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Venture capital (VC) is a new kind investment vehicle, and it provides capital and non-capital services to venture company, and becomes an important power to promote innovation of technology and accelerate economic development. VC has been introduced into our country for almost 20 years, however the development of VC is still in the preliminary stage. Compared with USA and Israel, the number of VC, investment volume and the number of portfolio are smaller. Because of the high risk of VC, market failure exists. There is a phenomenon called“red apple effect”in our country, and that means VC mostly invest into entrepreneurs which are in later stage. As result, the seed-stage and start-up entrepreneurs cannot achieve enough capital, and the shortage constrains the transition from research to actual production. Many countries establish the leading fund to resolve the problem, to attract the investment from private sector. The leading fund and venture capital investors will incorporate a hybrid fund, which mainly invest into seed-stage and start-up entrepreneurs.
     Based on the sight of Common Agency, this paper researches the operational mechanism of venture capital leading fund, and achieves conclusions as follows:
     1. This paper points out that there is a kind of Common Agency relationship among leading fund, private sector investors and venture capitalist. There are three agent costs.
     2. The venture capitalist gets two tasks, one is to invest the enterpreises which are in later-stage, and the other is to invest the ones which are in early-stage. The second one is hard to observe. Based on the multi-task principle-agent model, this dissertation does researches about how to inspire the venture capitalist.
     3. Because of the common agency, so the traditional governance mechanism could not solve the conflict between leading fund and private sector investors. This paper points out that the mechanism of conflict management is important, and could induce the agency costs among the leading fund, private sector investors and venture capitalist.
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