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     对于路,圈,完全图,完全二部图,星,扇,轮,树等特殊图类目前已得出了其具体的邻点可区别的全色数,并且满足上述猜想.关于上述特殊图的Mycielshi图,联图和乘积图的邻点可区别的全色数已有一些结果.另外,Petersen图,Hewood图,Tomassen图及W_n的Hajós sum图的邻点可区别的全染色也已得到一些结果.
     Hajós sum:两个点不交的图G_1,G_2的Hajós sum:G=(G_1,x_1y_1)+(G_2,x_2y_2)将x_1x_2粘合为一点x,删掉边x_1y_1,x_2y_2增加边y_1y_2所得.其中x_1y_1,x_2y_2分别是G_1,G_2的边.
     定理2.1.2 W_n插入C_(n+1)中所得图记为G其中V(C_(n+1))={u_1,…,u_(n+1)),V(W_n)={v_1,…,v_n,w},V(G)={u_1,…,u_(n+1),v_1,…,v_n,w},E(G)={wv_i,v_iv_(i+1),wu_(n+1),u_iv_i,v_iu_(i+1)|i=1,…,n:这里用v_(n+1)表示v_1};则:χ_(at)(G)=△(G)+1=n+3,(n≥4).
     定理2.2.3 H_1为P~n的一个u(S_n)点扩充图,V(S_n)={v′_1,v′_2,…,v′_n,u′_1,u′_2,…,u′_n};E(S_n)={v′_iv′_j,v′_iu′_i:i,j=1,…,n}∪{u′_nv′_1,u′_1v′_2,…,u′_(n-1)v′_n};V(P~n)={u,u,w,v_1,v_2,…,v_n):E(P~n)={uv_i,vv_i,vw,(i=1,2,…,n);v_iv_(i+1),(i=1,…,n-1)}对u′_i∈S_n,v_i∈P~n连接u′_i,v_i.(i=1,…,n):则:χ_(at)(H_1)=n+3.
     定理2.4.1 P_n是路,则n≠3时,P_n是第一类图,则P_n[I_2]也是第一类图.
     定理2.4.2 F_n是扇,则n≥4时,F_n分裂后满足χ_(at)(F_n[I_2])=△(F_n[I_2])+1.
     定理2.4.3 W_n是轮,则n≥4时,W_n分裂后满足χ_(at)(W_n[I_2])=△(W_n[I_2])+1.
The coloring problem is one of primary fields in the study of graph theories. The coloring problem and someother graph theories are all from the study of the celebrated four color problem. With the application of the coloring problem some scholars presented and studied a few coloring problem with different restriction.
     A proper k-coloring of graph G is an assignment of k colors to each vertiex in such a way that adjacent vertices have distinct colors.Difine the chromatic number of G asχ(G) = min{k|graph G has k - coloring s}. Similar,a proper k-edge-coloring of graph G is an assignment of k colors to each edge so that no two adjacent edges have the same color.The edge-chromatic number is defined asλ′(G) = min{k|graph G has k - edge - colorings}.
     The totle coloring is a generalization of the coloring and the edge coloring.It's a traditional coloring problem and was introduced by Vizing(1964) and independently Behzad(1965).the total coloring is defined as all of vertices and edges of the graph are colored in such a way that no two adjacent or incident elements are colored the same.On the basis of the total coloring,Zhang Zhongfu presented the concept of the concept of the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total colorings and gave the conjecture and two results.
     The definition of adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring by Zhang Zhongfu is as follows : Let G(V,E) is a simple and connected graph of which the order is at least 2,k is an positive integer and f is the mapping from V(G)∪E(G) to C = {1,2,…,k}orC[k].
     For any vertex u∈V(G) , denote C(u) = {f(u)}∪{f(u,v)|uv∈E(G)} . (?)(u) = C- C(u) .
     (1) For any edge uv , vw∈E(G) , and u≠w,there is f(uv)≠f(vw) .
     (2) For any edge uv∈E(G) ,and u≠v,there is f(u)≠f(v),f(u)≠f(uv), f(uv)≠f(v) .
     (3) For any edge uv∈E(G) , and u≠v, there is C(u)≠C(v) .
     If (1) , (2) are satisfied , then f is called a k-total coloring of graph G(in brief, it is noted as k-TC) .
     If (1), (2) , (3) are satisfied , then f is called a k-adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring of graph G (in brief. it is noted as k-AVDTC) .
