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After the initiation of the reform and opening up in China, the peasant entrepreneur, as agroup, begins to grow, develop and prosper with the market economy. The peasantentrepreneurs are increasingly growing in number, taking up more and more sources, andtheir economic strength is soaring up. On the other hand, during this period, as the basic unitof the national economic development, the county economy in China economy has alsoexperienced rapid development, continuously pushing forward the industrialization,urbanization and marketization. The county economy has been strengthening the position inthe national economy. After entering the new millennium, the county economic developmentis going to a new stage when the state is accelerating the process of socialist modernization,building a moderately prosperous society, and expediting building the new socialistcountryside. The peasant entrepreneur is in the ascendant and the county economicdevelopment in full swing. Being subject and object of each other, the peasant entrepreneurs’growth and the county economy development make the common contribution to theagriculture, the countryside and the farmers. Peasant entrepreneurs participate in the marketallocation of resources, integrate the county resources, organize production and thus promotethe development of county economy, the other way round, the county's economicdevelopment also have a positive influence on the growth of peasant entrepreneur. The twoprocesses complement each other, reinforce each other in the coordinated development, andget united in the historic stage of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and in thepractice of scientific development at this stage. Peasant entrepreneurs, as an important factorin promoting the development of county economy, are making outstanding contributions tothe county's economy in the course of growth and development, and begin and continue toform situation of benign interaction with the county economic development. Therefore, tostudy the relationship between peasant entrepreneurs’ growth with the county economicdevelopment, to explore the peasant entrepreneurs’ promotion to the county economicdevelopment, will prove to be important theoretical and practical significance to promote thegrowth of China's peasant entrepreneurs and county economic development, promote the process of socialist modernization, and promoting the county social changes.
     The study first analyzes the stages and features of county economic development andgrowth of peasant entrepreneurs, thus come to a conclusion of historical integration ofpeasant entrepreneurs’ growth and the county economic development; and then empiricallyexamine the relationship of mutual promotion and interaction between the growth of peasantentrepreneurs and development of county economy from a macro perspective with theinvestigated panel data from counties of Guangdong province, so that come up with themodel of interaction relationship; thirdly, theoretically analyze the mechanism of mutualpromotion and interaction behind from a micro perspective, and elucidate the core of themechanism, by focusing on the promoting mechanism of peasant entrepreneurs to the growthof the county economic development from the market mechanism and market participationfactors. The interaction kernel principle is stated through the peasant entrepreneurs’allocation of resources of in rural market, the optimization of capital structure in rural areasby peasant entrepreneurs’ investment, the adjustment of the county economic developmentcosts through peasant entrepreneurs’ business activities, and the promotion of peasantentrepreneurs’ ability and capacity on the county economic development; based on the abovejob, analyze the structural contradictions and institutional obstacles between the twointerrelated subjects, and finally propose a solution and draw a conclusion.
     Basic conclusions of this study are as follows:
     (1) The peasant entrepreneurs’ growth and the county economic development in Chinafollow their own path, and conform to their own law respectively. The two are united in thepractice of scientific development of the primary stage of socialism. The historic reunificationof peasant entrepreneurs’ growth with county economic development in contemporary Chinais demonstrated in the unity of the historic era, of the geographical space, of the subject andobject, and of philosophical foundation.
     (2) There is a positive mutual promotion relationship between the farmer entrepreneurs’growth and the county economic development. On the one hand, the growth of peasantentrepreneurs promote the county economic development, mainly through participating in therural market resource allocation, and exerting influence on the county capital and labor andother production factors. On the other hand, the county's economic development alsoprovides an appropriate political, economic, social and technological environment for thegrowth of peasant entrepreneurs.
     (3) Being an important market player, peasant entrepreneurs participate in resourcesallocation of the rural market, where they influence the price, demand and supply, andcompetition of the market in rural areas,which is profoundly illustrated by--as we defined as-Resources Centralization and Levering Function, including regulation of rural economyand promotion of resources allocation efficiency. The role of regulation has functions asresources centralization, the urban and rural economic balancing, and investment multiplierlever promotion, etc.. Meanwhile, the peasant entrepreneur promotes the marginalsubstitution of requisites of production appropriately, helps cut down the transaction costeffectively, and further public welfare greatly, so that attain efficiency of resource allocation.In general, the amount of investment of the peasant entrepreneur equals to his savings, whichserves as a law in venture investment behavior of peasant entrepreneur and lead to theequilibrium of the investment and savings of the entire county residents; peasantentrepreneurs help to optimize the structure of the county capital by filling the capital demandand supply gap in the county, deepening the county economic capital, and overcoming theextrusion of county government investment, etc.. Peasant entrepreneurs’ participation cansave the cost of county economic development; in the study case of the Area Development,1.8million Yuan per mu of development cost can be saved if peasant entrepreneurs got fullyinvolved. The growth of peasant entrepreneurship is conducive to the leapfrog advance of thecounty economy.
     (4) Factors influence the growth of peasant entrepreneurs and the development of countyeconomy and their mutually interaction relationship include contradictions of elementsstructure,, market structure, operation structure, industrial structure,, and social structure, andproblems of noncoordination from political system, economic system, cultural system,management system,etc.. Measures must be taken to optimize the exogenous environment topromote the growth of peasant entrepreneurs, and to enhance endogenous motivation topromote the development of county economy. At the same time, we should improve thesystem to resolve the structural contradictions, and deepen the reform to solve theinstitutional problems, so that promote benign interaction between the development ofpeasant entrepreneurs and county economy.
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