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节点的移动不可避免的涉及到切换技术,并且切换也是无线资源移动性管理的一个重要组成部分。移动IPv6可在网络层为节点提供可行的移动性解决方案,并且Ad hoc网络具有能够快速部署、自组织等诸多优点,因而移动IPv6和Ad hoc网络的结合成为当前的研究热点。然而Ad hoc网络严格的分层限制使得基于移动IPv6的Ad hoc网络切换会产生较大的切换时延,不利于实时通信及多媒体等业务的发展,为此,本文主要研究基于移动IPv6的Ad hoc网络跨层切换技术,并做了以下几个方面的研究:
     首先,本文在对分级Ad hoc网络下移动IPv6的切换流程和时延进行详细分析的基础上,提出了引入L2-Trigger的跨层切换方案。给出了适宜的具体L2-Trigger触发器名、参数信息及其在移动IPv6中的应用。理论分析说明了利用L2-Trigger触发的跨层切换可以改善切换时延并且引入L2-Trigger后可以减少总的控制信令开销。
     最后,在基于移动IPv6的分级Ad hoc网络切换场景下,针对切换过程中可能存在多个切换目标,且传统切换方式未考虑QoS等情况提出了基于灰色关联分析的跨层切换算法,并对该算法进行了仿真验证。结果表明,该算法能够提高切换的成功率,可在切换的过程中提供QoS保障,避免频繁切换动作浪费资源,从而提高网络性能。
The utilization of the handover technology, which is an important component ofradio resource management, is inevitable when mobile node moves. Mobile IPv6canprovide network layer’s feasible mobility solution for nodes, and Ad hoc network hasthe advantages of quick deployment, self-organizing and many other advantages, as aresult, the research on combing the merits of Mobile IPv6(MIPv6) and Ad hoc networkbecomes a hot topic at present. However, due to the strict hierarchy limitation for Adhoc network, much handover delay will be produced in the handover process of Ad hocnetwork based on MIPv6. It is less favorable for the development of services such as thereal-time communication and multimedia.For these reasons, this paper paied greatattention to the study on cross-layer handover technology for Ad hoc network based onMobile IPv6, and mainly made the following work:
     Firstly, it analyzed the handover process of Mobile IPv6as well as the handoverdelay under hierarchical Ad hoc network in detail, based on this a cross-layer handovermethod which adopted L2-Trigger to reduce the handover delay was proposed. ProperL2-Trigger names together with their parameters were given in this paper. Also, theapplication of L2-Trigger in MIPv6was introduced. Theoretical analysis showed thatthe L2-Trigger can reduce handover delay, moreover, it would save the control signalingnumber rather than bring additional burden of control signaling cost.
     Secondly, the L2-Trigger handover method based on movement prediction wasproposed depending on the analysis and summary of the existing handover methodtriggered by the L2-Trigger. The simulation results illustrated that the proposed methodcan trigger the L2-Trigger in a better way with greater accuracy, which can betterimprove the handover delay due to the trigger made the Layer3handover processconducting in advance.
     Finally, under the handover scenario of hierarchical Ad hoc network based onMIPv6, the cross-layer handover algorithm based on Grey Relational Analysis (GRA)was proposed to act as a solution to the situation that many handover targets may existin the handover process together with the traditional handover method didn’t take theQoS into consideration. The proposed algorithm was simulated and the results showedthat this method can improve the successful handover rate and avoid frequent handover actions which will lead to unnecessary waste of network resources, so it can provideQoS in the handover process and improve the performance of the network.
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