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公元43年至约公元410年,不列颠岛的大部分作为罗马帝国的一个行省——“不列颠尼亚”(Britiannia)而存在,因而也被称作“罗马不列颠”(Roman Britain)。在罗马的统治下,罗马的物质文化和精神文化不断渗透到不列颠当地人的生活中,致使不列颠在政治、经济、文化各方面都被不同程度地罗马化了。本文的目的即在于较系统地探究不列颠行省的罗马化状况,尤其是在城镇和宗教方面的罗马化,进而总结不列颠行省罗马化的特点。
From AD 43 to about AD 410,the major part of the Great Britain was a province called“Britannia”of Rome Empire, and was also called“Roman Britain”. Under the Roman Rule, the material and spiritual culture of Romans permeated into the life of the native people, which led to the Romanization of Britainnia in politics, economy and culture in varying degrees. The paper is aimed at studying the Romanization of the Britainnia, especially how the towns and religion became Romanized, and further summarizing the features of the Romanization of Roman Britain.
     The first part gives a brief narration of the History of the Rome Conquest of Britain, including the Pre-Roman Britain, Caesar’s invasions, Claudius’s conquest of Britain and the establishment of the new Province.
     The second part analyses the management mode which Rome governed Britainnia. The writer elaborates the duties of the Governors and other key officials of Britainnia, the tax measures, the establishments of the tribe-cantons (civitas) and the provincial council, and the construction of Roman Roads.
     The third part discoursed upon the establishments of Roman towns of Roman Britain and has a discussion on the Roman villas in the countryside.
     The Fourth part analyses the Romanization of the Province in the aspects of languages, religion and art.
     The Romans not only brought long peace to Britannia, but also introduced the civilization to the barbaric Britons who still lived in the Iron Age. Britain existed as a province of the great empire for nearly four centuries, during which the Romanization developed and its civilization progressed, and the cultural exchanges and economic interaction between it and the other parts of the empire became more common. So we can see, Roman Britain has a long ,rich and vivid history that worth researching, and the studying of the Romanization of Britainnia will give us a better understanding of the Britain in its early stage of civilization as well as the governing techniques that Romans used in provincial administration.
①参见Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth , The Oxford University Classical Dictionary, New York : Oxford University Press, 2003, p1321.
    ②Ray Laurence and Joanne Berry, Culture Identity in the Roman Empire, London and New York : Routledge, 2001, p111.
    ④参见Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth , The Oxford University Classical Dictionary, p1321.
    ①参见Graham Webster, The Roman Invasion of Britain, London: Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd, 1980, p31,p33.
    ②参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallia_Belgica, 2011-3-1.
    ④布立吞人(Britons),指铁器时期至中世纪早期生活在大不列颠岛的福斯湾(约位于北纬56度,英格兰与苏格兰地区的交界处)以南的凯尔特人。参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britons_(historical), 2011-3-1.
    ⑤Caesar, The Gallic War, With an English translation by H. J. Edward, Cambridge(Massachusetts), London(England): Harvard University Press, 2006, p147.
    ②参见Graham Webster, The Roman Invasion of Britain, London: Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd, 1980, p34-35.
    ⑤H. H. Scullard, Roman Britain : outpost of the Empire, London :Thames and Hudson, 1979, p26.
    ④Graham Webster, The Roman Invasion of Britain, p46.
    ①Dio Cassius, Dio’s Roman History, (Volume VII), Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006, p417.
    ③David Shotter, Roman Britain, 2nd ed., London and New York : Routledge, 2004, p21.
    ④Suetonius, Claudius,17.转引自[美]克里斯托弗·A·斯奈德:《不列颠人:传说和历史》,第35页。
    ⑥[英]迈克尔·格兰特:《罗马史》,王乃新、郝际陶译,上海人民出版社,2008 ,第223页。
    ①David Shotter, Roman Britain, p24.
    ②Alan K. Bowman, Edward Champlin, Andrew Lintott , The Cambridge Ancient History(Vol X:The Augustan Empire 43B.C.-A.D.69 , 2nd ed., Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996, p509.
    ③F.Haverfield, The Romanization of Roman Britain , 4th ed., Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1923, p24.
