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     在地震数据特殊处理解释结果的可视化方法研究中,设计并编程实现了地震波形加变面积图的跳点四边形快速绘制算法及彩色图的GPU并行绘制算法,使彩色图成图速度较常规串行绘制算法提高了近10倍,真正实现了地震数据特殊处理解释结果的实时可视化及所见即所得。在一体化系统平台的数据源提取方法研究中,研究并编程实现了基于内存映射及文件处理两种技术的三维SEGY地震数据体任意切面、任意时间切片、任意层位数据源快速提取方法,突破了商业软件对这些数据源提取方法源代码的封锁,同时提出并编程实现了可视化图形区域内任意窗口数据源的提取方法,为地震数据特殊处理解释方法研究提供精细数据源。在二维地震数据特殊处理解释方法研究中,以原因子PfaFFT(Prime-factor algorithmFFT)快速离散傅立叶变换算法为基础,编程实现了地震道数据的谱显示、零相位滤波、频率域的相移时间偏移及相移加插值深度偏移处理方法,此外,编程实现了道数据圆滑处理及基于Hilbert变换算法的地震属性提取方法。在地震数据特殊处理解释方法的系统集成研究中,通过构建基于Linux的QT-CUDA并行开发架构,实现了QT C++与CUDA C语言的混合编程;实现了各种处理解释方法的可任意叠加及组合、处理解释结果的共享及所见即所得、方法效果的即时对比分析;设计并编程实现了以转化数据文件格式为桥梁的直接调用外部FORTRAN程序的接口方法。在一体化系统平台的实用性研究中,通过理论模型试验以及对伊朗kashan储层三维叠后实际地震数据进行初步的处理解释,取得了较好的效果。
With the rapid development of computer technology, the integration technique ofintegrated cross-platform, multi-lingual programming, parallel processing has becomethe focus for seismic processing and interpretation study. Linux system has multi-user,multi-task, multi-thread, high reliability, high stability, low-cost and open-sourcefeatures, which is the preferred operating system for seismic processing andinterpretation software development. In this thesis, the integrated parallel specialprocessing and interpretation system of seismic data has been carried out on the basisof thorough investigation and analysis, summing up and absorbing the previouselaborate on seismic data processing and interpretation methods, using lastestcomputer technology, such as software integration, Linux open source software andGPU parallel computing techniques.Based on in-depth study, a Linux-basedQT-CUDA parallel development architecture and an interactive, WYSIWYG(Whatyou see is what you get),integrated parallel special processing and interpretationsystem platform has bee proposed and implemented. The integrated system platformintegrates the latest computer software and seismic data processing and interpretationtechniques, which is not only the production platform, but also a good platform forfurther seismic data processing and interpretation research. The integrated systemplatform is applied to Iran kashan3D real seismic data by initial processing andinterpretation, good results have been achieved.
     There are six chapters in the thesis.Chapter one is about the review of theimportance,history,and existing problems of the integrated sesmic data processing andinterpretation system. Chapter two is about research on visualization of seismic data,by using2D bilinear interpolation algorithm, jumping points quadrilateral fastdrawing algorithm and color image GPU parallel rendering algorithm,an interactivevisualization of2D seismic data has been carried out, Which has greatly optimizedvisual performance. Chapter three is about arbitrary data extracting methods for seismic data special processing and interpretation, such as3D SEGY arbitraryprofile data extraction algorithm,time slicing algorithm, arbitrary horizon extractionalgorithm, arbitrary data source window extracting algorithm have been carried out.Chapter four is about2D seismic data special processing and interpretation methodsand implementation, which focus on the spectrum of seismic data,zero-phase filtering,data smooth processing, wave equation post-stack migration methods, such asfrequency domain phase shift time migration and phase shift plus interpolation of thedepth migration. To facilitate the work of reservoir prediction, a variety of seismicattribute extraction methods have been carried out based on Hilbert transformalgorithm. Chapter five is about system integration of seismic data special processingand interpretation methods,which includes an integrated QT and CUDA paralleldevelopment architecture, arbitrary data sharing, arbitrary reusing between processingand interpretation modules, calling an external FORTRAN program directly andreal-time visualization.
     Chapter six is the conclusions and recommendations.
     The main innovations in the thesis are as followings
     1.The arbitrary data extracting methods of the integrated system platform have brokenthe source code protection in commercial software. Besides, the arbitrary data sourcewindow extracting method within the target of seismic profile is proposed andimplemented.
     2.The real-time visualization of seismic data processing and interpretation results isproposed and realized by programming,which is a very good WYSIWYG approach.The approach includes variable area record section of jumping points quadrilateralfast drawing algorithm and color image rendering algorithm of the GPU parallelrendering algorithms.
     3.Data sharing, integration, arbitrary reusing between processing and interpretationmodules are proposed and implemented by programming. Moreover, the effects ofdifferent processing and interpretation methods based on original or processed datacan be immediately compared.
     4.The interface method of directly calling an external FORTRAN program isproposed and implemented by transfering data format of FORTRAN.
     5.To achieve the GPU parallel computing, the QT-CUDA parallel developmentarchitecture is proposed and implemented, which can carry out the GPU seismic dataparallel processing and interpretation based on QT platform. In the thesis,applications of GPU technology can not only greatly improve the speed of visualization, but alsomake the seismic data parallel processing and interpretation realized, which is a solidfoundation for further study.
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