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Nowadays, accountabilities are basically caused by the emergency in china. Accountabilities arising from emergency have five functions:democratic control; improve government performance of emergency management; improve quality of public safety service; maintain the legitimacy of governance; and in the incidental case of tragedies, fiascos, and failures, processes of public account can help to provide public catharsis.The achieving of accountability functions needs some conditions.The first is the participation of multiple accountee who have the force to constraint government. Secondly,have specific accountors and clear demarcation of responsibilities between them.The third is the information of emergency management actors are accessible. According to the information and behavior criterion,accountee make questions and sanctions.At the same time, the responsible person explain their actions, defense or proof. In practice, the functions of accountability are restricted and continue to alienation, showing the failure of democratic control, programmable emergency management practices, impeding the improvement of performance and the "scapegoat". The alienated functions need to correct.
     The type,structure and other attributes, the external supervisory mechanisms, the oversight mechanisms within the government system,and the avoid acts of "rational" civil servants under the pressure of accountability,all of those have objective affect to function alienation of accountability. These elements play a role on the function alienation through affect the constitution of accountee and accountor and the accessing of behavior information.
     The function alienation of accountability arising from emergency has deep roots.The dominant mode of accountability is based on levels of government,the multiple external accountee only have limited participation, resulting in the absence of accountee.The responsibilities between government departments,different levels,and between party and government are ambiguous.The accountee have difficulties to identify who is the accountor and his responsibilities.Result-oriented and process-oriented accountability have advantages and disadvantages,we should make choice depending on the circumstances or the fusion of the two,but the absence of some accountee makes it impossible to consider the emergency management process. Accountability is only triggered by the outbreak of emergencies,the results of accountability are based on punishment,only a single way;the interaction between accountor and accountee is weak,the rights of explain is missing.
     For the purpose of correction to functions alienation,we should take measures from accountee,accountor,contend,and implementation methods.The first is improving levels model,ensure the People's Congress,the people,the CPPCC organizations,news media's participation from the political system and the institutional level.Identifying the accountor and its responsibilities effectively,divide the responsibilities of emengency manager on institutional level,form relatively fixed, binding duty arrangements in the running of emergency management mechanism,launch emergency capability assessments in local government, determine the capability benchmark and determine the responsibilities according to one's power.Disclose government emergency management information in Integrated way,ensure the accessing to information for accountee. Construction of non-event trigger mechanism, introduct flexible accountee, focusing on real-time monitoring and control for emergency management process, incentives and sanctions in parallel,and ensure the realization of their right to speak.
    ②Shawn Adams. A beginner's guide to learning emergency management[J]. Risk Management,2002 (5):24
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    ④Romzek.B.C,Dubnick.M.G.. Accountability in J.M.Shafritz(Ed.),International encuclopedia of public policy and administration[M]. Boulder,CO:westview,1998:6-11
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    ①Philippe C Schmitter. The Ambiguous Virtues of Accountability[J]. Journal of Democracy.2004,15(4):47-88
