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With the rapid development of the society and technology, all areasproposed a higher demand for the need of the human resources, so the research ofthe quality of personnel quality training and evaluation mechanisms are alsodeepening. Similarly, following the continuous development of national defense,the construction of the new era of national defense forces put forwards a higherstandard of quality and requirements for the national defen se. Because of this,the quality of training and the evaluating the quality of national defense studentsreceived particular attention of public.
     Since the implementation of the institution of relying on general highereducation system to train military, the training mode of national defense based onhigher education has received extensive attention from stakeholders. Theyanalysis and elaborate the means, methods, patterns and problems in the currenttraining model and countermeasures of national defense in different levels,However, issues related to the quality of the evaluation are less involved.Therefore this article has done the following works based on the evaluation ofquality for the national defense.
     The author detailed analysis and summary of the current national defensemodel and the evaluating the quality of human resources through the literaturemethod, And profound analysis of the content of the quality in national defenseand national defense, elaborated on the model of training national defense andthe content of national defense students training.
     Based on previous research, the author analysis the quality theory of thenational defense, including the content of the quality, the structure of thequality.Then, by analyzing the importance of national defense quality evaluation,introduce the conventional method of the quality evaluation, and then summedup the process of the national defense quality evaluation. then, he analysisand summary the training theory of national defense in depth.
     In the third chapter,the author uses the method of expert evaluation to builda quality evaluation index system of the national defense, Then use the AHP todetermine the weight of each evaluation factor, And build math model about evaluation quality national defense students based on fuzzy comprehensivetheory .
     In the empirical study, the author uses fuzzy comprehensive theoryconducted 20 national defense students of Harbin Polytechnic University asempirical research; then, based on empirical results, it defense s the problem ofthe Harbin Polytechnic University quality of training of national, and explore thecountermeasures to the problems.
     Therefore, this study can provide a useful reference for the cultivation ofnational defense and the evaluation .
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