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全文从成矿规律与找矿勘查实践相结合的角度,通过综合分析与研究、系统野外地质调查,大量岩石簿片与光片的鉴定,室内地球化学测试、同位素测年(锆石SHRIMP U-Pb法),对北武夷地区铜多金属矿床的成矿规律与找矿方向进行了系统总结和详细的阐述。全文综述了北武夷地区的成矿地质背景(区域地层、构造与岩浆活动)、地球物理与地球化学和遥感影像特征及矿产分布。重点剖析了永平、铁砂街、冷水坑、生米坑、梨子坑等以铜铅锌银为主的典型矿床地质特征和矿床成因,取得了新认识和成果。提出永平地区存在一个受叠瓦式逆冲推覆岩片构造控制的斑岩+矽卡岩成矿系统,具有“铜早钼晚”的成矿特点,燕山期构造-岩浆热液的叠加改造作用为主要成矿作用,成矿模式为矽卡岩型铜硫(钨)+斑岩型钼矿。同位素测年表明永平铜矿区混合岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为430.5±6.9 Ma,属于加里东期形成;研究表明“十字头岩体”为一复式花岗质岩体,存在花岗闪长斑岩;永平铜矿石硫同位素δ34S变化于-0.2‰~2.1‰,源于深源硫。铁砂街组绢云千枚岩锆石SHRIMP年龄902±23 Ma、细碧岩锆石SHRIMP年龄1153.4±38.4 Ma,属中元古代产物。
     同位素测年表明黄岗山火山盆地—铜钹山火山盆地早白垩世发生了火山——次火山(斑岩)型铜铅锌多金属成矿事件。生米坑铅锌矿床的成矿岩体——粗面斑岩岩体锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为138.3±1.4 Ma,地球化学特征显示生米坑火山——侵入岩属于贫钠富钾的S型花岗岩、钙碱性系列岩石、轻稀土富集型;Eu普遍亏损。蔡家坪铅锌矿床的成矿岩体——流纹斑岩岩体锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为137Ma。
The thesis has summarized and elucidated metallogenic regularities and prospecting orientation of copper polymetal mineral resources in the northern Wuyi region through comprehensive analysis and research, the systematic field geological survey, identification of rock thin sections and polished sections, indoor geochemical test, isotopic dating (zircon SHRIMP U- Pb method).
     The thesis has summed up the ore-forming geological background (regional strata, regional structure, regional magmatism ), geophysicl and geochemical features, remote sensing image and distributoin of mineral resources of the northern Wuyi region, on the basis of analyzing the geology characteristics and genesis of the typical Cu polymetallic deposits in Yongping, Lengshuikeng, Shengmikeng and Lizikeng, etc. Some new understanding and achievement are acquired.
     Papers put forward that there exists a porphyry and skarn metallogenic system under control of the imbricate thrust sheet in Yongping area, with the metallogenic features of“copper early molybdenum later”. Among them Yanshanian tectono-magmatic hydrothermal superimposed transformation function as the main mineralization, and the metallogenic models are skarn type copper sulphur (w) and porphyry molybdenum mine. Isotope-dating shows that SHRIMP U-Pb age of Zircons from migmatite in Yongping Copper Mine is age of 430.5±6.9 Ma, which is the formation of the Caledonian. The research indicates the "Shizhitou rock" as a duplex granitic pluton, where exists granodiorite porphyry . The sulfur isotopeδ34S in the area are beteen -0.2‰~ 2.1‰, that is from magmatic. SHRIMP U-Pb age of Zircons from the sercite phylite in the Tieshajie formation is age of 902±23 Ma and the age from spilite of it is 1153.4±38.4 Ma, which are products of Mesoproterozoic.
     Isotope-dating shows Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic mineralization events existed between Mount.Huang gang volcanic basin and Mount. Tong bo volcanic basin in the early Cretaceous period,The genesis type is volcano - subvolcanic (porphyry) type. Pb-Zn deposit metallogenic mass in Shengmikeng is trachyporphyry. SHRIMP U-Pb age of Zircons from trachyporphyry is 138.3±1.4 Ma. Geochemical characteristics indicate that the volcanic- intrusion rocks in Shengmikeng deposit are“S-type”granite which are depleted in sodium , enriched in potassium and LREE . Those rocks in Shengmikeng deposit are of the calc-alkaline series and Eu of them is general depleted .The age of ore-bearing rhyolite porphyry zircon SHRIMPU - Pb is 137Ma in Caijiaping.
     Papers summarized copper polymetallic mineralization rules of the Northern Wuyi region. The formation, evolution output and spread of the copper polymetallic deposits in time shows that the characteristic of polyphasic mineralization and the large-scale mineralization in the middle-Jurassic and early- Cretaceous. It also shows accumulative deposits in the margin of block and volcanic basin along NNE and near EW compound zone spatially; it shows superimposing in multiple epochs and polymerizing in varied kinds. The excellent geological conditions of large deposits-forming are compound ore-controlling of strike-slip shearing– extension and nappe tectonics, and superimposed and compound multi-level tectonic environment.
     Finally yongping, Tieshajie and Lengshuikeng metallogenic prediction model are built. The paper divides the northern Wuyi area of Jiangxi, determined 2 metallogenic belts which is in fourth rank and delineates 11 metallogenic prospecting areas which is in fifth rank(there are 4 A order metallogenic prospecting areas , 5 B order metallogenic prospecting areas and 2 C order metallogenic prospecting areas),then demonstrates the ore Prospecting of Cu polymetallic deposit; The paper estimates the resources Preliminarily, the results show that the prospecting potential of Cu polymetallic deposit is huge in north Wuyi area .
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