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Rural land transfer problem is one of critical problems which are close related to deepening reform in China at this stage. While the global economy structure is brewing great change, and in across the country, the economy transition, industry restructuring as well as the domestic demand expanding, deepening reform of management system of rural land transfer is not only an inevitable trend of social development, but also meeting the objective requirements of economic law under the background of overall integrating urban and rural development and building a new socialist countryside. This paper aims to further study the theory of mechanism operation and system design of rural land transfer being accordance with realistic characteristics and developing law in China, and also to provide some positive practical edification. The paper is conducted at the basis of reference to existing research achievements, and combine analytical tools such as qualitative and quantitative analysis, on-the-spot investigation and case analysis, expert consultation and depth interview. Meanwhile, the development thread of the market of rural land transfer is re-arranged, some basic theory of rural land transfer is analyzed and defined, and the major problems of rural land transfer are also intensive studied in this dissertation.
     On those bases, firstly, taking advantage of information economics theory, the connotation and feature of rural land transfer are studied under the analysis perspective from principal and agent. Secondly, the question on how to design a set of reasonable incentive and supervision mechanisms to promote rural land transfer is studied under the economic environment and constraint condition that is free choice, voluntary exchange and asymmetric information. Thirdly, taking rural land transfer from Chongqing Jiangjin modern agricultural garden as example, the effective mechanisms of how to increase and guarantee to improve farmers’earnings are studied in the perspective of agriculture industrialization management, lease and share of rural land, farmers’skills training and social security. Fourthly, a case is studied on Chongqing land use permit, which included the analysis of main practice and results that Chongqing pilot area have obtained. At last, the main conclusions are summarized, and some related inspirations and prospects are also proposed.
     The main results of study on the cases of rural land transfer show the following facts. On one hand, through reasonable guiding of the right of rural land to transfer, urban and rural resources could be overall integrated, the basic role of market mechanism in resources distribution could be applied, various forms of appropriate-scale operation could be developed, the shift from traditional agriculture that is scattered and weak to modern agriculture that is intensive and industrialized will be promoted, the sustainability of effective use of rural land in its quantity, quality and production capacity will be maintained, and the long-term mechanisms of sustainable increasing of farmers’incomes will be established and improved. On the other hand, by developing steadily the circulation and transaction of land use permit, the spatial layout of urban and rural construction land will be overall integrated, the economical and intensive use of rural construction land will be promoted, the capital value of right to make use of rural collective construction land will be activated, a new mechanism of farmland protection will be established, farmers’legal rights and interests will be guaranteed, the countryside and farmers’dominant status of participating into the process of industrialization, urbanization, marketization will be endowed by making use of the right of rural collective construction land, and the results of economic and social reform development will be enjoyed together.
     The main innovation points of study are as following: (1) The development thread of the market of rural land transfer is reviewed, the inherent mechanisms of principal agent relationship of rural land transfer are explained, and the operation mechanisms of market of rural land transfer are analyzed. (2) The qualitative analysis framework and quantitative decision model of the mechanisms of incentive and supervision about appropriate-scale operator are established, and a series of technical conclusions are obtained by setting the output function about rural land, the payment function about rural collective economic organizations, and the utility function about appropriate-scale operator. (3) The relationship between rural land productivity and the major economic variables affecting the level of appropriate-scale operation of rural land are clarified, and the effects of economic variables on appropriate-scale operators’decision behavior are revealed by using the method of Pearson correlation coefficient.
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