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     以往的观点认为这种自发性兴奋起搏来源于逼尿肌细胞,但更多的实验数据表明,逼尿肌细胞没有自发性兴奋的特点,无法担当膀胱起搏的任务[ 2]。所以,寻找和确认膀胱的起搏细胞成了亟待解决的问题。
     本实验目的在于考察膀胱的ICC细胞在膀胱运动中是否起到起搏作用。分为三个环节予以证明:1. ICC细胞具有成为起搏细胞的结构基础,利用形态学方法研究ICC细胞的分布特点以及ICC细胞与逼尿肌细胞之间的结构关系; 2. ICC细胞具有成为起搏细胞的功能特征,利用对ICC细胞上起搏通道HCN和ICC细胞与逼尿肌细胞信号通讯的研究,说明ICC细胞具有产生起搏电流和将兴奋传递给逼尿肌的能力;3. ICC细胞的正常功能受到抑制后,膀胱逼尿肌功能下降。应用ICC细胞特异性阻断剂Glivec,分别在细胞、组织、在体三个水平研究逼尿肌的功能的改变。另外,在完成对ICC细胞在膀胱运动中的起搏作用进行论证后,我们进一步对不稳定膀胱中ICC细胞的结构和功能改变做了初步探索,研究逼尿肌不稳定与ICC细胞改变间的关系。
     3. ICC细胞与逼尿肌细胞之间结构上存在密切联系:免疫荧光双标发现,ICC细胞与逼尿肌细胞相邻,且有相互交错分布现象。透射电镜发现,ICC细胞与逼尿肌细胞之间具有细胞间电信号传递的结构基础——缝隙连接。这样,ICC细胞具有了成为膀胱起搏的结构特征。
     5. ICC细胞与逼尿肌细胞之间可以发生信号传递:荧光漂白实验发现,ICC细胞可将荧光染料有效传递给相邻的被漂白的逼尿肌细胞,这说明ICC细胞与逼尿肌细胞之间可以存在信号通讯。这也是ICC细胞可以将兴奋信号传递给逼尿肌细胞的功能基础。
Spontaneous action potential can be recorded from muscular tissue of bladder, even if its nerval control is removed. That indicates that in some circumstance, spontaneous excitation and contraction of bladder could be induced by some‘pacemaker cells’which remained unknown to us till now.
     Years ago, it was regarded that that‘pacemaking’was from cells in detrusor but outcomes of a series of experiments showed that detrusor smooth muscle cells could not act as‘pacemaker’due to the lack of their ability to evoke spontaneous excitation. Since that case, it was our goal to find which is the pacemaker of bladder and to indentify it.
     Study from gastrointestinal tract(GI) discovered that enterocinesia was induced by interstitial cells of Cajal(ICC) in it, so ICCs were regarded as pacemaker cells in GI. ICCs in GI, divided into different groups and reticulate, had quite a few structural junction not only to nerve terminal but also to smooth muscle cells.It was not long before the ICC-like cells was find in bladder, and the role of them was also thought to be similar to their counterpart in GI.
     From all accounts, study on ICC in bladder as pacemaker cell is still in primary phase. Evidences should be found to prove the hypothesis.
     The aim of the study is to investigate whether or not ICC in bladder is the pacemaker cell and we are going to pursue our goal from three directions: First, ICC as pacemaker should have a specilized structure. Characteristic of its distribution and structural connection between ICC and detrusor smooth muscle cell will be analysised in morphology.Second, ICC as pacemaker should have specilized function, that is,ICC could generate pacemaking current and transmit the current to neighboring detrusor smooth muscle cells. Third, detrusor function could be down-regulated when function of ICC was inhibited by blocking agent Glivec. Changes of detrusor function would be detected on the level of cell, tissue, and in vivo after blockade. Moreover, we made a intitial study on the structural and functional changes of ICC in instable bladder when the demonstration of ICC as pacemaker was accomplished.
     Results and conclusions:
     1. We established the effective method to investigate the morphology of ICC in the bladder: ICCs were identified to exist in suburothlium layer and the border of detrusor smooth muscle in bladder through KIT immunohistochemistry on the reformed stretch prepared bladder.
     2. We found the characteristic of ICC’s distribution: ICCs exist as a network just like ICC in GI, which we found by immunofluorescence(IF).
     3. There was tight relationship between ICC and detrusor smooth muscle cell: ICCs were close to smooth muscle cells and they were intercrossed to each other when double-labeled IF was applied for analysis.Moreover,Gap junction was detected by transmission electron microscope(TEM).
     4. Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gate(HCN) ion channel, which was specified in generating pacemaking current, was found on the membrane of ICC: we used double-labeled IF by c-Kit and HCN antigen to detect it, so the capcity of ICC to generate pacemaking current was found.
     5. Signal transmission was found from ICC to detrusor smooth muscle cell: We found the cellar signal could be transmitted efficiently from ICC to detrusor smooth muscle cells using Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP).That might be the functional basis for ICC to be pacemaker cell to initiate the action potential of detrusor smooth muscle cells.
