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Choices are made by everyone every day. The choice behavior and itsconsequences can have little or great impact on the decision-makers. People logicallybelieve that all kinds of choices can help them make decisions easier, and they'll bemuch happier. In other word, the more choice, the better. It's always enchanting to ownthe rights to choose. While recent researches do not approve that.
     The behavior of decision-maker has long been a study subject both in the scienceof psychology and economics. The latest research has divided decision-maker into twodifferent types—maximizers and satisficers. Maximizers seek for the utmost result fromdecision-making, whereas satisficers simply settle for good enough. I borrowed theMaximizing Scale invented by Schwartz et al., and analyzed the differences of the twotypes in emotional experience and the involvement in social comparison. The results areas follows:
     1. Decision-makers can be divided into two types: maximizers and satisficers, theformer seek for the utmost result from decision-making, whereas satisficers simplysettle for good enough. There is not a distinction line between the two types; here Idiscuss the two types as two directions of tendencies.
     2. There are distinctive differences in the emotional experience of maximizers andsatisficers. The data analysis shows that maximizing is positively related to depressionand regret; indicating maximizers are more exposed to the emotion of depression andregret. Still, maximizing is negatively related to happiness, indicating maximizers aretend to be unhappy and less satisfied than satisficers.
     3. During the decision-making process, maximizers involve themselves more thansatisficers do in social comparison to attain information for the judgment of their action,or even of themselves as persons. Further, maximizers are more sensitive and fragile tothe negative effect of social comparison.
     With the rapid development of science and technology, people are freer than anypasted times to have their own rights of choices. In the meantime they report moreunhappiness and less satisfaction with life. The reason of the phenomenon may lie in the abundance of choice people face nowadays, as well as their choice tendency types indecision-making process. It is of everybody's concern for oneself to flourish both in thematerial and the mental world.
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