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China is currently constructing a socialist harmonious society. A harmonious financial system is the foundation of economic harmony and thus of social harmony. While financial system plays a critical role in economic and social development, a vulnerable and inharmonious one may also curb such development. Building of a harmonious financial system demands a reasonable theoretical framework, which is still to be established by China’s academia, providing an authoritative and consistent interpretation on connotations and features of such a system. Therefore, theoretical research and exploration of issues related to harmonious financial development are of great significance.
     From a summary of definitions on harmony from perspectives of philosophy, system science and economics, this paper discusses in depth of financial system according to the theory of an open complex giant system. It then gives a clear description of connotations of a harmonious financial system, develops a theoretical model of a harmonious financial system. Based on empirical analysis of China’s current financial system in terms of harmony, it proposes policy recommendations for promoting the construction of a harmonious financial system.
     Its results were: It clearly defines connotations of“a harmonious financial system”. In an open complex giant system such as a financial system, harmony means coordinated, stable and well-balanced development of the system. A harmonious financial system expresses itself in a harmonious internal mechanism and a financial eco-system. It also demonstrates itself in multi-layers differently, or the micro-layer, the middle, and the macro. A coordinated financial system is consistent internally and externally. A stable financial system maintains a dynamic stable relationship with external environment. This paper also establishes a complete and scientific framework of theories on a harmonious financial system. The framework is composed of functional model of financial harmony, harmony state equation, harmony measurement model and self-organizing evolvement mechanism. The functional model of financial harmony depicts interaction of various elements in the financial system and their influences on the system’s function and effectiveness. The harmony state equation explains qualitatively what a harmonious financial system looks like. The harmony measurement model determines theoretically and quantitatively whether a system is harmonious or not. The self-organizing evolvement mechanism identifies features of self-organizing of the financial system, one of an open complex giant system, as well as shows that harmony is achieved through the system’s self-organizing evolvement. In addition, the paper establishes policy system for a harmonious financial system. In building financial system that is harmonious internally and especially externally, China’s financial policies and controlling tools shall be implemented in a way that respects regional disparities.
     This paper may provide important guidance to researches on and the construction of a harmonious financial system.
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