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Automatic human face recognition is attractive in pattern recognition and image processing and has a broad prospect in the application in reality.
    In this paper, first, the content and development of automatic human face recognition are introduced briefly; then, a survey of automatic human face detection and recognition is given; second, the application of neural network in automatic human face recognition is talked about; last, it is discussed in detail about the system of human face personal identification based on the biomimetic pattern recognition.
    In this paper several views are given as follows:
    1. In this paper, the feature are found rapidly and rightly through the definition of the complexity of picture . It provides a strong support for the adjustment of posture and the feature extraction.
    2. A new method of the feature extraction from human face is presented. It firstly finds out the centers of organ and the subtle of the features are considered as face features.
    3. In this paper, three video cameras are used in order to describe faces more completely than two video cameras.
    4. The neural network based on the biomimetic pattern recognition principles is built. The biomimetic pattern recognition makes recognition from the views of "matter cognition" instead of "matter classification", which analyzes and cognizes the high dimensional geometrical distribution that consists of the sample sets in the high dimensional feature space. It provides the theoretic basis of building the neural network based on high dimensional theory.
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