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Studies have found that as a negative emotion, depression is frequentlyemerged among soldiers and there is a rising trend of percentage of depressionamong soldiers. It is one of the important factors to nonbattle injury casualty.However, the previous studies about the depression among soldiers mainly for navy,ground force and air force, fewer for the armed police, particalarly for thefirefighters in the Armed Police. The firefighters in the Armed Police are thebackbone of the social relief, their depression not only related to personal health ofbody and mind, but also related to the rescue of the life and property security, soexploring their depression and its influence factors have the important meaning.Thepresent study sought to investigate comprehensively the influences of occupationalstress, regulatory emotional self-efficacy on depression of the firefighters in theArmed Police with the foundation of the Theory of Diathesis-Stress , which may behelpful to cope with depression of the firefighters in the Armed Police.
     With cluster random sampling, a representative sample of 737 firefighters inthe Armed Police participated in the study. Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS)、Regulatory Emotional Self-efficacy Scale(RES)and Occupational Stress Scale forMilitary Personnel were adopted in this research. AMOS 4.0 was used to explore thevilidity of Regulatory Emotional Self-efficacy Scale (RES). SPSS 17.0 were used toexplore the relationship between occupational stress、the regulatory emotionalself-efficacy and depression among the firefighters in the Armed Police.The resultsare shown as follows:
     1.There are significant differences on the score of depression amongfirefighters for whether is only child and different educational degree;There aresignificant differences on the scores of occupational stress among firefighters for whether is only child, different age, years as a soldier and marital status; There aresignificant differences on the scores of the regulatory emotional self-efficacy amongfirefighters for whether is only child, from city or country, different educationaldegree, age, years as a soldier and marital status.
     2. Except the factor of Personal Development, the other factors of occupationalstress are positively related to depression.Interpersonal lationship,Marriage&Familyand Special Military Circumstance can positively predict the scoreof depression.
     3. The regulatory emotional self-efficacy and the three dimensions arenegatively related to depression, and have significant negatively forecasting effectson depression.
     4. The regulatory emotional self-efficacy plays an intermediary role betweendepression and Interpersonal Relationship, Marriage&Family, Special MilitaryCircumstance.
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