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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network is a new kind of complex network. It is found that even if each individual provides only a few files, enormous files can be shared by the whole group of users. In order to use these abundant resources, the key problem is to find them effectively. Therefore, the issue of search in P2P networks has become an important topic.
     The search in P2P networks is related to many fields, such as graph theory, statistical physics, network measuring, mathematics modeling, and algorithm design. Two main aspects of search in P2P networks have been studied in recent years: one is how to optimize and improve the P2P network models, according to the known results of the complex networks, to obtain high search efficiency and accuracy, the other is how to design more effective local search strategies based on current P2P network models.
     In this thesis, we study the mapping model of complex network based on the principle of P2P network structure and analyze the performance of local search strategies. The main content and contributions of this thesis are as follows:
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    [12] Stutzbach D, Rejaie R, Sen S. Characterizing Unstructured Overlay Topologies in Modern P2P File-sharing Systems. Proceedings of Internet Measurement Conference, Berkeley, CA, USA, October, 2005.
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    [16] Gkantsidis C, Mihail M, Saberi A. Random Walks in Peer-to-Peer Networks. IEEE Infocom, 2004.
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    [45] Wang F, Moreno Y, Sun Y. Structure of Peer-to-Peer Social Network. Phys.Rev.E, 73: 036123, 2006.
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