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     2.应用SSR分子标记技术筛选得到与番茄红素含量相关的12个SSR标记。利用复合区间作图法在第9连锁群上检测到2个与番茄红素含量相关的QTLs。Qchl1与分子标记SSR237、T24紧密连锁,与二者分别相距7.0 cM和10.1 cM变异贡献率为7.23%。Qchl2与分子标记T24、FR119紧密连锁,与二者分别相距12.5 cM和6.1 cM,变异贡献率为10.64%。
Lycopene is one of the important characters for tomoto quality.Moreover,lycopene play the function on reducing the risk of certain types of cancer including carcinogenic,alimentary canal,respiratory tract and cataract formation.therefore,to increase lycopene content has been a major objective in tomato breeding.
     A F2 population derived from 07009,a tomato inbred line with high lycopene content, and 07922, a cultivar with low lycopene content,was used to identity quantitative trait loci(QTL) associated with tomato lycopene content. lycopene content of parents and F2 population were identified.in addition,a molecular marker linkage mao was constructed with SSRmarker,and QTLananlysis was performed with composite interval mapping(CIM).The main results are as followe:
     1. The genetic analysis of Lycopene Content in tomato has been carried out.Result indicates that:Theχ2 test of the Lycopene Content in tomato breeding showed the Lycopene Content was continual variation,theχ2 test was not significant,and come to the comclusion that the Lycopene Content in tomato was belong to the quantitative trait.The analysis of ABCshowed:the character of the Lycopene Content in tomato was fit for a model of additive-dominance, the broad heritability was 75.8% and the narrow heritability was 44.47%.
     2. Twelve polymorphic SSR markers were used for QTLdetection .Qchl1 was linked with SSR markers SSR237 and T24 by 7.0 cM and 10.1 cM,respectively.It explained 7.23% of phenotypic variation. Qchl2 was linked with SSR markers T24 and FR119 by 12.5cM and 6.1 cM,respectively.It explained 10.64% of phenotypic variation.
     3.The result of 30 germplasm identification is according with field performance,the high lycopene content and the low lycopene content,and the veracity of grouping were 100% , Based on this we can make a initiative conclusion that is the SSRmarket result which is about lycopene content character QTL position is correct..
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