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    (1)对国产郁金香属植物进行了了修订,确认了国产郁金香属植物共有16种,其中新种1个: Tulipa kuocangshanica D.Y.Tan X.R.Li et D.Y. Hong。
    (4)所观察的该属13种植物的种皮表面纹饰可分为网纹、负网纹和皱波状三大类,且各个种之间在种皮微形态上均存在着一定差异,可以作为分种的依据;在组间,除属于有苞组(Sect. Amana) 的T. edulis和其它组的种类有明显差异外,其余3组之间没有明显的界限,说明郁金香属的种皮微形态特征在组的划分上意义不大,但在种的划分上具有一定的分类学意义。
    (5)比较胚胎学:国产郁金香属16种植物的胚囊类型共有6种,即 Fritillaria type、Drusa type、T. iliensis type、T. tetraphylla type、Adoxa type、和Eriostemones Type;至少有3种具有两种胚囊类型,如T.iliensis、 T.heteropetala 和T.heterophylla。在所报道的5组共45种郁金香属植物中,发现该属植物的胚囊发育类型具有一定的系统学意义。
In this paper, the taxonomical problems of Tulipa L. from China were studied based on the results of both the field observation and the examination of herbarium specimens,and the analysis of leaf epidermis morphology, pollen morphology, seed coats micromorphology and comparative embryology. The main results are as follows:
    (1) Tulipa L. from China is taxonomically revised .There are 16 species distrubuted in China and Tulipa kuocangshanica D.Y.Tan,X.R.Li et D.Y.Hong is described as new.
    (2) The morphological characteristics of leaf epidermis of 16 species were studied. The results show that the morphological characteristics of leaf epidermis have not obvious differences among sections except Sect. Amana, but there are some differences between species , and indicate that the morphological characteristics of leaf epidermis have some value for the interspecific classification .
    (3)The pollen morphology of 19 species was investigated under SEM . The results show that the morphological characteristics and exine ornamentation are not similar among species and sections. the morphological characteristics are recognized as 3 types: nearly globe,nearly boat shape and nearly shield shape .The exine ornamentation can be divided into 5 types : reticulate, steiate-veticulate, tuberculate,verrucate and rugose-sinuate. The morphological characteristics show some vaviations among sections and species in terms of the shape of pollen and the exine ornamentation.and thus can be used as one of characters in the consideration of the classification of this genus.
    (4) The micromorphology of the seed coats were observed in 13 species. The results show that the surface structure of the seeds have obvious differences and can be divided into 3 types including reticulate,areolate and rugose-sinuate. Features of the micromorphology of the seed coats can be used as evidences to classify clearly this genus.
    (5) There are 6 types of embryo sac in 16 species from China , such as Eriostemones type, Fritillaria type, Adoxa type, Drusa type ,T. illiensis type and T. tetraphylla type. There are more than one types of embryo sac in 3 species ,sush as T. illiensis,T.heteropetala and T. heterophylla.
    According to the analysis of comparative embryology, we think that the types of the embryo sac are of some systematical significances.
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