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With the evolution from the era of industrial economy to the era of informationeconomy, information technology innovation and application popularity, convergencephenomenon constantly emerging. Although many scholars have done a lot of research onconvergence, most scholars just pay attention to the study of the industrial convergencephenomenon of media industry. Based on the study of the industrial convergence phenomenonof media industry, many scholars launched research along their professional direction andideas, such as agriculture industry, energy industry, service industry, finance industry, logisticsindustry, etc.
     The logistics activity are closely related to the enterprise of production and salesactivities, and People's Daily life quality. One hundred years ago, Dr. Sun Yat-sen took“smooth flow of goods” as one of the programme of founding country. One hundred yearslater, logistics industry was acclaimed as “the third profits source” in the development ofcompany and “accelerator” in the economic development. Logistics is an important part of theservice industry. Logistics is not only an important area of promoting national economicdevelopment, optimizating industrial structure, but also the key of economic developmentstrategy. The logistics industry is closely related to the development of agriculture industry,manufacture industry and commercial industry, etc. Judging from its inner attributes, logisticsindustry system development itself has the characteristics of convergence. However, the paperstudy found that the specialized literature on logistics industry convergence is rare. Theexisted literature on logistics industry convergence are short of the enough attention on thecharacters and the background of logistics industry so that it is hard to fully reveal the driversof logistics industry convergence phenomenon. And the study on path and the way mostlyapply mechanically the general research achievements of industrial convergence. And thestudy on upgrading of the logistics industrial structure is rarely discussed under thebackground of convergence and lack of quantitative research. Due to the above study, thepaper tries to analysize the drivers, the way, and the upgrading of logistics structure under thebackground of logistics industrial convergence. Specific content as follows.
     Factors of drivers’ analysis on logistics industry convergence mainly reveal the causes oflogistics industry convergence phenomenon. The research content takes national economydevelopment process of logistics industry convergence driver factor as the main line unfolds,to logistics functions in history, based on the analysis of the internal and external incentive factors of logistics industry convergence, and constructs the logistics industry convergencedynamic model. This section is the foundation of the research.
     Logistics industry convergence evolution path analysis is the analysis of the convergencegenerating process. The evolution path analysis content include the essence of process andenterprise choice. Because the internal and external incentive drivers of logistics industryconvergence are all reflected through micro operation subject, mainly based onself-organization theory, from microcosmic angle of logistics industry, convergence process ofnature and logistics industry convergence model were analyzed.
     Logistics convergence effective analysis is based on logistics industry congvergenceinternal incentive factors and external incentive factors commonly role, with logistics industrystructure evolution of dynamic model and analysis of logistics industry according to demandof logistics industry convergence innovation mode structure evolution impact, and revealssocial and economic effect from the logistics industry convergence.
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