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On creating model of cultured hippocampal neurons injured by amyloid, we studied the mechanisms of close interrelation between amyloid and Alzheimer's disease at cell and molecular level with advanced test methods. For example, the technique of optical lens and electron microscope , immunohistochemical method,biochemistry.molecular biology and HPLC, so as to deeply probe into the mechanisms that Decotion of Rehamanniae prelects and treats Alzheimer's disease. The results show: 1, Decotion of Rehamanniae can significantly ameliorate the existent state of hippocampal neurons and increase the activity of neurons. 2, Decotion of Rehamanniae can effectively reduce the excessive response of Immediate-Early-Gene c-fos and c-jun when amyloid injurs hippocampal neurons, and increase the stress response of hippocampal neurons to exoteric harmful stimulation. 3, Decotion of Rehamanniae can increase the activity of antioxidant enzyme SOD. CAT, and GSH-PX in the cultured fluid, and improve the cleanup ability of free radicals. 4, Decotion of Rehamanniae can effectively control over the overloading of calcium thatBamyloid injured hippocampal neurons, and protect the frame of membrane. 5. Decotion of Rehamanniae can repress the excessive apoptosis of hippocampal neurons injured by Bamyloid through modulating the ratio of bcl-2/bax and reduce the expression of caspase-3 gene. 6, Extracorporal experimental research shows: Decotion of Rehamanniae can dose-dependly protect hippocampal neurons and the best effect is the high dose's. And this research also shows that: the curative effect of Decotion of Rehamanniae on hippocampal neurons carries out by two approaches: 1 , By penetrating blood-brain barrier the effective components of Decotion of Rehamanniae protect hippocampal neurons from injury. 2 , Decotion of Rehamanniae achieve the aim of treatment by excitateding expression of internal substances which protect neurons from being attactted.
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