    ②Jennifer S. Lerner, Philip E. Tetlock. Accounting for the Effects of Accountability[J].Psychological Bulletin,1999,125(2):255-275
    ③Jonathan Anderson. Illusions of Accountability: Credit and Blame Sensemaking in Public Administration[J]. Administrative Theory & Praxis,2009,31(3):322-339
    ④笔者注:现为美国政府责任办公室,简称GAO,全称为Government Accountability Office,隶属立法机构
    ⑤Sinclair.The chameleon of accountability:forms and discourse[J].Accounting,Organisations and Society,1995(20):219-237
    ①Barberis.The new public management and a new accountability[J].Public administration,1999(76):451-470
    ②Uhr.J.Deliberative Democracy in Australia.The Changing Place of Parliament[M].Cambridge University Press,1998:34
    ③Louise Kloot. Performance measurement and accountability in an Australian fire service[J]. International Journal of Public Sector Management.2009.22 (2):128-145
    ④Barberis.The new public management and a new accountability[J].Public administration,1999(76):451-470
    ⑤Parker. L.. Gould. G Changing public sector accountability:critiquing new directions[J].Accounting Forum,1999,23(2):109-136
    ①Fairchild, T, Zins, J. Accountability practices of school psychologists—1991 national survey[J]. School Psychology Review,21:617-627
    ②Stenning, P. C. Accountability for criminal justice[M]. Toronto.Canada:University of Toronto Press,1995:120-131
    ③Cronshaw. S. F., Alexander. R. A. One answer to the demand for accountability:Selection utility as an investment decision[M]. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1985:102-118
    ④Anderson, P. A. Justifications and precedents as constraints in foreign policy decision-making[J]. American Journal of Political Science,1981(25):738-761
    ⑤Romzek.B.C.Dubnick.M.G.Accountability in J.M.Shafritz(Ed.),Intemational encuclopedia of public policy and administration[J].Boulder,CO:westview,1998:6-11
    ⑥Weber,E.P.Bringing society back in:Grassroots Ecosystem management,accountability,and sustainable communities[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT press,2003:203-224
    ⑦Dubnick,.M.G.Clarifying accountability:An ethical theory framework[J].Fifth International Conference of Ethics in the Public Service:an International Network A Public Sector Ethics C Between Past and Future.Australia,1996:0-21
    ⑧Tetlock, P. The impact of accountability on judgment and choice:Toward a social contingency model[J]. In M. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social PsychologySan Diego:Academic Press,1992:331-376
    ⑨Stenning, P. C. Accountability for criminal justice[M]. Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1995:120-131
    ⑩Jonathan Anderson. Illusions of Accountability:Credit and Blame Sensemaking in Public Administration[J]. Administrative Theory & Praxis.2009,31(3):322-339
    ①Jones, G.W. The search for local accountability, in S. Leach (ed.), Strengthening local government in the 1990s. London:Longman.1992:73
    ②Richard Mulgan.'Accountability':An ever-expanding concept[J]. Public administration,2000,78(3):555-573
    ③Sally Katzen. A Reality Check on an Empirical Study:Comments on "Inside the Administrative State[J]. Michigan Law Review, 2007(7):1497-1510
    ①Mark Philp. Access, accountability and authority:Corruption and the democratic process[J]. Law and Social Change,2001,36(4):357-377
    ① Romzek,Barbara S.,Melvin J.Dubnick.Accountability in the public sector:Lessons from the Challenger Tragedy[J].Public administration review,1987,47(3):227-238
    ② Barbara Romzek S.Where the Buck Stops:Accountability in Reformed Public Organizations."in Patricia W.Ingraham, Ronald P.Sanders,James Thompson,eds.,Transforming Government:The Realities of,Managing Change in Public Organizations[J].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,1998:1-36
    ①Mark Bovens. Public Accountability[M].The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005:5-9
    ②Day. Patricia.Robert Klein. Accountabilities:Five Public Services[M]. London:Tavistock,1987:44
    ③Flinders. Matthew. The politics of accountability in the modern state[M]. Aldershot:Ashgate,2001:388
    ④Henry McCandless E. A Citizen's Guide to Public Accountability:Changing the Relationship Between Citizens and Authorities[M]. Victoria B.C.:Trafford,2001:99
