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曼陀罗(Datura stramonium L.)又称醉心花、万桃花、狗核桃、洋金花,具有久远的药用历史,还可作观赏植物。国内各省区均有分布,多生于田边、路边及宅旁等地,较少栽培,大多野生。我国地大物博,不同生长地域环境的差异,使曼陀罗具有了丰富的形态多样性。为了更好保护和合理开发利用曼陀罗资源,我们对分布于国内陕西、河北、辽宁、山东等地的曼陀罗10个居群的形态及生物碱的多样性进行了初步比较研究。
Datura stramonium L. (Jimson weed, thorn apple), which could be also regarded as ornamental plant, had a long story as medicinal plant. D. stramonium L. (mostly wild) distributed in most provinces in China, and was always found alongside fields, roadside, waste land, etc. Geographical environments and climates were quite different around China, so D. stramonium had diversity in morphology. For the purpose of preserve and make use of D. stramonium L. resources, our studies were on the morphology and alkaloid (hyoscyamine, atropine) comparison between different populations from Shaanxi, Hebei, Liaoning, Shandong, etc. 10 different populations were grown in Yangling as the test materials, whose plant morphology indexes, micromorphology of leaf epidermis, alkaloid contents of seeds, leaves, stems were determined. The test results were as follows:
     1. Although planted in the same fields, The ghenoghases of D. stramonium L. differed in different populations. Seedling emergences and initial bloom of populations from Weinan, Shaanxi and Shangluo, Shaanxi were early, so they were decline phase, thus their ghenoghases were short; Populations from Tieling, Liaoning had a late seedling emergence and a early blossom, that made it a short vegetative growth and a long reproduction growth; Baoding, Hebei population’s emergence and initial bloom was late, the vegetative growth was longer than that of Tieling, Liaoning population. There were always flowers blooming in D. stramonium L. plant during the reproduction growth. The life phases of the other populations were among populations above.
     2. Stress resistances of different populations were different. Population from Baoding, Hebei had the slightest black spot disease and leaf shrinkage. The leaf shrinkage of Fengxian, Shaanxi and Tieling, Liaoning population were the most severe, while Shuiyun, Yangling had a most serious black spot disease. Stress resistances of D. stramonium L. with purple flowers was higher than that with white flowers.
     3. The seeds surface ornamentations differences of different D. stramonium L. populations mainly were size and arrangement pattern of seeds surface concave points, relative position of hilums, shape of hilums, etc.
     4. there were always morphology variation in different populations of D. stramonium L. species. Variable range of variation coefficients was 4.64%~62.24%. The leaves, stems and flowers’morphology indexes were significantly different within populations. Besides, vegetative organs had more genetic variations than reproductive organs. Nevertheless, some of reproductive organs also had significant variation.
     5. The cluster analysis of morphology indexes showed that 10 D. stramonium L. populations could be divided into 3 clusters: Shuiyun, Yangling and Tieling, Liaoning; Baoding, Hebei, Weinan, Shaanxi, and Lintong, Shaanxi; Dazhaixiang, Yangling, Shangluo, Shaanxi, Laiyang, Shandong, Yulin, Shaanxi and Fengxian, Shaanxi.
     6. Shape of D. stramonium L.leaf epidermis cells had two different forms: irregular and polygonal. The form of anticlinal walls was wavy, which had various extent: deeply wavy and slightly wavy.
     7. There were stomata, whose shape were irregular, on both sides of D. stramonium L. leaf epidermis. Stomatal indexes of lower epidermis of all 10 populations were higher than upper epidermis, except for population from Laiyang, Shandong.
     8. In the same D. stramonium L. population, Main alkaloid contents in different organs are varied. In stems and seeds, atropine contents were higher than hyoscyamine contents. As to leaves, except for populations from Hebei and Shangluo, atropine contents of all the populations were higher than hyoscyamine contents. In every single population, the order of alkaloid contents was seeds > leaves > stems.
     9.Content difference of hyoscyamine and atropine in the same organic of different populations. Alkaloid Content of seed in order:SW>LL>YL1>LT>SF>SY>SS>YL2>HB>SL; Alkaloid Content of stem in order:SW>YL2>SF>SY>SL>LL>YL2>HB>SS>LT; Alkaloid Content of leaf in order:SW>SS>SL>YL1>SY>LT>LL>SF>HB>YL2.
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