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As an important method of studying for students, geography experiments are often used in practical teaching activities. With the rapid advancement of cognitive theory, especially digital technology, people have new idea for geography experiments. In this case, how to use digital technology to overcome the weakness if traditional geography experiment, and better serve the new generation of students with digital features are questions that worth thinking and researching for geography teachers.
     This essay research on middle-school geography experiment and discussed the principals and strategies of experiment design. In this way, we hope to bring reference for digital experiment designers and teachers in the process of developing digital experiments.
     The introduction is mainly about the macro context's exploring development of the necessity and feasibility of digital geographic experiment.
     The second chapter is mainly about the digital learning, digital design of experiment and digital lab, the three aspects as the basis of digital geographic experiment is designed after reviewing the literatures at home and abroad.
     The third chapter is about our country middle school geography experiment and digital geography experimental application's present situation, carrying on the investigation and analysis, summing up several problems of the current in the geography teaching practice.
     The fourth chapter is mainly about that the digital geographic were divided into procedural-based and mechanism-based and space-based categories from the research dimension of geography research object,, and describes the characteristics and significance of digital geographic experiments, discusses the principles and the overall design of the frame digital geographic experimental design.
     The fifth chapter elaborates the characteristics of process-based of digital geography experiments, proposed design strategies and learning patterns, combined with in-depth case elaborated on this basis.
     The sixth chapter expounds the characteristics of mechanism-based of digital geography experiments, proposed design strategies and learning patterns, combined with in-depth case elaborated on this basis.
     The seventh chapter elaborates the characteristics of space-based of digital geography experiments, proposed design strategies and learning patterns, combined with in-depth case elaborated on this basis.
     The eighth chapter discuses some problems including the experimental digital geographic features, content selection, the relationship between traditional and experimental geography, timing and use of teaching methods to use in conjunction and draw conclusions.
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