    ①Philippe C Schmitter.The Ambiguous Virtues of Accountability[J]. Journal of Democracy,2004,15(4):47-60
    ②Sally Katzen.A Reality Check on An Empirical Study:Comments on "Inside the Administrative State[J]. Michigan Law Review,2007(7):1497-1510
    ①Jane Broadbent, Royal Holloway, Richard Laughlin.Control and Legitimation in Government Accountability Processes:The Private Finance Initiative in the UK[J]. Critical Perspective on Accounting,2003,14(1):23-48
    ②Day, P, Klein, R. Accountabilities:Five Public Services[M]. London:Tavistock,1987:44
    ③Stewart, J.D. The role of information on public accountability[J].Issues in Public Sector Accounting,1984:60-92
    ④Kloot, L. and Martin, J. Local government accountability:explaining differences[J].Accounting, Accountability and Performance,2001,7(1):51-72
    ⑤Behn,R.D.Rethinking Democratic Accountability[M].Washington,DC:Brooking Institution Press.2001:43-73
    ①Mark Bovens. Public Accountability[M].The Oxford Handbook of Public Management. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005:13-17
    ②Dubnick, Melvin J.Accountability and the Promise of Performance[J]. paper presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,Philadelphia,2003:1-54
    ③Dubnick, Melvin J., and Barbara S. Romzek.Accountability and the Centrality of Expectations in American Public Administration[J]. Research in Public Administration,1993(2):37-78
    ④Halachmi, Arie. Performance measurement, accountability, and improved performance[J]. Public Performance and Management Review,2002,25(4):370-374
    ⑤Behn,R.D.Rethinking Democratic Accountability[M].Washington,DC:Brooking Institution Press,2001:43-73
    ①Anechiarico, Frank,James B. Jacobs.The pursuit of absolute integrity:How corruption control makes government ineffective[M]. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1996:12
    ②Adelberg, Sheldon,C. Daniel Batson. Accountability and Helping:When Needs Exceed Resources[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1978(36):343-350
    ③McLaughlin, Judith B.. David Riesman. The Shady Side of Sunshine[J]. Teachers College Record,1986(87):471-494
    ④Robert Jackall. Moral Mazes:The World of Corporate Managers[M]. New York/Oxford:Oxford University Press,1989:245
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    ⑥Michiel DE Vries. Accountability in the netherlands:exemplary in its complexity[J].PAQ WINTER,2007:480-507
    ⑦Day, P., Klein, R. Accountabilities:Five Public Services, London:Tavistock,1987:44
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    ②M(?)llgaard. H.P., P.B. Overgaard. Market Transparency:A Mixed Blessing[J]. Discussion Paper No.1999-15. Center for Industrial Economics.University of Copenhagen,2000:1-32
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    ①Hassan Danaee Fard. Ali Asghar Anvary Rostamy. Promoting Public Trust in Public Organizations:Explaining the Role of Public Accountability[J]. Public Organization Review,2007(7):331-344
    ②Leazess, Francis J.. Public Accountability:Is It a Private Responsibility?[J].Administration & Society,1997,29(4): 395-411
    ③Gilmore, Robert S., Laura S. Jensen. Reinventing Government Accountability:Public Functions, Privatization, and the Meaning of "State Action"[J]. Public Administration Review,1998,58(3):247-258.
    ④Mulgan, Richard. Comparing Accountability in the Public and Private sector[J]. Australian Journal of Public Administration,2000,59(1):87-97
    ⑤Minow, Martha. Public and Private partnerships:Accounting for the New Religion[J].Harvard Law Review,2003(116): 1229-1260
    ⑥Trebilcock, Michael J., Edward M. Iacobuzi. Privitization and Accountability[J].Harvard Law Review,2003(116): 1422-1453
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    [1]Shawn Adams.A beginner's guide to learning emergency management[J].Risk Management,2002 (5):24
    [2]Stojmenov, L, Djordjevic-Kajan, S..Realization of GIS semantic interoperability in local community environment[J].Proceedings of 6th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science:AGILE 2003, Lyon, France:73-80
    [3]Romzek.B.C,Dubnick.M.G..Accountability in J.M.Shafritz(Ed.),International encuclopedia of public policy and administration[M].Boulder,CO:westview,1998
