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The paper bases on the Xiongcun copper-gold ore deposit clusters and carries studies on Xiongcun, Donggapu, Zemoduola ore deposit and so on. Through analyzing the geological, geochemical feature and ore-forming elementary geochemistry backgound of them, and integrate with the enrichment and distributing rules, combination characters of different geological sections in Xiongcun copper-gold ore deposit, the auther probe into the metallogenic rules and prognosis of the the Xiongcun copper-gold ore deposit clusters.
     Xiongcun copper-gold ore deposit clusters is located in Gangdese metallogenetic belt which is consider as one of the most prospective belts of porphyry copper ore deposit. The whole clusters is strongly controlled by the structures, which is the Xietongmen-Numa ductile-brittle fracture zone, or its secondary fracture zone of north-west or north-east direction. The pay rock is quartz-diorite-porphyry and compacted massive silicified tuff which invased by later Jura. There are intensive structural and magmatic hydrothermal movement with obvious zonal alterations, which are demonstrated by silicification, sericitization, potassium, epidotization, hornstone, etc. Take the Xiongcun ore district for example, the alterations zonation is silicification zone, sericitization zone, chloritation zone from the inner to the outer. The ore structure and the fabric mainly behaves in fillism and metasomatism, the main minerals of ore are pyrite, chalcopyrite, malachite, blende, salenite and electrum, which typomorphic feature shows a hypothermal pattern of metallogeny.
     The technology and method of geochemical exploration has played an important part in the exploration of the the Xiongcun copper-gold ore deposit clusters, through the 1:50000 stream sediment survey, and the1:10000 soil survey in some of them, and we find that the fact is anastomotic with the abnormality. The abnormality of the metallogenic elements such as Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn appear to be the large intensity and good intussusception. There are 5 metallogenic prospectives discovered, they are Jila, Banongla, Tangbai, Tanghe, Lielang, all of them appears to be the island shape and distributes in east-west direction wholly. Through all the work, the auther probe into the metallogenic rules and prognosis of the the Xiongcun copper-gold ore deposit clusters simply.
     Secondly, because of the discovery of the large-scale porphyry copper ore deposit in Xiongcun, the neighboured Donggapu Cu-Au ore deposit has found the cryptoexplosion breccia type gold deposit, and also skamize mineralization appears almost all the clusters including Zemoduola, Jila and Tangbai ore districts, there are great prospective of finding porphyry copper ore deposits in all pat of the clusters.
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