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With the building of great powerstations in karst area in south of China, how to detect the leakage in karst has become one of main problems. This paper make study on the follow aspects.On the base of former research, build the karst water trace mathematical modeling in tube flow field and disperse field. Deduce their analytical solution, and give the corresponding typical tracing curves. Inverse the karst medium forms by the concentration curves of tracers with time in receiving points.Study temperature, electrical conductivity tracing theory. Temperature and electrical conductivity are good tracers. The reciprocity between earth heat field and karst seepage field and the reciprocity between karst water and karst make the karst seepage, temperature and electrical conductivity vary in different discipline about time and space. According to the research of temperature and electrical conductivity which have been detected, study mobile discipline of karst water and the distributing character of karst medium.Hydrogeological chemistry reflects certain geology environment where karst water has developed. This paper study the hydrogeological chemistry elements with Self-Orgnizing Feature Map and determine in karst area. Analyse the hydrodynamic relation among water-taking points according to the near or far relation. Artificial isotope tracing technology in sole borehole is the effect means of research the mobile of groundwater. This paper adopt isotope technology in sole borehole to the study of karst water. Put radioactive isotope ~(131)I (In the form of NaI) in boreholes and mark the karst water evenly. ~(131)I in boreholes will flow with groundwater and gather in the backward position, then disperse towards the aquifer. The advanced istopic instrument can detect the change of I concentration. So, the velocity of flow and direction of flow at some point can be computed. This improves the perceiving of the general mobile discipline of karst water.This paper applise comprehensively trace mathematical modeling of karst water, temperature, electrical conductivity tracing, and technology of artificial isotope tracing to the research of hydrogeology conditions. It has been tested in the study of hydrogeology conditions in Jurong pumped-storage power station.
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