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     首先选取xLSM-(100-x)YSZ(0     对于多孔LSM-YSZ复合阳极,随着氧分压的增加,极化电阻大幅度减小,但随着孔隙率的增加,阻抗谱中低频弧的半径明显减小。通过微分阻抗谱分析,发现只有中频弧和低频弧与氧分压有关。随着孔隙率的增加,扩散过程的弛豫时间在缩短。而对于多孔LSF电极,随着孔隙率的增加,阳极极化电流对阻抗谱低频部分影响越来越明显,极化电阻随着极化时间延长而增加。
In order to meet the requirements of planar solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOEC),four kinds of anode materials with different compositions based on La_(0.8)Sr_(0.2)MnO_3(LSM) and La_(0.8)Sr_(0.2)FeO_3(LSF) were prepared. Their compositions, microstructuresand properties have been investigated by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning ElectronMicroscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) methods, as well asElectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy(XPS). Also, the effects of temperature, oxygen partial pressure (pO_2) and polarizationcurrent on the electrochemical properties of the anodes were systematically discussed.
     A system of xLSM-(100-x)YSZ (040). Thepredicated fittings were comparable with the experimental measurements.
     The polarization resistance (R_p) of the LSM/YSZ porous composite anodesdecreased with the increase of pO_2and the radius of low frequency arcs in EISdecreased greatly with the increase of the porosity. In addition, the differential analysisof impedance spectra (DIS) indicated only the intermediate and low frequencies arcs arestrongly affected by pO_2. Meanwhile, with the increase of the porosity, thepositions of the peaks in DIS shifted to higher frequency, indicating that therelaxation-time of diffusion was shortened. For the porous LSF electrodes, theinfluence of anodic polarization current on the low frequency arcs became moreand more obvious with the increase of the porosity. Furthermore, the R_pvaluesof the LSF porous electrodes always increase with the increase of anodic polarization time.
     La_(0.8)Sr_(0.2)FeO_3electrodes modified with La_(0.8)Sr_(0.2)MnO_3nanoparticles (LSF/LSM)were prepared by infiltration method. The catalytically active LSM phase could beuniformly distributed. The R_pvalue of the LSF/LSM electrode was0.27·cm~2at themeasuring temperature of800oC. This value was much lower than those of pure LSFand LSM electrodes. Additionally, LSF@LSM (core@shell) electrodes were preparedvia the infiltration of LSM non-aqueous-solution. The results showed that the bestperformance of the electrodes with core-shell structure was obtained at theconcentration of0.010mol L~(-1)for precursor solution. The R_pvalue of the electrodereached0.3·cm~2at800oC. Moreover, the R_pvariation of the LSF@LSM anode wasseven times less than that of the conventional LSM-YSZ anode after anodic polarizationcurrent of1A cm-2for20h. This clearly demonstrated the LSF@LSM materials will bea promising anode with anti-polarization characteristic.
     A triple phase boundary (TPB) model derived from the LSF anode modified with alot of LSM nanoparticles was presented. Based on charge transfer and mass transfermechanisms, the TPB length was considered as an important factor for the calculationof concentration overpotential of the anode in SOEC. The results showed that the TPBlength in the LSF/LSM anodes was5to8orders of magnitude higher than that in theconventional composite electrodes. Moreover, the concentration overpotential decreasedwith the increase of the TPB length, oxygen partial pressure, porosity, pore radius.However, it increased with the increase of the thickness of diffusion layer in the anodeof SOEC.
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