    [4]Philippe C Schmitter.The Ambiguous Virtues of Accountability [J]. Journal of Democracy,2004,15(4):47-88
    [5]Jennifer S. Lerner,Philip E. Tetlock. Accounting for the Effects of Accountability [J].Psychological Bulletin,1999,125(2):255-275
    [6]Jonathan Anderson. Illusions of Accountability:Credit and Blame Sensemaking in Public Administration[J]. Administrative Theory & Praxis,2009,31(3):322-339
    [7]Sinclair.The chameleon of accountability:forms and discourse[J].Accounting,Organisations and Society,1995(20):219-237
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    [9]Uhr.J.Deliberative Democracy in Australia:The Changing Place of Parliament[M].Cambridge University Press,1998
    [10]Louise Kloot. Performance measurement and accountability in an Australian fire service[J]. International Journal of Public Sector Management,2009,22 (2): 128-145
    [11]Parker, L., Gould, G.. Changing public sector accountability:critiquing new directions [J].Accounting Forum,1999,23(2):109-136
    [12]Fairchild, T, Zins, J. Accountability practices of school psychologists—1991 national survey[J]. School Psychology Review,21:617-627
    [13]Stenning, P. C. Accountability for criminal justice[M]. Toronto,Canada:University of Toronto Press,1995
    [14]Cronshaw, S. F., Alexander, R. A.. One answer to the demand for accountability: Selection utility as an investment decision[M]. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1985:102-118
    [15]Anderson, P. A. Justifications and precedents as constraints in foreign policy decision-making[J]. American Journal of Political Science,1981(25):738-761
    [16]Weber,E.P.Bringing society back in:Grassroots Ecosystem management, accountability, and sustainable communities[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT press,2003
    [17]Dubnick,.M.G.Clarifying accountability:An ethical theory framework[J]. Fifth International Conference of Ethics in the Public Service:an International Network A Public Sector Ethics C Between Past and Future,Australia,1996:0-21
    [18]Tetlock, P. The impact of accountability on judgment and choice:Toward a social contingency model[J]. In M. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology[J]. San Diego:Academic Press,1992 (25):331-376
    [19]Jones, G.W. The search for local accountability, in S. Leach (ed.), Strengthening local government in the 1990s[J]. London:Longman.1992:73
    [20]Richard Mulgan.'Accountability':An ever-expanding concept[J]. Public administration,2000,78(3):555-573
    [21]Sally Katzen. A Reality Check on an Empirical study:Comments on "Inside the Administrative State [J]. Michigan Law Review,2007(7):1497-1510
    [22]Mark Philp. Access, accountability and authority:Corruption and the democratic process[J]. Law and Social Change,2001,36(4):357-377
    [23]Romzek,Barbara S.,Melvin J.Dubnick.Accountability in the public sector:Lessons from the Challenger Tragedy [J].Public administration review,1987,47(3):227-238
    [24]Mark Bovens. Public Accountability [M].The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005
    [25]Day. Patricia,Robert Klein. Accountabilities:Five Public Services[M]. London:Tavistock,1987
    [26]Flinders, Matthew. The politics of accountability in the modern state[M]. Aldershot:Ashgate,2001:388
    [27]Henry E.McCandless. A Citizen's Guide to Public Accountability:Changing the Relationship Between Citizens and Authorities[M]. Victoria B.C.:Trafford,2006
    [28]Broadbent Jane,Royal Holloway, Richard Laughlin.Control and Legitimation in Government Accountability Processes:The Private Finance Initiative in the UK[J].Critical Perspective on Accounting,2003,14 (1):23-48
    [29]Stewart, J.D. The role of information on public accountability[J].Issues in Public Sector Accounting,1984
    [30]Kloot, L. and Martin, J. Local government accountability:explaining differences [J].Accounting, Accountability and Performance,2001,7(1):51-72
    [31]Behn,R.D.Rethinking Democratic Accountability[M].Washington,DC:Brooking Institution Press,2001
    [32]Melvin J. Dubnick. Accountability and the Promise of Performance:In Search of the Mechanisms [J]. paper presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,Philadelphia,2003:1-54
