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     (4)选取初始体重为(1071.70±155.54)g的大西洋鲑600尾,随机分为6组:24L-8L组的初始光周期LD24:0、每日缩短5min,8L-24L组的初始光周期LD8:24、每日增加5min,24L:0D组为光周期LD24:0,18L:6D组为光周期LD18:6,12L:12D组为光周期LD12:12,8L:16D组为光周期LD8:16,每组2个重复,每个重复50尾鱼,研究了不同光周期水平对循环水养殖系统大西洋鲑生长及性腺发育的影响,实验周期7个月。研究表明,实验结束时不同光周期水平对大西洋鲑成活率、体质量变异系数、肥满度、体质量特定生长率、体长特定生长率、相对增重和日增重的影响差异不显著(p>0.05)。各光周期组大西洋鲑摄食率、饲料转化效率和饲料系数的变化范围分别为0.40~0.51%/d、78.09~89.28%和1.12~1.28,光周期12L:12D组饲料系数较低,摄食率和饲料转化效率较高。各实验组白天大西洋鲑血浆褪黑激素含量无显著性差异(p>0.05),24L:0D组夜间鱼的血浆褪黑激素含量均显著低于夜间其他各实验组(p<0.05),各组由低到高依次为:24L:0D <8L-24L <24L-8L<12L:12D <18L:6D <8L:16D。8L:16D组和12L:12D组可延缓雌、雄大西洋鲑性腺发育,而24L:0D组、8L-24L组和24L-8L组均可不同程度地加快雌、雄鱼的性腺发育。
Lighting is an important environmental factor for affecting the growth and gonadaldevlopment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in recirculating aquaculture systems(RAS). Acomprehensive understanding of the interactions between light environmentfactors and Atlantic salmon would be instructive and meaningful to the productionpractice of Atlantic salmon. Based on the combination of these disciplines includingaquacultural engineering, physiological ecology, ultrasound diagnostics andsemiconductor lighting, the present study constructed the identification methods ofearly sex and the different stages of gonadal developoment in farmed Atlantic salmon.It also aimed to find out the changes of growth performance and gonadal developmentof the salmon in commercial RAS and systematically study the effects of lightenvironment factors on the growth performance and gonadal development in RAS.Main research results of the present study are as follows:
     (1) The idenfication method of early sex and gonadal development stages ofcultured Atlantic salmon were determined by using ultrasound imaging technique.The results showed that there was higher accuracy of sex identification in the femalesusing ultrasound imaging technology than that of the males, and the accuracy of theidentification in females and males was93%,81%respectively. According to sexgonadal status of Atlantic salmon, the duration time of each fish was35s. Theultrasonic images of the ovaries at stage Ⅲ appeared the characteristics of small triangles in female Atlantic salmon, and the ovarian images at stages Ⅳ andⅤ withthe structure of both the white spot and rounded particle. The ultrasound images of thetestis at stages Ⅳ andⅤwere the characteristics of the irregular shadows, while thetesticular ultrasonic images at stages Ⅱa ndⅢ were not distinguished in male fish.That is to say, the identification of the testis at stages Ⅱand Ⅲ need to exclude thestages Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ and Ⅴ ofthe ovaries and the stages Ⅳ and Ⅴ ofthe testis. Inaddition, the accuracy of the ovaries at stages Ⅲ and Ⅳ in female fish was87%and92%respectively, and the ovarian accuracy at stage Ⅴ of was100%; The accuracy ofthe testis at stages Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ andⅤ were64%,71%,86%and84%separately. So tospeak, the accuracy of gonadal development in early stages (namely Ⅱand Ⅲ) was(75%) lower than that of the later stages (namely Ⅳand Ⅴ), which was89%.
