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Recently, in the set of cloud computing as an emerging technology, cloud storage service based on huge amounts of data has become the focus of people from all fields of life. At the same time, the security issues of this new storage model is obtaining people's attention. In this paper, combined with previous studies, we make a further discussion of the security issues in cloud storage. And also we give the solutions of some security issues. Here, we mainly make the following three works:
     Firstly, for the retrieval of data in this storage system, we propose a storage and retrieval scheme based on secret sharing. Users of this scheme do not need to store any information, then data can be extracted from the storage service provider safely and efficiently. Due to the public verification, every server can verify the correctness of its partners' share in retrieval phase. So, this can prevent the cheat of the cooperative servers in retrieve phase.
     Secondly, about the data integrity verification in cloud storage, we didn't utilize the traditional MAC authentication methods. Based on the RSA assumption, we put forward an integrity verification scheme in which the user does not need to store their original data in local PC. Users can achieve the integrity verification as long as they retain their private key locally,'['his actually relieves the user's storage burden and reduces the data traffic in the communication. At the same time, a trusted third party TPA authorized by the user can check data integrity in cloud instead of his/her.
     Thirdly, we apply a formula based on offline TTP fair exchange technology to prevent deception between client and server in the process of data exchange. And it shows the TTP how to execute later follow-ups in the case that the client or the server produces an unlawful behavior.
     With regard to the three security issues raised in this paper:data retrieval、integrity check、data exchange, not only do we give the solutions, but also we use analysis method in cryptographic protocol to demonstrate the feasibility and safety of each program. Thus it ensures that these schemes can be applied in practice.
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