    [33]Dubnick, Melvin J., and Barbara S. Romzek.Accountability and the Centrality of Expectations in American Public Administration[J]. Research in Public Administration,1993(2):37-78
    [34]Halachmi, Arie. Performance measurement, accountability, and improved performance [J]. Public Performance and Management Review,2002,25(4):370-374
    [35]Frank Anechiarico,James B. Jacobs.The pursuit of absolute integrity:How corruption control makes government ineffective[M]. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1996
    [36]Adelberg, Sheldon,C. Daniel Batson. Accountability and Helping:When Needs Exceed Resources [J] Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1978(36):343-350
    [37]McLaughlin, Judith B., David Riesman. The Shady Side of Sunshine[J]. Teachers College Record,1986(87):471-494
    [38]Robert Jackall. Moral Mazes:The World of Corporate Managers[M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1989
    [39]Michiel DE Vries. Accountability in the netherlands:exemplary in its complexity [J].PAQ WINTER,2007:480-507
    [40]Akerlof, G.. The Market for Lemons:Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics,1970,84(3):488-500
    [41]M(?)llgaard, H.P., P.B. Overgaard. Market Transparency:A Mixed Blessing[J]. Discussion Paper No.1999-15. Center for Industrial Economics,University of Copenhagen,2000:1-32
    [42]Boone, J., J. Potters. Transparency, Prices, and Welfare with Imperfect Substitutes[J]. CEPR Discussion Paper No.3256; Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University,2002:1-26
    [43]Hassan Danaee Fard, Ali Asghar Anvary Rostamy. Promoting Public Trust in Public Organizations:Explaining the Role of Public Accountability [J]. Public Organization Review,2007(7):331-344
    [44]Leazess, Francis J.. Public Accountability:Is It a Private Responsibility?[J].Administration & Society,1997,29(4):395-411
    [45]Gilmore, Robert S.,Laura S. Jensen. Reinventing Government Accountability:Public Functions, Privatization, and the Meaning of "State Action"[J]. Public Administration Review,1998,58(3):247-258
    [46]Mulgan, Richard. Comparing Accountability in the Public and Private sector[J].Australian Journal of Public Administration,2000,59(1):87-97
    [47]Minow, Martha. Public and Private partnerships:Accounting for the New Religion[J].Harvard Law Review,2003(116):1229-1260
    [48]Trebilcock, Michael J., Edward M. Iacobuzi. Privitization and Accountability [J].Harvard Law Review,2003(116):1422-1453
    [49]Brown, L.D., Korten, D.C. Understanding Voluntary Organizations:Guidelines for Donors[J].Working Paper 258. Washington, DC,1989:1-46
    [50]Clark,J.Democratizing Development:The Role of Volunteer Organizations[M]. London:Kumarian Press,1991
    [51]Edwards, M.,Hulme, D. Beyond the Magic Bullet:NGO Pevormance and Accountability in the Post-Cold War World[M]. West Hartford, Kumarian Press,1996
    [52]Robert E.G. Democratic Accountability:The Distinctiveness of the Third Sector[J]. Arch.europ. Sociol,2003(3):359-396
    [53]Adil Najam. NGO Accountability:A Conceptual Framework[J].Development Policy Review,1996(14):339-353
    [54]Avina. J. The Evolutionary Life Cycle of Non-governmental Development Organizations[J].Public Administration and Development,1993,13(5):453-474
    [55]Edwards, M, Hulme, D. Introduction:NGO Performance and Accountability[J]. M. Edwards and D. Hulme (eds) Non-governmental Organisations:Performance and Accountability, London:Earthscan,1996
    [56]Ngaire Woods,Amrita Narlikar.Governance and the limits of accountability:The WTO,the IMF and the World Bank[J]. International Social Science Journal,2001:1-22
    [57]Ruthw. Grant,Robert O.Keohane. Accountability and Abuses of Power in World Politics[J]. American Political Science Review,2005,99(1):29-43
    [58]Jens Steffek. Public Accountability and the Public Sphere of International Governance [J]. Ethics & International Affairs,2010,24(1):45-68
    [59]Romzek Barbara S.Where the Buck Stops:Accountability in Reformed Public Organizations."in Patricia W.Ingraham,Ronald P.Sanders,James Thompson (eds) Transforming Government:Lessons from the Reinvention Laboratories [J].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,1998
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