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     本文认为:石油的价格是自然禀赋和国际政治、经济力量综合作用的结果,期货定价机制下国际油价常常剧烈波动,表现出物质金融二重属性。国际石油市场既存在相互联系和相似性,又具有自身的特征;GARCH模型可以有效地刻画WTI和Brent市场的价格波动风险,模型在扰动项条件正态分布和GED分布假设下能够较好地估计市场的VaR值,而条件t分布假设会得到过于保守的结果。由于我国石油对外依存度加深,我国成品油定价以Brent、Dubai、Minas三地原油价格的加权价格为基础,在我国成品油指数加权定价风险最小化模型下,我国应当选取三地权重比为0.2389: 0.5759: 0.1852的定价策略,此时,成品油价格波动达到最小值,能够实现成品油价格风险最小化的目标。
Oil is essential energy and raw materials to modern economy and society. With China’s economic growing, it is rapid growth in oil demand. Because of the relative scarcity of domestic resources, China has to depend on international markets. However, current international oil markets have been at sharp fluctuations. This is because oil as strategic materials is inherently scarce, also is the result of speculation. For oil resources are extremely unbalanced and the produce and markets are separated, price volatility be caused. Oil prices often deviated from its value for speculation, realizing the price discovery function of futures market and increasing volatility meanwhile.
     The oil industry, with its long connected industrial chain is the foundation of economy. So the volatility of oil prices inevitably weakens the economic stability. All countries try to protect its oil security by measures such as implementing energy conservation, establishing reserves, etc. Multinational oil companies manage oil price volatility actively in operating, not only do hedging but also reap speculative gains by following the oil prices accurately.
     In China’s oil and gas industry, the price risks management is an occurring problem. To protect oil security, China’s enterprises began international operation, how to estimate the volatility and manage price risks become new problems. Domestically, the futures market pricing system has not been established and there are many disadvantages being in current system, thus, time lag exists in the volatility of refined oil prices home to international markets. Further market-oriented reforms were carried out in pricing in Dec 2008, how to manage refined oil price risks to reduce the shocks is also an urgent problem.
     In this paper, qualitative and quantitative methodology was adopted. First, we reviewed previous studies, then described the running of international oil markets, including the participants, futures pricing, market running and oil companies’hedging and speculation, following we did research on China’s oil market and industry, some analysis was made about the three national oil companies. Second, we measured price risks by GARCH model in the data of WTI and Brent markets. Third, we did research on the problem of refined oil pricing and price risks management based on the portfolio idea under current refined oil pricing system. We proposed China’s refined oil exponential weighted pricing of risk minimization model and test the results by Monte Carlo simulation. The analysis also formed price risk management analysis framework in China's oil and gas industry.
     Follow the views. The price of oil is the result brought by endowments interplaying with international political and economic forces. International oil prices are at fluctuations, showing properties on material and finance. Although interrelation and similarities exist, each market has its own characteristic. We can effectively describe the volatility and estimate VaR of WTI and Brent oil markets by GARCH model at the assumption the disturbances were subjected to conditional normal and GED distribution, while Student’s t distribution was overly conservative. As China’s oil dependence growing, refined oil pricing has been based on weighted prices of crude oil in Brent, Dubai and Minas markets. In the exponential weighted model mentioned above, China should set the pricing weight ratio of 0.2389: 0.5759: 0.1852, at that moment the price volatility of refined oil reaches the minimum.
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