     The total chromatic number of G isχ_T (G)= min{k|G has k-TC}.
     The adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number of G isλ_(at)(G) = min{k| G has k-AVDTC}.
     The following results about adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring are right . apparently .
     For a simple connected graph G of order n (n = |V(G)|≥2) , adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic numberχ_(at)(G) exist , andχ_(at)(G)≥△(G) + 1.
     If G(V,E) has two adjacent maximum degree vertices , thenχ_(at)(G)≥△(G) + 2.
     The following conjecture is proposed by Zhang Zongfu in :
     For a simple connected graph G of order n (n = |V(G)|≥2) , thenχ_(at)(G)≤△(G) + 3.
     The adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number of some graphs such as path,circle,complete graph, 2-complete graph . star . fan . wheel and tree have been abtained. We also have obtained the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number of the Mycielski graph,link graph the Cartesian product graph,Petersen graph,Heawood graph Tomassen graph,the Haj(o|¨)s sum of W_n,etc. These results are satisfied the conjecture .
     The problem of determining the adjacent vertex-distingguishing total chromatic number of a graph is NP-hard.In this article we mainly deals with the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number for some special graphs and the graphs under some graph's operation.
     In this artical we get these following conclusions:
     Graph's Insert operation:There are graphs G.H and |V(G)|=|V(H)|,the insert operation of G to H is using every vetex of G dissect each edge of H and the edges of G immovabily.
     Vertex expanding graph: As G is a graph we get the v(H) expending graph of G by replacing the vertex v of G a graph H,but each adjacent vertex of v just adjact to one vertex of H, that is the degree of v don't change.
     Hajós sum:Let G_1 and G_2 be vertex disjoint graphs containing edges x_1y_1∈E(G_1) and x_2y_2∈E(G_2).The Hajós sum : G = (G_1,x_1y_1)+(G_2,x_2y_2) of the pairs (G_1,x_1y_1) and (G_2,x_2y_2) is obtained from G_1∪G_2 by indentifying x_1 and x_2, deleting the edge x_1y_1, x_2y_2, and adding the edge y_1y_2.
     Vertex dissecting graph: As G is a graph,the vertix dissecting graph of G is obtained from G by replacing each vertex by tow independent vertices,denotedby G[I_2].
     The first class graph: If G have adjactent verties of most degree andχ_(at)(G) = △(G)+2,then G is a first class graph.
     The secend class graph: If G have adjactent verties of most degree andχ_(at)(G) =△(G) + 3,then G is a secend class graph.
     We briefly summerize our main results as following:
     Theorem 2.1.1 Insert K_n into C_n, V(K_n) = {v_1,…,v_n}, V(C_n) = {u_1,…,u_n}.We get graph S_n (n≥3).It is a graph that V(S_n) = {v_1,…,v_n;u_1,…,u_n}; E(S_n) ={v_iv_j,v_iu_i|i,j = 1,…,n}∪{u_iv_(i+1),u_nv_1|i= 1,…,n - 1}; Then we haveχ_(at)(S_n) =△(S_n) + 2.
     Theorem 2.1.2 Insert W_n into C_(n+1),V{W_n) = {v_1,…,v_n,w},V(C_(n+1)) = {u_1,…,u_(n+1)}. We get graph G. It is a graph that V(G) = {v_1,…,v_n.w;u_1,…,u_(n-1)};E(G) = {wv_i,v_iu_i,u_iv_(i+1),wu_1,wu_(n+1)|i = 1,…,n;v_(n+1) is v_1};Then we haveλ_(at)(G) =△(G) + 1 = n + 3{n≥4).
     Theorem 2.1.3 Insert H into C_n, V(H) = {v_1,…,v_n},V(C_n) = {u_1,…,u_n}.We get graph G′.It is a graph that V(G′) = {v_1,…,v_n; u_1,…,u_n}; E(G′) = {v_iu_i,v_iu(i+1), |i = 1,…,n:u_(n+1) is u_1}:∪E{H).If H satisfy the conjecture of adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring thatχ_(at)(H)≤△(H) + 3. Then we haveχ_(at)(G′)≤△(G′) + 3.
