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With the fast aging trend in China, the topic of providing social security to the ages in rural China is being discussed by the scholars and policy makers. In late 2009, the State Council of China started the establishment of the New Rural Social Security System. And we would like to assess the effectiveness of the policy in this paper.
     This paper includes four chapters. In chapter one we introduce the background. We review the literatures on private provision of public goods, summarize the problems the traditional home-supported system is engaging in rural China and introduce the New Rural Social Security System to define the core problem we would like to solve in this paper.
     In chapter two we conducted a strategy analysis by implementing the tools provided by the private provision of public goods theory, and estimated the possibility of participation for the children in rural household and their parents'possibility of qualified for getting basic pension under existing policy requirement.
     In chapter three we reported the result of a field survey on the New Rural Social Security System in rural Ningxia, a province of China. By illustrating the actual behavior of the rural residents under different situations, we testify the results of strategy analysis. Also, the survey enriches our knowledge of the New Rural Social Security System.
     In chapter four we draw our conclusion. We discovered that the existing policy of New Rural Social Security System leads to lower participation rate than other possible policy choices. And we proposed some potential improvement could be made to increase the participation rate and the possibility for the olds to get their basic pension.
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    13“纯收入,指农村住户当年从各个来源得到的总收入相应地扣除所发生的费用后的收入总和。计算方法:纯收入=总收入-税费支出-家庭经营费用支出-生产性固定资产折旧-赠送农村内部亲友支出。纯收入主要用于再生产投入和当年生活消费支出,也可用于储蓄和各种非义务性支出。‘农民人均纯收入’是按人口平均的纯收入水平,反映的是一个地区农村居民的平均收入水平。”引自《中国统计年鉴2010》,http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/ndsj/2010/indexch.htm, 2011-3-28
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