysts have the stable substance structure and the active component Ni crystalline was well fine to scatter into the catalyst system.
     On the basis of laboratory studies, comprehensively considering mechanical strength、wear-resisting property and hydrogenation property of catalysts, Ni/Al2O3 catalyst F-2 was defined to prepare enlarged 3Kg. And in the 1L pressurized investigating system, the hydrogenating performance of original-particular-loading catalysts was inspected. The results showed that the prepared catalysts took better repetition, and exploited catalysts for liquid phase hydrogenation have excellent hydrogenating activity、selectivity and stability. While the new liquid phase hydrogenation catalysts have the stable substance structure and the active component Ni crystalline was well fine
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