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货币政策有效性是指在特定的金融环境和制度条件下,货币当局运用一定的政策工具与政策手段制定的货币政策,通过特定的传导机制,能否稳定地影响实际产出,从而达到当局预定的政策目标。传统意义上,汇率制度被界定为有关汇率决定及其调节的一系列制度性安排和规定。对汇率制度分类的标准,国际上还存在较大的争议,主流的分类法有 IMF 的法定分类法和事实分类法(以 LYS 分类法为代表)。采用 IMF 1999 年的汇率制度分类方案以及对中间汇率制度内涵所进行的界定,我国现行的有管理的浮动汇率制度是介于浮动汇率和固定汇率之间更靠近固定汇率制的一种汇率制度安排。
    事实证明,不同的汇率制度安排影响着政府宏观货币政策的效力。就我国实际情况而言,汇率制度与货币政策的冲突反映了当前经济体系内部蕴涵的矛盾。随着商品、资本和劳动力等要素的国际流动,我国经济与世界经济相互依存度增加,外部均衡问题进一步突现,并且经济的开放性使原先的内部均衡发生深刻的变化,内部均衡和外部均衡发生冲突。其中,最明显的是汇率制度的安排与货币政策有效性的冲突,这种冲突不仅增加了宏观调控的难度,而且不同政策间目标的冲突更增加了宏观政策调节机制发挥作用的复杂性。谢平等(2002)研究显示,1993 年之前,货币政策和汇率政策的协调在我国的宏观调控中货币政策和汇率政策几乎完全分离。而 1994 年以来,货币政策和汇率政策出现了三次明显的冲突,这三次冲突的实质是独立货币政策(基础货币投放适度、人民币利率水平可控)和汇率政策(稳定汇率)的关系问题。但是,世界经济发展的实践证明,任何一种国际货币体系安排都不是完美的,而只有根据本国和世界经济发展的整体情况来选择适合于本国的国际货币体系安排才是最适宜的。
    在国际经济一体化的趋势下,许多发展中国家 (特别是受到金融危机冲击的国家 )也逐步在接受浮动汇率制度,这是世界经济发展的必然结果,是开放经济国家适应世界经济一体化的需要所采取的相应的汇率制度调整。从长期来看,在经济全球化进程的加快的同时,国
    也千差万别。其中,最具有代表性的是以 Mundell-F1eming 模型为代
    M-F 模型更是成为了对汇率制度选择进行宏观静态分析的基础。宏观
    点介绍了 Mundell-F1eming 模型以及在此基础上推出的“三元悖论”;
The monetary policy effectiveness means under the condition of particular financial environment and system, whether the monetary policy which is drawn up by monetary authorities can influence the output to attain the policy target or not.
    On the traditional meaning, exchange rate regime is a series of arrangements and regulations on how to determine the level and the pattern of the exchange rate by the monetary authorities. To the standard of the classification of exchange rate regime, there are still a lot of controversies. The main classification methods are IMF legal classification method and fact classification method. Adopting the method of IMF in 1999, China currently exchange rate regime is between the floating exchange rate system and the fix exchange rate system ,even close to fix exchange rate system arrangement.
    The fact proves that the different exchange rate regime arrangement affects the effectiveness of the macro-monetary policy. In regard to our country actual circumstance, the conflict of exchange rate regime and monetary policies reflected the internal antinomy of current economic system. With the international flows of factors, such as commodities, capital and labor force...etc., China economy depends on the world economy closer and closer and the problem of exterior equilibrium and internal equilibrium have emerged. The conflict of the exchange rate regime and the effectiveness of monetary policies is the most obvious. Not only this kind of conflict adds the difficulty of the macro-control, but also the conflict of different policy target adds the complexity of the macro-control mechanism.
    In recent years, the conflict of the exchange rate regime and the effectiveness of monetary policies in our country can come down to the balance of the monetary policy and the exchange rate policy. According
    to this, from the angle of the exchange rate system and the effectiveness of monetary policies in our country, this thesis will research the theory logic and real relation between the exchange rate regime and the effectiveness of monetary policy of our country in current particular financial environment. The research purpose lies in providing gist in theory and guidance about the monetary police making and exchange rate arrangements for our country. Studying our country monetary policy validity and the exchange rate regime involves the following problem: The first, whether the exchange rate regime is intrinsic or can be decided by the central bank? The exchange rate regime should be seemed as a separate policy to study, or put into the whole frame of monetary policy? What is the standard of exchange rate regime classification and selection? The second, there are abundant theories on the selection of the exchange rate regime. How to hold the nature of the selection of exchange rate regime systemically from the angle of the economic system info and methodologies? From the existing exchange rate regime selection theories, how to set up a whole analytical frame to combine the monetary policy effectiveness and the exchange rate regime together? How to explain the reality aiming at the actual circumstance of our country? The third, what’s about China’s current exchange rate regime condition? Which important factors influence the selection of the exchange rate regime? Thinking of above problems, I divided the full text into five chapters: Chapter 1 is the introduction. It mainly introduces the research purpose, significance, studying method and main content in this paper. Chapter 2 is the definition of monetary policy effectiveness and the classification of exchange rate regime. In studying the standard of the
    exchange rate regime classification, the thesis puts forward the type and substance of china’s exchange rate regime, which lay the foundation for the following chapter theoretic model. Chapter 3 is about the theories of monetary policy effectiveness and the selection of the exchange rate regime. This chapter introduces the existing results and the developing directions of the selection of the exch
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