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     以298个单株的F_2代群体为模板,利用在双亲间有多态性的55对SSR引物对其DNA进行PCR增,构建了一个甜瓜遗传图谱。图谱含有11个连锁群,包含31个SSR标记和2个形态学标记(雄同株和全雌株),遗传图谱覆盖666.7cM。最长的连锁群为132.7cM(LG3),最短的连锁群为34.9cMLG8)。每个连锁群有2-5个标记,标记间最大间距39.5cM,最小间距14.4cM,标记间的平均距离17.09 cM。
WI998(gynoecious) and Topmark(andromonecy) were used as the hybridized combination in this periment.Study on melon sex expression was carried out through the segregation of plant types during ery generation of F_1、F_2、BC_1P_1、BC_1P_2.At the same time,according to molecular marker of Simple (?)quence Repeats(SSR),melon genetic map was constructed using a population of 298 plants in F_2, dromonecy gene a and entire female gene gy which relate to sex expression were initially located as well. (?)e results are as follows.
     After studying and statistical analysis to the segregation of plant types from the parents and filial neration:F_1、F_2、BC_1P_1、BC_1P_2,melon sex expression was determined by andromonoecious gene(a), nomonoecious gene(g) and gynoecious gene(gy).Therefore,different plant is corresponding to different notype:A_G_ indicates synoecy,A_gg indicates gynomonecism,aaG_ is andromonoecy,aagg is bisexual (?)wer,and A_gggygy is entire female plant.
     298 single plants in F_2 which is the generation of WI998(entire female plant) and Topmark (?)dromonecy) were used as the template to PCR(polymerase chain reaction) by 55 pairs of SSR(Simple quence Repeats) primers for parents' polymorphism.Then melon genetic map which has 11 linkage groups d covers 666.7cM was initially constructed.31 SSR molecular markers and 2 morphological markers were ntained in this map as well.The longest linkage group is 132.7cM(LG3),the shortest is 34.9cM(LG8).2-5 trkers were found in every linkage group,the max distance between markers is 39.5cM,the min is 14.4cM d the average is 17.09 cM.
     Statistical analysis to different genotypes of plants and the segregation ratio in F2 indicates gene a can located using a small population which contains 224 single plants from synoecy and andromonecy.So,one R molecular marker(MU5549-1) which is 13.5cM part from gene a was finally found.
     Gene gy was also located using 69single plants from female group which contain gynomonoecy mainly, me three properties and female plants.So,the other SSR molecular marker(MU14723-2) which is 11.6cM (?)t from gene gy was finally found.
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