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With China's rapid development and improving standard of living, the individual Chinese now find themselves with increased spending power, more spare time and less physically demanding jobs. China's increase use of science and technology, and reduced dependence on manual labor and reduction in poverty has been accompanied by increased leisure time due to implementation (in 1995) of the five-day work week, and the extension (in 1999) of the May and National Day holidays. The Chinese leisure time is now on par with much of Europe and America with 114 days of free time per year in our country.
    . Chinese have already begun to develop their new culture of leisure. In this age of leisure, individuals begin to change their view life from just maintaining their existence to pursuing their physically and emotional development and enjoyment of life. Chinese are paying more and more attention to their health. They are increasing their use of leisure sports as their main form of entertainment. China has now moved into the age of leisure.
    With the methods of documentary study, investigation, logical analysis and statistics, this paper investigates the current situation of postgraduate student's leisure sports in some of the colleges and universities of China. This paper also researches the features of the postgraduate student's leisure sports and the influencing factors. It also explores the strategies needed to develop leisure sports among postgraduate students and proposes some suggestions for the development of their leisure sports...
    The results of the investigation show that the main factors influencing the leisure sports of postgraduates are as follows: (1) The postgraduate student's value of sports. (2) The economic situation. (3) The availability and condition of fields, stadiums and
    positive attitude toward sports. (5) The influence of the mass media. (6) The sporting atmosphere of the campus. (7) The sports policy of the concerned university or college. And finally, (8) The group's self-evaluation on health.
    Based on the analysis made above, this thesis proposes the following suggestions to develop leisure sports among postgraduate: (1) Create a favorable leisure sports environment with guaranteed access to leisure sports activities. (2) The universities and colleges leadership should attach more importance to postgraduate student's physical education and strengthen the concept of ongoing physical education and develop the consciousness of leisure sports in the postgraduate students. (3) The universities and colleges physical education departments should foster the positive aspects of physical education and provide guidance to develop leisure sports among postgraduate students. (4) The postgraduate students should pay attention to their leisure activities, and self-develop healthy and active life styles. And (5) strengthen the function of the mass media to spread the positive notion of leisure sports.
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