     Theorem 2.2.1 P~n is a graph that V(P~n) = {u,v,w,v_1,…,v_n};E{P~n)={uv_i,vv_i, vw|i = 1,…,n}∪{v_iv_(i+1)|i = 1,…,n - 1}: Then we have
     Theorem 2.2.2 Let G_2 be the u(K_n) expanding graph of P~n,V(P~n) = {u,v, w, v_1,…,v_n}: V(K_n) = {u_1,…,u_n}; and for u_i∈K_n, v_i∈P~n we make u_iv_i∈ G_2 (i = 1,…,n);Then we have
     Theorem 2.2.3 Let H_1 be a u(S_n) expanding graph of P~n,V(S_n) = {v_1,…,v_n;u_1,…,u_n}; E(S_n) = {v_iv_j,v_iu_i|i,j = 1,…,n]∪{u_iv_(i+1),u_nv_1|i = 1,…,n - 1};V(P~n) = {u,v,w,v_1,…,v_n}: E(P~n) = [uv_i,vv_i,vw|i = 1,…,n)∪{v_iv_(i+1)i =1,…,n - 1}: and for u′_i∈S_n,v_i∈P~n we make u′_iv_i∈H_1 (i=1,…,n):Then wehaveχ_(at)(H_1) = n+3.
     Theorem 2.2.4 Let H_2 be another u(S_n) expanding graph of P~n. V(P~n) ={u,v,w,v_1,…,v_n}:E(P~n) = {uv_i,vv_i,vw|i = 1,…,n}∪{v_iv_(i+1)|i = 1,…,n-1}:V(S_n) = {v_1,…,v_n,u_1,…,u_n};E(S_n) = {v_iv_j,v_iu_i|i,j = 1,…,n}∪{u_iv_(i+1),u_nv_1|i=1,…,n - 1}: and for v′_i∈S_n,v_i∈P~n we make v′_iv_i∈H_2 (i = 1,…,n);Then we have
     Theorem 2.2.5 Let H be a u(G) expanding graph of P~n,V(G) = {u_i,…,u_n};V(P~n) = {u,v,w,v_1,v_2,…,v_n}:E(P~n) = {uv_i,vv_i,vw,(i = 1,2,…,n):v_iv_(i+1)(1 =1,…,n-1)} and for u_i∈G, v_i∈P~n we make u_iv_i∈H. (i = 1,…,n);If G satisfy theconjecture of adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring thatχ_(at(G)≤△(G)+3: Then we haveχ_(at)(H)≤△(H) + 3.
     Theorem 2.3.1 Let G = (P~n, uv_1) + [(?)~n, u′v′_1). Then we have
     Theorem 2.3.2 Let G′= (P~n,vv_n) + ((?)~n,v′v′_n), Thenχ_(at)(G′) =△(G′) + 1.
     Theorem 2.3.3 Let H = (S_n, u_1v_1)+(S′_m,u′_1v′_1), Thenχ_(at)(H) = max{χ_(at)(S_n).
     Theorem 2.4.1 P_n is the graph of Path, when n≠3. P_n is a first class graph, then P_n[I_2] is a first graph. too.
     Theorem 2.4.2 F_n is the graph of Fan, then after dissecting, F_n satisfy thatχ_(at)(F_n[I_2]=χ_(at)(F_n[I_2]) + 1,(n≥4).
     Theorem 2.4.3 W_n is the graph of Wheel, then after dissecting, W_n satisfy thatχ_(at)W_n[I_2]) =χ_(at)(W_n[I_2]) + 1. (n≥4).
     Theorem 2.5.1 There are graphs S_n, C_n~1, C_n~2,C_n~3;We get a new graph H′from them with V(H′) = V(S_n)∪V{C_n~1)∪V(C_n~2)∪V(C_n~3) and E(H′) = E(S_n)∪E(C_n~1)∪E(C_n~2)∪E(C_n~3)∪(v_i~1v_i,v_i~2u_i,v_i~1v_i| = 1,…,n;v_i~j∈C_n~j;u_i,v_i∈S_n}.Then we haveχ_(at)(H′) = n+4,(n≥4).
     Theorem 2.5.2 Let G_1 be the graph that satisfy u by P_2 of P~n;that not only u′v_i∈E(G_1) but also u″v_i∈E(G_1),the vertices of P_2 are u′and u″;Then we have
     Theorem 2.5.3 G is an arbitrary simple graph and△(G)≥4. V(G) ={v_1,…,v_n}. we get a new graph H by the following operation:if v_iv_j∈E(G) thenwe add a new veterx u_k and adjact u_kv_i,u_kv_j;if G satisfy the conjecture of adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring thatχ_(at)(G)≤△(G) + 3. Then we haveχ_(at)(H)≤△(H)+3.
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