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As architect’s active behavior, architecture creation has clear subjectivity and purpose. It’s a main mean of self-worth value realization and means of livelihood for their own survival and development in the market for professional architects. Utilitarian comes from subject’s need desire and has a clear characteristic which trend to happy and avoid pain. As a basis need content of creation subjects, utility value not only plays a positive role for creative act but also can take a negative generalization risk to creation value. In contemporary social economy market, building becomes a commodity and main material carrier for social economic development and market subjects to get resources. Multiple subjects include architects, government, developers, general public etc. obtain their own maximum interests in the process of buliding value generated, and then under the utilitarian influence, the architecture creation also shows the generalization and alienation action characteristics of "individual benefit", "fracture of the right" and "ideographic formal", etc. This is not just the defects of the creation external environment such as market mechanisms imperfection, also reflects the disorder of creation internal self-discipline which shows the lack of architects’professional responsibility, the imbalance of rational judgments in creation process, and the anomie of the value acceptance and value evaluation. In a certain extent, it also causes the dilemma of difficulties to enhance the contemporary building quality.
     As the basis power of market vitality, utilitarian stimulates the playing of subject activity, drives the level raise of economy and urban construction overall. So the utilitarian has an universal and extensive side, we can’t simply negate it or arbitrarily develop it, but we could not let it develop without any restrictions either. Therefore we should need a critically attitude to accept the active value, sparkplug excellent values and subject behavior of integrity, fairness, and impartiality. We advocate that architects discuss the effective ways from self-starting to improve the architecture quality under the adverse creation environment such as alienated market competition and partial acceptance view, to promote relevant norm institutions’improvement and make utilitarian get out the individual self-interest plight and go on a healthy balance orbit between subject demands and social needs. This also is the basic position and principles about utility in our thesis.
     This thesis base on exploring the values and creation view? of architectural subject, try to find the value balance between utilitarian and architectural creation, and create relatively reasonable creation system to solve the practical difficulties. This thesis’discussion not only has practical significance, this bitter discussion also is a difficulty process for self-reflection, correction and breakthrough, which has a positive theoretical significance and practical value for improving the architect's creative initiative, social responsibility and ethical sense, either for improving our overall design level, and protecting the architecture quality.
     The thesis is divided into four parts.
     The first part is the concept analysis for utility and utilitarian, include in explaining the value content of utility and utilitarian at the macro level, and elaborating the basic characteristics of utilitarian demand, measure of utilitarian value and implementation process, the related influencing factors for utilitarian generation and development.
     The second part is the utilitarian characterization. From three utilitarian value problems include the demands of architectural creation, the right trajectory and reputation judge, to elaborate the utilitarian characterization and the utilitarian orientation of multiple subjects in the design side, the service side and the acceptable side.
     The third part is utilitarian reflection. Based on the integration process of architectural value creation and acceptance, from four parts include creative environmental mechanisms in institutional aspects, moral choice in Values dimension, rational judgments and cultural identity, external factors and internal motivation of utilitarian formation, development, alienation in architecture creation are reflected and analyzed.
     The fourth part is the response system for utilitarian. From three aspects include the regulating of external environment mechanisms for architecture creation, profession value adjustment and practical strategies reconcile, this part discussed the coping relationship between utilitarian and architectural creation. Through external specification strategy, values strategy and practices strategy, a reasonable response and adaptive system is constructed for solving the utilitarian problems which exist in architecture design and returning the reasonable and effectiveness in architecture creation.
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