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     2.用该地区浮石制成的浮石混凝土,其抗压强度达到了结构轻骨料混凝土要求的最低强度等级CL20;浮石混凝土的轴心抗压强度与标准抗压强度之间符合线性关系: f_(ck)= 0.93f_(cu);浮石混凝土的应力~应变曲线和普通混凝土的基本相似,但也有所不同,在相同强度等级条件下,浮石混凝土曲线的上升阶段比较平缓;浮石混凝土的弹性模量比同强度等级的普通混凝土低;浮石混凝土基本物理性能指标符合《轻骨料混凝土技术规程》(JGJ51—2002)的要求。
As the clay brick of our country is forbidden gradually, one kind of new wall is positively sought in order to suffice for construction developing constantly. Pumice is an ideal natural lightweight aggregate, the lightweight aggregate concrete made in it has some virtues such as lightweight, heat-insulation, adiabatic. The area of Inner Mongol contains a great quantity of pumice resources, if we can rational utilize it, this will play a positive push role in the construction of our district. This text carries on research to the pumice of the area of Xi lin Hot. First of all, we have tested the main physical and mechanical performance of pumice and pumice concrete, and then we made 22 pumice concrete porous bearing wallboards, and carry on preliminary experimental study to its physical and mechanical performance.
     The trial results show:
     1. Main physical performance of the pumice in the area of Xi lin Hot, for instance packing density, apparent density, tube strength, water absorption, porosity, soften coefficient etc, according with the demands for“Lightweight aggregate test method”GB/T17431.1-1998.
     2. The compressive strength of the pumice concrete has reached low grade CL20 the most that the structural lightweight aggregate concrete required. The line sexual relations between axial compressive strength and standard compression strength of pumice concrete is f_(ck) = 0.93f(cu). The stress-strain curve of the pumice concrete is basically similar to the ordinary concrete, but some extent differences, under the same intensity grade terms, the ascending stage of the curve of the pumice concrete is more steadily. The elastic modulus of the pumice concrete is lower than the ordinary concrete. The basic physical performance of pumice concrete could meet the demands for“Lightweight aggregate concrete technical regulation”JGJ51-2002.
     3. Through analyzing about the trial results of mechanical performance of pumice concrete porous bearing wallboard that shows: the theory calculating bearing capacity of the axes-pressure and eccentric compression is basically tally with the trial result; the trial result of cracking moment is close to the theory calculating; considering the shear span ratio, the theory calculating shear strength is tally with the trial result; the flexural strength and anti-impact property is suffice for the relevant regulation.
     4. Physical performance of the pumice concrete porous bearing wallboard, for instance Soften coefficient, water absorption, surface density, etc, accords with the demands for“The partition wall of the building using the lightweight batten”JG/T169-2005.
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