     (2) The experiment was conducted for12months to monthly monitor the changesof growth performance and gonadal development of Atlantic salmon in two batches(with initial weight of160.85±41.48g,418.00±92.29g respectively) in commercialRAS. The results indicated that there were no differences of the body weight and bodylength of male and female smolts entering seawater in September2011and January2012respectively (p>0.05). However, the growth of the males was greater than that ofthe females during the experimental period. The b values were more than3.0for theformula of the relationship between body weight and body length with W=aLbin maleand female fishes, suggesting that the growths of body weight in males and femaleswere greater than the growths of body length in commercial RAS. The changes of thespecific growth rate, relative weight gain, condition factor, coefficient of sizevariation and growth hormone level were concident and regular in various wavytendency at different growth stages. The initiation time of ovary development ofsmolts was at the nineth to tenth month into the seawater, and the body weight of theindividual which rapidly grew in ovaries ranged from596g to2755g. The initiationtime of testicular development in the salmon was at the sixth to nineth month after theseawater, and the weight of the individual which rapidly grew in testis ranged from274g to2880g. The changes of the estradiol (E2) levels in females and males were allfirstly decreased, then increased and decreased again in two batches entering seawater in September2011and January2012respectively. There were no significant effectson the E2concentrations of the female and male in two batches (p>0.05). The trend oftestosterone (T) levels of the salmon in two batches (entering seawater in September2011and January2012separately) remained the same into the seawater before thethirteenth and eighth month respectively. The T levels of female and male salmonentering seawater in September2011were all firstly raised and then reduced into theseawater after the thirteenth month, and the female and male fish entering seawater inJanuary2012showed the irregular alterations of “W” pattern into the seawater afterthe eighth month. The T concentrations of the male fish in the above two batchesreached the peak values (3.27and1.43ng.ml-1respectively) into the seawater at thefourteenth and tenth month separately, and the T levels of the males in two batcheswere both significantly higher than that of the females at this point (p<0.05).
     (3) The effects of spectral composition (namely, A1,550nm; A2,455nm; A3,625nm), photoperiod (namely, B1, LD24:0; B2, LD12:12; B3, LD8:16) and lightintensity (namely, C1,0.88W.m-2; C2,4.55W.m-2; C3,8.60W.m-2) on the growthperformance and gonadal development of Atlantic salmon (with initial weight of850.97±82.77g) for210days in RAS were studied by orthogonal test methods. Theresults indicated that spectral composition, photoperiod and light intensity would notaffect the growth performance and feeding of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in RAS,and625nm, LD12:12and8.60W.m-2were thought to be a suitable combination ofartificial lighting under the present experimental condition. The best combinations forthe three factors with the optimum levels in male and female fish were550nm,LD24:0,4.55w.m-2and550nm, LD24:0,0.88w.m-2separately, which could induce thegonadal development of Atlantic salmon. Photoperiod was the main factor in lightenvironment parameters in the process of the gonadal development of the salmon.Photoperiod had extremely significant effects on the nocturnal plasma melatoninrelease, female E2, and male GSI and T of Atlantic salmon (p<0.01), and displayed aremarkable influences on the GSI and plasma T of female fish (p<0.05). whilephotoperiod had no such significant effect on the male plasma E2, and spectralcomposition and light intensity showed no significant effects on GSI, nocturnal plasma melatonin secretion and plasma T and E2ofAtlantic salmon (p>0.05).
     (4) Aseven months trail was conducted to investigate the effects of photoperiodlevels on the growth performance and gonadal development ofAtlantic salmon(Salmo salar) in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Six hundredAtlanticsalmon with the initial body weight (1071.70±155.54) g were randomly distributedin six groups with two replicates per group and50fish per replicate. In the six groups,group24L-8L was initially treated under the photoperiod of LD24:0followed thereduction of5min every day, group8L-24L was initially treated under thephotoperiod of LD8:16followed the increasion of5min every day, and group24L:0Dreceiving the photoperiod of LD24:0, group18L:6D receiving the photoperiod of LD18:6, group12L:12D receiving the photoperiod of LD12:12, group8L:16D receivingthe photoperiod of LD8:16. The results displayed as follows: there were nosignificant influences of different photoperiod levels on the survival rate, coefficientof size variation, and condition factor, specific growth rate of body weight and bodylength, and relative weight gain and daily weight gain at the termination of the trial(p>0.05). The feeding ratio (FR), feed conversion efficiency (FCE) and feedconversion ratio (FCR) in all experimental groups ranged from0.40~0.51%/d,78.09~89.28%and1.12~1.28respectively. The FCR ofAtlantic salmon was lowerand the FR and FCE were higher under the photoperiod of LD12:12. There were nosignificant differences in plasma melatonin levels ofAtlantic salmon among allgroups during the daytime (p>0.05), while the plasma melatonin level ofAtlanticsalmon was lower under the photoperiod of LD24:0than any other photoperiodtreatments during the nighttime (p<0.05) and the sequence of nocturnal plasmamelatonin among all the six groups was group24L:0D      The findings mentioned above in the present study will provide the theory referencefor the growth performance and gonadal development of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) with artificial light, and will also promote the sustainable and healthy development forthe farming industry ofAtlantic salmon in RAS.
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