     6. A mode for ICC’s functional inhibition was established: The effects of blocking agent Glivec were mainly on the calcium influx of ICC which provided us a new mode to investigate the function of smooth muscle cells with ICC’s function decreased.
     7. Changes of detrusor function were detected on the level of cell, tissue, and in in vivo. Calcium influx and signal transmission from ICC to detrusor were inhibited significantly and contractile amplitude of detrusor was also decreased significantly in muscle strip and bladder as a whole. That indicated that ICC would play a crucial important role in the movements of bladder.
     8. Changes on ICC network and expression of HCN were found in instable detruor: Network in ICC was strengthened while the protein expression of HCN was increased significantly, which implied that changes of ICC may be the cause for functional abnormality of detrusor.
1. Smet PJ, Jonavicius J, Marshall VR, etal.Distribution of nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive nerves and identification ofthe cellular targets of nitric oxide in guinea-pig and human urinarybladder by cGMP immunohistochemistry. Neuroscience 1996;71:337-348
    2. Sanders KM, Ordog T, Koh SD,et al. Development and plasticity of interstitial cells of cajal. Neurogastroenterol Motil 1999;11:311-338
    3. Maeda H, Yamagata A, Nishikawa S, et al. Requirement of c-kit for development of intestinal pacemaker system. Development 1992;116:369-375
    4. Ward SM, Burns AJ, Torihashi S, et al. Mutation of the protooncogene c-kit blocks development of interstitial cells and electrical rhythmicity in murine intestine. J Physiol 1994;480 (Pt 1):91-97
    5. Komuro T, Zhou DS. Anti-c-kit protein immunoreactive cells corresponding to the interstitial cells of cajal in the guinea-pig small intestine. J Auton Nerv Syst 1996;61:169-174
    6. Wester T,Eriksson T. Intelstitial cells of cajal in the human fetal small bowel as shown by c-kit immunohistochemistry Gut 1999;44:666- 674
    7. Vannuechi MG. Receoptors in interstitial cells of cajal:identificatioa and possible physiological roles. J Microsc Res Tech 1999;47:325-335
    8. Komuro T, Seki K, Horiguchi K. Ultrastructural characterization of the interstitial cells of cajal. Arch Histol Cytol 1999;62:295-316
    9. Sanders KM.A case for interstitical cells of cajal as pacemakers and mediators of neurotransmission in the gastrointestinal tract.Gastroenterology 1996;111:492-515
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    1. Smet PJ, Jonavicius J, Marshall VR, et al.Distribution of nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive nerves and identification ofthe cellular targets of nitric oxide in guinea-pig and human urinarybladder by cGMP immunohistochemistry. Neuroscience 1996;71:337-348
    2. Sanders KM, Ordog T, Koh SD,et al. Development and plasticity of interstitial cells of cajal. Neurogastroenterol Motil 1999;11:311-338
    3. Maeda H, Yamagata A, Nishikawa S, et al. Requirement of c-kit for development of intestinal pacemaker system. Development 1992;116:369-375
    4. Ward SM, Burns AJ, Torihashi S, et al. Mutation of the protooncogene c-kit blocks development of interstitial cells and electrical rhythmicity in murine intestine. J Physiol 1994;480 (Pt 1):91-97
    5. Komuro T, Zhou DS. Anti-c-kit protein immunoreactive cells corresponding to the interstitial cells of cajal in the guinea-pig small intestine. J Auton Nerv Syst 1996;61:169-174
    6. Wester T,Eriksson T. Intelstitial cells of cajal in the human fetal small bowel as shown by c-kit immunohistochemistry Gut 1999;44:666- 674
    7. Vannuechi MG. Receoptors in interstitial cells of cajal:identificatioa and possible physiological roles. J Microsc Res Tech 1999;47:325-335
    8. Komuro T, Seki K, Horiguchi K. Ultrastructural characterization of the interstitial cells of cajal. Arch Histol Cytol 1999;62:295-316
    9. Sanders KM.A case for interstitical cells of cajal as pacemakers and mediators of neurotransmission in the gastrointestinal tract.Gastroenterology 1996;111:492-515
    10. Hagiwara N, Iriaswa H,Kameyama M.Contribution of two types of calciumcurrents to the pacemaker potential of rabbit sinoatrial node cells.J Phyisol (Lond) 1988;395(1):233
    11. Klemm MF, Exintaris B, Lang RJ. Identification of the cells underlying pacemaker activity in the guinea-pig upper urinary tract. J Physiol 1999;519:867-884
    12. Pezzone MA, Watkins SC, Alber SM, et al. Identification of c-kit positive cells in the mouse ureter: the interstitial cells of cajal of the urinary tract. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2003;284:F925- F929
    13. Sergeant GP, Hollywood MA, McCloskey KD,et al. Specialised pacemaking cells in the rabbit urethra. J Physiol 2000;526:359-366
    14. Van Der Aa F, Roskams T, Blyweert W, et al. Interstitial cells in the human prostate: a new therapeutic target? Prostate 2003;56:250-255
    15. Exintaris B, Klemm MF, Lang RJ. Spontaneous slow wave and contractile activity of the guinea pig prostate. J Urol 2002;168:315-322
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