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Because of social and cultural factors, the interpersonal communication of Chinese has the notable characteristics of unofficial organization groups. There are differences between the eastern and the western countries in the balance of social relation. In western countries, the equal relation between people is emphasized, while in China, the relationship between people has clearly social classification. Chinese like keeping their own cycles for self-protection, social association, or for their own development. They obey the common behavior standards in the group and protect the benefit of the group, but exclude the things and people out groups. Various groups make up of the interpersonal relation as the unofficial organization in modern society. Groups are put into the social background, which exert a positive or negative effect on the social development. Through groups, we can survey the base and the structure of interpersonal unofficial organization clearly and know how the organization runs and changes and even the relationship between different organizations. Better understanding of groups can help people take advantage of self power and outside power to influence groups, decreasing the negative effect and increasing the positive effect of groups. On the contrary, if people are confused by groups, they will have some trouble. Therefore, the research of groups aims at probing into the social sources of groups, exploring the essence of groups and explaining the nature of interpersonal unofficial organization.
     The materials cited in the thesis are mainly from literature and are compared and contrasted comprehensively. There are two dimensions in comparison; (1) the synchronic analysis of groups; the nature, characteristics and types of groups and relation between groups are analyzed in different aspects in the same times. The research put groups in certain context to talk about their property and controlling in specific surroundings. (2) the diachronic analysis of groups; the research probes into different characteristics of groups in different times, analyzing the historical changes of Chinese unofficial organization in interpersonal communication and the effect on modern unofficial organization in interpersonal communication.
     The thesis begins with the relation of interpersonal communication and forms of its organization, basing on the internal motivation and reveals the unofficial organization in interpersonal communication---- the definition and the characteristics of groups. The research takes the groups of friends, the group of politics and the group of commerce for example to explain these different forms of groups, positive and negative effect of theirs, and strategies of controlling groups systematically. The research concludes unofficial organization in interpersonal communication---- groups in the diachronic and synchronic dimensions, which contributes to the communication theory and social development.
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