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The research object of this thesis is America that has made great achievement in quality education. By analyzing the course of quality education in America I wish to provide useful suggestions for the development of quality education and the reform of quality education system in china.
    The thesis discusses the development of quality education in America in three parts as followed.
    Part one analyzes the history of American quality education, that formed by go through from the education transplant that with morals quality as key element before American independence ; the enforcement and innovation of overall quality education in the period of after independence and before South North War; and the expression of the child main sight and personalized teaching in the period of after South North War and before the Second World War. Since from the Second World War to now , the training of intellectual quality is reinforced again. In this course, the unceasing development of quality education content changed from morals quality emphasized merely to the requirement of overall quality, next to the training of innovation quality, to now , intellectual quality being emphasized stick out and with personality morals quality pursuing again, embodied the transformation of quality education that from the external face-to-all to harmonious, autonomous and intrinsically over-all quality.
    Part two focuses on the characteristic of American quality education and problems it is faced with. By faced with the requirement and challenges from social and economical development inevitably, the characteristics "Face-to-all, Didn't give up each child, Emphasize the training of character development and creativity all along; Emphasize course reform, Build continuously new course system to meet time's develop requirement "are deserved to referring to; and at the same time, American quality education are also faced with the problem, " low basic educational quality,
    serious school morals problem ", sufficient to give up.
    Part three analyzes influencing elements that the development of America quality education to our country. The development of American quality education is prompt by 4 essential factors: 1, multivariate cultural background and free, open national spiritual; 2, deep idea and popular feeling of quality education ;3, the initiatively challenge that from development of economy and society; 4 positive participating and strong promoting of government and educational organization . In view of the experience of American quality education, Implementing our country's quality education, the following few aspects should be try: 1, face to 21 century, set up the concept of quality education, raise educational quality; 2, change traditional educational ideas, train the teacher creativity of our country to promote student creativity training; 3, strengthen teacher education and the basic role of teacher's in course of our reform; 4, marrow our inherit traditional cultural, reinforced personality and morals education in qua
    lity education .
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