    ④David Shotter, Roman Britain, p63.
    ①Peter Salway, Roman Britain, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1981,List of Maps: Map VII.
    ②参见R.G. Collingwood , Roman Britain and the English settlements, 2nd ed., Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1937, p292.
    ④A Dictionary of World History, second edition, New York : Oxford University Press, 2006, p545.
    ③H. H. Scullard, Roman Britain : outpost of the Empire, p47.
    ④R.G.Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p162.
    ②David Shotter, Roman Britain, p55.
    ④R.G.Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p163.
    ①R.G.Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p164.
    ②Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, Oxford ; Westport, Conn.: Greenwood World, 2008, p56.
    ③Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p55.
    ④R.G.Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements , p242.
    ⑤R.G.Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements , p242.
    ⑦R.G.Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements , p164.
    ⑧R.G.Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements , p164.
    ①拉丁文civitas的英文意为“罗马化的部落”(“Romanised tribes”),参见David Shotter, Roman Britain, p56.
    ②Peter Salway, Roman Britain, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1981, p535.
    ③参见Peter Salway, Roman Britain, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1981, p537.
    ④F.Haverfield, ,The Romanization of Roman Britain , 4th ed.,Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1923, p60.
    ⑤David Shotter, Roman Britain, p61.
    ①T.W. Potter and Catherine Johns., Roman Britain, London : British Museum Press, 1992, p80.
    ②I.A.Richmond, Roman Britain, Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1955, p69.
    ④Peter Garnsey and Richard Saller, The Roman Empire:Economy,Society and Culture, Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press,1987,p166.
    ⑤I.A.Richmond, Roman Britain, p69-70.
    ②G.H.Stevenson, Roman provincial administration: till the age of the Antonines, Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1939, p130.
    ①Peter Salway, Roman Britain, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981, p565.
    ②Peter Salway, Roman Britain, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981, p566.
    ③http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_roads_in_Britain, 2011-3-4.
    ③Malcolm Todd , A companion to Roman Britain, Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2004, p182.
    ④David Shotter, Roman Britain, p59.
    ①R. G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p164.
    ②David Shotter, Roman Britain, 2nd ed., London and NewYork : Routledge, 2004, p59-60.
    ③G.H.Stevenson, Roman provincial administration: till the age of the Antonines, p129.
    ④参见R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p165,以及A. L. F. Rivet, Town and country in Roman Britain, London : Hutchinson University Library, 1958, p65.
    ⑤David Shotter, Roman Britain, p61.
    ⑥David Shotter, Roman Britain, p56.
    ①I. A. Richmond, Roman Britain, p67.
    ②Malcolm Todd, Roman Britain55BC-AD400: The Province beyond Ocean, Glasgow: Fontana Paperbacks , 1981, p123.
    ③R. G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p198.
    ④Tacitus, The Annals, (Vol XIV) , Harvard University Press, 2006, p169.
    ⑤Sheppard Frere , Britannia: A history of Roman Britain, 3rd ed., extensively rev., London ; New York : Routledge & Kegan Paul ,1987, p253.
    ⑥参见http://www.roman-britain.org/romano-british-settlement.htm, 2011-4-5.
    ⑦Philip Crummy,“The Origins of Some Major Romano-British Towns”, Britannia, Vol. 13 ,1982, pp. 130.
    ⑧I.A.Richmond, Roman Britain, p82.
    ①参见R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p197和T.W. Potter and Catherine Johns., Roman Britain,p75.
    ②Peter Salway, Roman Britain, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1981, p575.
    ③Sheppard Frere, Britannia :A history of Roman Britain, p250.
    ①Lindsay Allason-Jones, .Daily life in Roman Britain, p68.
    ②R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p243.
    ⑤Malcolm Todd , A companion to Roman Britain, p175.
    ⑥http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_roads_in_Britain, 2011-3-4.
    ①Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p65.
    ②Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p65.
    ③R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p192.
    ④LindsayAllason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p65.
    ⑤H. H.Scullard, Roman Britain : outpost of the Empire, p99.
    ⑥Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p66.
    ①Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p67.
    ②Sheppard Frere, Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p297.
    ③Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p58.
    ④Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p59.
