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Stress is a series of neuroendocrine responses which is marked with sympathetic nerves excitement and increase of pituitary -adrenal gland cortex secretion when organisms is expose to various factors (stress factor) stimulation. It has great significance for biological survival. Appropriate stress response is benefit to individual improvement in adaptability to environment changes, but excessive, especially chronic stress, causes physical, psychological disorders in vary degrees, and even causes body diseases. Since chronic stress is an important factor in many diseases course, and directly related to the state of sub-health, there are a large number of researchers studying on it since 1980s. Several systems involves in stress response, different stressor, different individuals and different circumstances might lead to different results, this is difficult for the prevention and treatment of stress diseases, and Chinese medicine, as a mathod of whole adjustment, treatment based on different syndromes and individualized diagnosis, has shown greater superiority. This project was supported by National Science Foundation Committee of China(310000216), and we focus on the theoretical study and experimental study on the central neural system mechanisms of stress response and the role of regulation function of liver governs smoothing qi flow(LGSQF) in stress response, the result as the following:
     1 Theoretical Study
     LGSQF is the core of liver physiological functions, which disorder lead to diseases in vary range, and stagnancy of liver-qi, disorder of qi activity are the basic pathological mechanism. Base on information control system theory and analysis retrospectively, we suggest the foundation physiology of LGSQF as follows : Instinctive demand of the body is the core of the liver governs smoothing qi flow; Limbic system, the center of motivation and emotion, is the regulation and control center of LGSQF; Hypothalamic- brain stem- autonomic nerve pathway and sympathetico-adrenomedullary system pathway are information pathways; Smooth muscle system is the effective appararus of LGSQF, which realizes the changes of distribution of qi, blood and body fluids by relaxation and constriction of smooth muscle to carry out liver’s function, and transmit this changes to limbic system for feedback regulation through sensory nerve system; And the adrenal cortical hormone play a role in maintaining a normal level and changes.
     Five zang-organs are involved in stress response, but heart, liver and kidney in them are the most important. In the course of stress response, the heart is in charge of the formation of sensation and perception, makes decision after cognitive appraisal, and then transmits the decision to subcortical center; it processes the feedback of the internal organs and the body; and it also is regulated by adrenal cortical hormone. Liver, that receives the decision from heart, forms emotion in limbic system and acts on locus coeruleus- norepinephrine/
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    70 王 彩 霞 , 李 德 新 . 理 脾 阴 正 方 对 胆 碱 能 神 经 影 响 的 实 验 研 究 . 中 医 药 学 刊 , 2001,19(2):107-108.
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    72 李玺, 袁海峰, 张智燕. 脑尔康对 AD 模型小鼠脑内 NMDA 受体亚单位 NR2B 表达的影响. 中国医药学报, 2004,19(1):11-14.
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    75 王蓉, 赵志炜, 张景艳,等. 救脑益智胶囊对 D-半乳糖老化小鼠海马神经元 Aβ及其相关蛋白表达的影响. 中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志, 2004,11(3):135-138.
    76 冯方俊, 涂晋文, 董梦久,等. 寿尔智胶囊对培养的海马神经元 c-fos 基因表达的影响. 湖北中医学院学报, 2004,6(3):7-8.
    77 赖红,赵海花,曾亮,等. 人参皂甙对老龄大鼠海马结构 BDNF 及 TrkB 蛋白表达的影响. 中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志, 2006,15(1):60-65.
    78 胡镜清, 赖世隆, 王奇,等. 补肾益智方阻抑老年性痴呆大鼠海马突触病理性重构的研究. 广州中医药大学学报, 2000,17(2):113-116.
    79 王平, 梅家俊, 张六通,等. 醒脑益智方对 SAM-P/10 老化痴呆鼠海马超微结构的影响. 湖北中医学院学报, 2001,3(2):18-19.
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