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Great changes is and has taken place in the environment of engineering education, the engineering education mode is changing from "science paradigm" to "engineering paradigm", which has produced a series of new models, represented by CDIO, but the implementation of engineering education paradigm shifts requires an integrated transformation platform, therefore, the study and construction of transformation platform adapting to China's national conditions are of important value and practical urgency.
     In such a logical background, this study, with the help of history of literature and the NVivo software tools based on Grounded Theory, dug out transformation platform's composition elements and environmental supporting elements, successfully constructed an adaptive transformation platform, and introduced certain strategies for platform operation and policy recommendations. It is not so much made for CDIO model, as for the overall engineering education paradigm, CDIO model is just an elected primer.
     The key to construct transformation platform is how to choose a number of impact factors as supporting elements of transformation platform of engineering education mode. This paper first research on the relevant theory and review the history and reality of exploration practice, then use the idea of roadmap to look for the direction of elements mining and policy adjustment.
     Based on the historical background of engineering education occurrence and development, the paper discussed two paradigm transformations(or two revolutions) of engineering education, from "technological paradigm" to "science paradigm", then to "engineering paradigm", especially the policy background and practice of contemporary engineering education trahsformation(the second engineering education revolution), recognized the realities of engineering education development and its revolution driving force, revealed that engineering education paradigm transformation has its deep historical reason and social inevitability. Through the analysis of a great number of literature, several models innovation in the progress of engineering education transformation were set out, such as Holistic engineering education, Engineering education with the big E, etc; a number of the best practices of highly influential and representative were introduced; the generation, development background and rich connotation of CDIO mode were introduced in detail, as well as the CDIO trial practice in China, simultaneously paper shows the theory foundation and the practice soil of CDIO (as a typical innovative mode in the second revolution of the current engineering education)emergence, and reveals the innovative content and times value of CDIO mode. The theory preparation and practice review laid the foundation and pointed out the direction for the study of paradigm transformation platform.
     Regard to the elements mining and the construction of platform, the study first introduced internationally popular social science Qualitative Research methods, namely Grounded Theory and the NVivo software based on this theory. Through three coding of open coding, axial coding and selective coding, twenty one typical literature (including18in English and3in Chinese) were dug in-depth, which can reflect the authority of research topic of engineering education transformation, and represent the mainstream opinions of international community, but according to the grounded theory, the result of this coding theory is the five constructive elements and three environmental supporting elements of transformation platform. They are respectively remodeling undergraduate curriculum, recognition of teaching and teachers incentives, teaching methods, students learning evaluation and incentives, university culture change, and national strategy, financial support and social participation.
     For the best adaption of transformation platform in China, we put forward the constructive suggestions about five main elements'position and role in the constitution of platform, main contents, implementation approachs and highlights, as well as theory preparation and specific operations in the process of construction, and present the constitutive graphic transformation platform(figure of platform). Curriculum provision is the core content of realizing transformation platform, teachers'policy is the key and bottleneck to achieve transformation platform, teaching methods are the difficulty of classroom teaching reform, learning academic evaluation is the key point to incentive students actively participate in the reform, university culture reform plays fundamental and guaranteed role in the reconstruction of platform.
     By the application of transformation platform and the analysis of policy environment, the study suggests that colleges and universities who adapting the transform the platform should first grasp three application strategies, namely (1) reform should choose "the upper first, then the upper and lower interaction";(2) colleges and universities should make comprehensive judgment, and make choices independently, that's to choose C,D,I,O different focus modes according to their different position, different industry demandes, characteristics of different subjects;(3) colleges and universities should possess courage to reform, but it need to combine their reality to grasp the dynamic and pace of reform.
     Finally, the study combed and analyzed the policy environment faced by colleges and universities, proposed the macro policies and micro policies adjustments suggestions respectively to the education authorities and university administration departments about the supporting policies for colleges and universities to better using transform platform, including resource allocation policy, evaluation and assessment, incentive policies, daily management, etc.
     The paper works for providing a new cognition about engineering education, providing a new methodology used for the policy design to successfully learn CDIO mode; thus the transformation platform constructed with Chinese-style adaptation provides reference framework of analysis and problem solving to the related education management practice, provides the theoretical guidance and action guide for colleges and universities in China to effectively organize and implement engineering education paradigm transformation, and to improve the quality of Chinese engineering education.
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