    ①H. H. Scullard, Roman Britain : outpost of the Empire, p113.
    ②Jennifer Laing, Art and society in Roman Britain, Stroud, Gloucestershire : Sutton Publishing Limited, 1997, p96.
    ③R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p215.
    ④转引自R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p215.
    ①参见E.W. Black:“Villa Owers:Romano-British Gentleman and Officers”, Britannia, Vol. 25, (1994), pp. 99-110.
    ②参见R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p216.
    ③R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p217.
    ④转引自Jennifer Laing, Art and society in Roman Britain, p93.
    ①Jennifer Laing, Art and society in Roman Britain, p103-104.
    ②R.G Collingwood., The archaeology of Roman Britain, New York : Lincon Macveagh The DialPress, 1930, p114.
    ①R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p218.
    ②R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p218.
    ③Sheppard Frere,Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p301.
    ④Sheppard Frere,Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p302.
    ⑤Sheppard Frere,Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p301.
    ①Sheppard Frere,Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p302.
    ②Sheppard Frere,Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p302.
    ①参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romano-British, 2011-4-5.
    ②F.Haverfield, The Romanization of Roman Britain , p29.
    ③Peter Salway, Roman Britain, p506.
    ④F.Haverfield, The Romanization of Roman Britain , p29.
    ①F.Haverfield, The Romanization of Roman Britain , p31.
    ②F.Haverfield, The Romanization of Roman Britain , p31.
    ③参见Sheppard Frere, Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p303-304.
    ①F.Haverfield, The Romanization of Roman Britain , p34.
    ①LindsayAllason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p111.
    ②R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p261.
    ③转引自H. H.Scullard, Roman Britain : outpost of the Empire, p154.
    ④Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p119.
    ①Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p120.
    ②转引自Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p125.
    ③Sheppard Frere, Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p313.
    ④Lindsay Allason-Jones, Daily life in Roman Britain, p121.
    ⑤Sheppard Frere, Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p316.
    ①R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p269.
    ②R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p264.
    ③R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p261.
    ①H. H. Scullard, Roman Britain : outpost of the Empire, p165.
    ②吉尔达斯(Gildas,500-570),不列颠教士,是公元6世纪不列颠基督教教会史中被描写得最明确的人物之一。参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gildas, 2011-4-3.
    ③参见R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p271.
    ①R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p270.
    ②H. H. Scullard, Roman Britain : outpost of the Empire, p165.
    ③Sheppard Frere, Britannia : a history of Roman Britain, p321.
    ④参见R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p272-273.
    ①Sheppard Frere, Britannia : a history of Roman Britain, p322.
    ②Sheppard Frere, Britannia : a history of Roman Britain, p323.
    ③R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p254.
    ④Sheppard Frere, Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p307.
    ①R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p247.
    ②Sheppard Frere, Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p307.
    ③H. H. Scullard, Roman Britain : outpost of the Empire, p150.
    ①Sheppard Frere, Britannia : A history of Roman Britain, p308.
    ②亚瑟·伊旺斯(Arthur Evas,1851-1941),英国考古学家,以研究克里特文明著名。参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Evans, 2011-4-3.
    ③R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p257.
    ④安特诺西提库斯神(Antenociticus)是在罗马-不列颠宗教崇拜中司战争中士气鼓舞和仲裁调解的神;参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antenociticus, 2011-5-10.
    ①Sheppard Frere, Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p309.
    ②参见H. H. Scullard, Roman Britain : outpost of the Empire, p153.
    ③R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p257.
    ①R.G. Collingwood, Roman Britain and the English settlements, p193.
    ②Peter Garnsey and Richard Saller, The Roman Empire : Economy,Society and Culture, p193.
    ①Sheppard Frere, Britannia: a history of Roman Britain, p295.
    ②G.H. Stevenson, Roman provincial administration: till the age of the Antonines, p121.
    ③A.L.Morton, A people’s history of England , London: Lawrence & Wishart Ltd. 1979, p29.
    ①David Shotter, Roman Britain, 2nd ed., London and NewYork : Routledge, 2004, p116-117.
    ①参见David Shotter, p113-114,以及[美]克里斯托弗·A·斯奈德著:《不列颠人:传说和历史》,第311页。
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