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China’s market economy reform has experienced 30 years of ups and downs, released and developed the productive forces and achieved the rapid and stable development of China's economy. As a regional economic power, China’s market economy reform has taken place on the land of 9.6 million square kilometers, which benefited 1.3 billion people. The successful model of gradual reform and opening up adopted by China helps her avoid economic shirks and reduce risks and costs of reform. Such kind of model is highly affirmed by many countries and called the "China model" or "Beijing consensus ".
     Based on the history of China's reform and opening up process as a background, regarding the progressive change process of China's economic system as a clue, using the system economics, regional economics, discipline theory and method of regional economic geography, the major issues’influence of Chinese economic marketization reform to the regional economic strategy of China, regional economic opening up, regional economy concentration and regional economic development gap is discussed in this paper. By reviewing and summarizing economic marketization reform process the achievements and problems in every sector of the Chinese economy, it is concluded that perfect marketization reform, realize the region economy coordinated development policy measures, in order to enrich and develop the Chinese market economy theory and regional economic theory. Chapter one is to introduce the background and significance of this paper, to introduce the basic ideas, the main contents and methods, and limit the main related concepts and the research scope, and finally to point out the innovative points and the problems which need to be further studied.
     Chapter two is the analysis of china's economic marketization reform of space development strategy. The decision and influence is reviewed and summarize, which comes from the china economic marketization reform initial conditions, space starting point of China's economic marketization location choice and promote the gradual reform of China regional economic development pattern. On the initial condition of China’s economic market reform, the important effect of the target orientation and route choice of China’s economic market reform for China's regional economic development strategy is mainly analyzed. And the location selection problem of space starting point is analyzed and summarized for China's economic marketization reform.
     In the third chapter, the Chinese economic marketization reform regional opening effect is analyzed. On the base of the general theory analysis of regional open problems, combined with the practice of China's economic marketization reform, the influence of the economic maketization reform to the international opening up and domestic interregional opening up is analyzed. The achievements and experience of regional economy opening up in China is reviewed and summarized, and the market lacerate problem existed in regional economic opening up is also analyzed. The efficiency significance of economic marketization reform for the promotion of regional opening up and the development of regional economic is proved. But the path of progressive reform promotes the increase of the disparity of regional economic development, through the opening up region, which is disadvantageous to the fair between the regions. In China, on the background of actively adjustment for the export-oriented economic development mode, relying on the domestic market, and actively promoting domestic interregional opening up, eliminating regional market, constructing the domestic uniform market have the important realistic significance, which is the mark of China's economic marketization and the basic condition of the realization of the regional coordinated development.
     Chapter four is the analysis of regional conglomeration effect of China's economic marketization reform. On the basis of related theory radix in regional economy concentration problems, the effect of China's economic marketization reform to regional economy concentration and urban economic gathering was analyzed. The important meaning of proved, which caused by the regional economy concentration efficiency to China's economic development; But the gradual reform by the formation of the system also helped economic resources fall to the regions with better market conditions, thus further intensifies the cluster regional economic differences and development gap between rural and urban areas. China's future regional relations and the relationship between urban and rural areas should eliminate the current various pitfalls, finally in concentration to balance.
     Chapter five is the imbalance effect analysis of market-oriented reform of China's economy. The impact of China’s economy marketization reform to the regional disparity is analyzed. Through the analysis of the history of regional economic disparity evolution process in the economy process of marketization reform, and comprehensive utilization of Gina coefficient and Their Index for mathematical model analysis, the economic market reform and the correlation of Chinese regional economic disparity of regional economy is proved. And through the analysis of present gap and future development trend of regional economic, the basis of empirical study is found in order to achieve the strategy analysis of regional coordinated development.
     Chapter six is the basic conclusion, policy revelation and research prospect. As the conclusion of this paper, on the basis of chapter five, this chapter conclude the basic results of research, and combined Chinese economic marketization reform ultimate goal orientation and overall request of China regional economic development strategy, guided by the scientific development concept, on the base of the experience of foreign regional harmonious development, how to realize the harmonious development of regional economic are specific discussed. Finally, according to the limitation and shortage of this research process, the research prospect is proposed.
     In this whole paper, through the analysis of the regional effects economic marketization reform, the institutional economics and regional economics with China’s characteristics are unified to the great practice of regional development of China, the market economy theory and regional economic theory are enriched and developed, the corresponding theoretical contributions are made to finally realize regional economic integration of the country between efficiency and area space with the harmonious development between urban and rural areas.
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