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Chitosan, a kind of natural cationic polysaccharides with hypolipidemic activity, hasattracted considerable attention and research. However, during the application, the betterhypolipidemic effect of chitosan is always related to high usage dose, and it is necessary tomodify chitosan to improve its hypolipidemic activity. Some study has shown that thehypolipidemic function of chitosan is related to its binding action to lipids and its digestionand absorption characteristics, so the increase in specific surface might enhance thehypolipidemic activity of chitosan by accelerating its dissolution in gastric juice. Thisresearch employed ultrafine milling to prepare nanosized chitosan, compared thehypolipidemic activity of nanosized chitosan and ordinary chitosan, analyzed thehypolipidemic mechanism of nanosized chitosan, and investigated the relationship betweenthe molecular weight of nanosized chitosan and its hypolipidemic activitiy. This study was oftheoretical significance and of great practical significance in exploiting chitosan as functionalproducts.
     The dry ball milling and wet media milling were used to prepare nanosized chitosan. Withhigh and low molecular weights of chitosan (538.7kDa and59.2kDa) used as millingmaterals, the change in mean diameter of chitosan was studied during the milling process, andthe change of its structure and physicochemical properties after milling were also studied. Ourresults showed that the two chitosan samples can be milled to nanometre range after10h and8h of this milling, and their particle sizes were reduced to368.4nm and337.2nm after12hof milling. These two chitosan samples can be milled to nanometre range after2.5h and1hof wet media milling, and their particle sizes were reduced to543.8nm and290.6nm after5h of this milling. Both the two milling resulted in the decrease in molecular weight of chitosan,but did not significantly change its deacetylation degree (DD) and chemical structure. Thesetwo milling aroused some change in crystalline sturcture and physicochemical properties.After dry ball milling, the crystalline degree of chitosan was decreased, bulk density wasincreased, fluidity was decreased, brightness was slightly decreased, and yellowness wasincreased. After wet media milling, the water holding capacity of chitosan was greatlyincreased, and the color of chitosan were greatly improved.
     The hypolipidemic activity and mechnanism of nanosized chitosan was studied by invitro experiment. By using ordinary chitosan as control, the dissolution speed of nanosizedchitosan prepared by dry ball milling and wet media milling in simulated gastric juice wereevaluated by determining the pH change, and the correlation between the dissolution speed ofnanosized chitosan and their lipid-binding capacities were studied by controlling the digestivetime in simulated gastric juice. The results showed that the pH of gastric juice dissolving nanosized chitosan prepared by these two methods rose fater than that of ordinary chitosan,indicating that the dissolution speed of the two nanosized chitosan were higher than that ofordinary chitosan. Under simulated gastrointestinal environment, the oil and bile salt-bindingcapacities of the two nanosized chitosan were higher than those of ordinary chitosan. As thedigestive time in simulated gastric juice was gradually increased from0.5h to4h, the bindingcapacities of ordinary chitosan to these two lipids gradually increased, but the lipids-bindingcapacities of the two nanosized chitosan were kept nearly unchanged, indicating that thebetter lipids-binding capacities of nanosized chitosan was attributed to their higher dissolutionspeeds in simulated gastric juice.
     The hypolipidemic activity of nanosized chitosan prepared by dry ball milling and wetmedia milling were compared to ordinary chitosan in rats fed high-fat diets, and thehypolipidemic mechanism of nanosized chitosan were discussed by the combined analyzationof the results of animal experiment and in vitro experiment. The results showed that thehypolipidemic activities of the two nanosized chitosan prepared by dry ball milling and mediamilling were better than that of ordinary chitosan, and there was no great difference betweenthese two nanosized chitosan. Compared with rats fed ordinary chitosan, nanosized chitosanprepared by ball milling decreased the serum TG, TC and LDL-C of rats by13.6%、13.0%and28.1%, and decreased the liver TG and TC by18.2%and17.1%, nanosized chitosan preparedby media milling decreased the serum TG, TC and LDL-C of rats by18.2%、17.4%and32.7%,and decreased the liver TG and TC by21.0%and18.0%, and these two nanosized chitosandecreased body weight gain, Lee’s index, liver index and body fat weight of rats, and relivedits fatty liver symptom. Compared with ordinary chitosan group, the two nanosized chitosangroups increased fecal fat content by26.7%and31.4%,and fecal cholesterol content by27.9%and29.8%, and also increased the activities of serum and liver lipoprotein lipase (LPL)and hepatic lipase (HL). As suggested by the results of in vitro experiment and animalexperiment, the reason for the better nanosized chitosan relative to ordinary chitosan might bethat the faster dissolution speed of nanosized chitosan make it easier to bind more lipids ingastrointestinal tract, which decreased the lipid absoprtion by increasing the lipid contents infeces, and the better stimulating ability of nanosized chitosan on lipid metabolism-related keylipase further increased its hypolipidemic activity.
     The hypolipidemic activities of nanosized chitosan with different molecular weightswere compared in rats to study the relationship between its hypolipidemic activity andmolecular weight. The results indicated that the hypolipidemic activity of nanosized chitosanwas related to its molecular weight, and as molecular weight of nanosized chitosan decreasedfrom315.2kDa to37.2kDa, its hypolipidemic activity first decreased, then increased andfinally again decreased, and two nanosized chitosan with molecular weights of98.6and51.4kDa exhibited the most effective hypolipidemic activity. As the molecular weight of nanosized chitosan decreased, the ability of nanosized chitosan on inhibiting exogenous lipidabsorption decreased, but the stimulating ability of low molecular weights (37.2~98.6kDa) ofnanosized chitosan on the serum and liver LPL and HL of rats was relatively high. Theseresults indicated that the effectiveness of nanosized chitosan with molecular weights of98.6and51.4kDa in hypolipidemci activites might be partly attributed to their high stimulatingability on lipid metabolism-related key lipase.
     In this study, the nanosized chitosan were prepared by dry ball milling and wet mediamilling, and the superior hypolipidemic activity of the two nanosized chitosan relative toordinary chitosan was demonstrated by animal experiment. It was found that compared withordinary chitosan, nanosized chitosan increased the lipid content in feces and lipidmetabolism-related key lipase of rats. Besides, the molecule weight of nanosized chitosanpossessing the effective hypolipidemic activity was ascertained.
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