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     To know the reproductive health status among rural married reproductive women in Hebei province and explore its influencing factors , and to provide the scientific basis for government departments to establish the strategies and measures of reproductive health.
     In Hebei province range, 966 rural married reproductive women, aged from 20 to 49 years old ,were selected with the multi-stage cluster sampling method and investigated by face-to-face with the questionnaire designed by ourselves, which included the demographic characteristics( age, nationality, education, occupation, marriage and family year income), reproductive health summarized as fertility regulation, women care, genital infection, reproductive health services. All the survey data were checked and analyzed with SPSS13.0 statistical packages,χ2 test and multivariate Logistic regression were used to analyze the affecting factors.
     1 Demographic characteristics: There are some survey relate to age, education, occupation, and family income, etc. Among them, the age of 30 to 39 is in highest number, and the average age is 33.85 + 68.5 years. Professional: fainters constitute the majority; Education degree: the most is middle and high school, and the high school is higher; Marriage: first-marriage families is 90%, with incomes is generally low.
     2 Fertility regulation situation: In HeBei province reproductive Women who knowledge about masses contraceptive are not high, which know the contraceptive methods as four, three, two and one is as follows: the proportion is 32% 53.2%, 79.5%,and 100.0%. Married Reproductive Women mostly are contraceptive, most of whom are female sterilization (contain intrauterine device)" and "condom". About contraceptive methods, 20.97% of them can only make decision by themselves, and the others made decision by the staff’s suggestion or policy. 34.5% of them suggestion is satisfaction. Abortion aspects: 36.3% of reproductive Women once made abortion (including drug abortion) or induced labor, 14.9% of whom have done more than 2 times and 2 times. The main reason for the artificial abortion are "violation planning policy" and "contraceptive failure causes accidental pregnancy", accounted for 76 % of the total.
     3 Maternity and child care situation: In this survey, 78.3% of Women are pregnant. 620 people of them only received antenatal examination. And they first delivery locations are mainly concentrated in township hospital, other general hospital and family planning service station, accounted for 77% of the total.
     4 Genital infection: A commendable 47.3% of people attended a regularly gynaecological check-up in recent one year, and found 439 people with various gynecological diseases, mainly for: menstruation, vaginitis, the chronic pelvic inflammation, gynecological tumors etc give priority to, and 60% of them chose to go to a hospital for treatment. About 90% investigation objects were heard about venereal disease and AIDS awareness, but the mastering of knowledge about transmitted and prevention method of aspects were very low.
     5 Reproductive health service status: 37.7% of total number of married reproductive women hoped to know the knowledge about reproductive health is "sexual psychology, physiological"most, and 48.5% of them hoped to gain most channels of reproductive health knowledge for "radio, TV".And they could choose "professional high" "specialized subject hospital" firstly when they met the reproductive health problems.
     6 Analysis of reproductive health:Take rural women of reproductive age who are suffering from gynecological diseases as the dependent variable, apply logistic regression to analysis factors. Results: The main factors for married women of reproductive age suffering from gynecological diseasesge are: first marriage age, contraception and abortion.
     1 The child-bearing age overall reproductive health of rural women in Hebei province was not optimistic, and reproductive health related knowledge grasping level was low, and sick medical consciousness was difference, and reproductive health services utilization behavior need further improvement.
     2 First marriage age, contraceptive measures, and the history of abortion is married reproductive women on the disease of department of gynaecology main factors.
     3 It is necessary to educate reproductive women for the weak link in rural reproductive health to improve the contraceptive efficiency, and reduce the abortion rates, and delay the marriage and childbearing, and improve the reproductive health of reproductive women.
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