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     数据的收集和路由是延迟容忍移动网络的基本功能之一。由于延迟容忍移动网络具有间歇连通、对延迟较为容忍的特性,传统的路由技术难以直接应用,必须结合具体的网络应用并考虑延迟容忍网络的特性设计新的路由协议。本文则针对延迟容忍移动网络中具体的三种应用场景:延迟容忍移动传感器网络(DelayTolerant Mobile Sensor Network,DTMSN)、移动社会网络(Mobile Social Network,MSN)和车载自组织网络(Vehicle Ad Hoc NETwork,VANET),较为深入地研究了这三种网络的路由问题,并取得了一定成果。本文主要工作包括:
     (1)在DTMSN网络背景下,针对现有DTMSN网络路由研究工作中假设节点始终处于工作状态的不合理性,提出了一种带周期性睡眠调度机制的路由协议(Periodic Sleeping-based Data routing Protocol,PSDP)。现有的相关研究工作考虑的是数据传输成功率和传输开销之间达到一个折中,为了获得较高的数据传输成功率而牺牲了节点的能量,极大的降低了网络生存时间。PSDP协议在节点的能量消耗和机会连通性之间进行了折中,引入了节点的周期性睡眠机制以节省节点的能量。节点根据自身的传输概率和到Sink的距离,确定自己的睡眠时间。通过周期性的睡眠机制,PSDP协议能够获得很长的网络生存时间以及可以接受的数据传输成功率和数据传输延迟。在更长的网络生存时间内,PSDP协议能够收集更多的数据。
     (2)在MSN网络背景下,提出了一种基于热区的网络路由协议(HotArea-based Routing Protocol,HARP)。由于移动社会网络具有一定的社会特征,网络节点的移动符合一定的规律,因此可以利用这种社会特征或移动的规律性来辅助数据的传输和路由。HARP协议利用网络节点的聚集性而形成的热点区域以及节点移动的规律性,给节点赋予了一个参数——区域访问频度,用于表征该节点在网络中的活跃度。区域访问频度越高的节点具有更高的活跃度,也就有更高的可能性与目标节点相遇。针对网络中节点存在自私行为的现象,提出了HARPS(HARP with Selfish nodes)协议,节点将依据对各自的贡献度决定是否进行数据转发,以鼓励节点转发数据。
     (3)在VANET背景下,提出了一种拥塞自适应的动态路线规划协议(CongestionAdaptive Trip routing Protocol,CATP)。针对现有车辆路线规划方案中不能适应当前交通拥塞的情况,CATP协议通过收集网络中的交通信息对车辆行驶的路线进行动态优化。在无需架设路边基础设施的前提下,车辆通过获取各路段的平均通行时间或平均停留时间,估计路段的交通状况,并计算新的行车路线,从而帮助用户优化车辆行驶路线,提高道路交通效率。
With the rapid development of low-power wireless communication technology andintegrated circuit technology, there emerged a large number of low-cost, portablewireless devices. The wireless devices connect and exchange data with each other inself-organization mechanism. As the sparse density, mobility and energy consumptioninhomogeneity of the wireless nodes, the mobile network is intermittent connected,showing the characteristics of delay tolerant network. Our works in the thesis are basedon delay tolerant mobile network.
     Data gathering and routing is one of the major functions of delay tolerant mobilenetwork. Due to the intermittent connectivity and more delay tolerance of the network,traditional routing methods are difficult to directly apply in delay tolerant mobilenetwork. New routing protocols should be designed taking into account specificnetwork applications and the characteristics of delay tolerant network. The thesisfocuses on three specific applications of delay tolerant network: Delay Tolerant MobileSensor Network (DTMSN), Mobile Social Network (MSN), and Vehicle Ad HocNetwork (VANET). We in-depth studied the routing issue of the three networks and gotsome results. The major works include:
     (1) In DTMSN, existing routing researches assume that nodes are alwaysirrationally open in the working state. Based on the irrationality of the assumption, weproposed a new protocol, Periodic Sleeping-based Data routing Protocol (PSDP).Existing relevant researches consider about the compromise between data deliverysuccess ratio and data transmission overhead. Higher data delivery success ratio isobtained at the expense of node energy, so that the network lifetime is dramaticallyreduced. PSDP trades off between node energy consumption and opportunisticconnectivity, introducing periodic node sleep mechanism to save node energy. Thesleep time is decided by node data transmission probability and the distance from nodeto sink. In periodic sleep mechanism, PSDP acquires a long lifetime, acceptable datadelivery success ratio and transmission delay. In the longer lifetime, PSDP can gathermore data.
     (2) In Mobile Social Network (MSN), we proposed Hot Area-based RoutingProtocol (HARP). Due to certain social characteristics of MSN, the network nodesmove regularly. We can take advantage of the social characteristics and mobileregularity in data transmission and routing research. According to the hot area with theaggregated nodes and node mobile regularity, HARP gives each node a parameter calledregional access frequency, which shows the activity of the node in the network. Thenode with higher regional access frequency is more active, that is, the node has higherprobability to meet the target node. For selfish behavior of nodes in the network, weproposed HARPS (HARP with Selfish nodes) protocol. In HARPS, nodes will decidewhether or not to forward the data on their respective contributions to encourageforwarding data.
     (3) In VANET, we proposed Congestion Adaptive Trip Routing Protocol (CATP).For existing vehicles route planning solutions cannot adapt the real-time trafficcongestion, CATP protocol dynamically optimizes the traffic routes by gathering thetraffic information in the network. Without the assistance of the roadside infrastructure,the new protocol helps people to optimize the traffic route and improve the trafficefficiency by gathering the respective average pass time and average residence time ofthe road segments, estimating the road traffic conditions and then calculating newroutes.
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