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① 参见《外资并购政策演变录》,载于网址:http://www.cfs.com.cn/
    ② 《2002-2003年度全国最大500家外商投资企业》,《中国投资指南网》,载于网址:http://www.fdi.gov.cn/ltstatic/
    ① 聂名华:《警惕跨国公司在华的垄断倾向》,《新华文摘》,2004年第19期,第125页。
    ② 可参见:《国有品牌正在被外国人消灭》,载于网址:www.ourchina.com
    ③ 《透视我国企业在合资过程中的品牌问题》,载于中国金融网,网址:http://www.zgjrw.com/News/2007312/Main/482774214700.html/
    ④ 国务院发展研究中心:《中国大型工业企业发展报告》,2002年6月版,中国人事出版社,第34页。
    ① 余劲松主编:《中国投资法》,法律出版社,1999年10月版,第65页。
    ② 曾华群著:《国际经济法导论》,法律出版社,1997年4月版,第67页。
    ③ 《汉城公约》第13条(?)项规定:合格的投资者可以是“多数资本为一会员国或几个会员国,或这些会员国国民所有。”《华盛顿公约》第25条第2款第(3)项也规定:“另一缔约国国民”系指“在争端双方将争端交付调停或仲裁之日,具有作为争端一方的国家以外的某一缔约国国籍的任何法人,以及在上述日期具有作为争端一方的缔约国国籍的任何法人,而该法人因受外国控制,双方同意为了本公约的目的,应看作是另一缔约国国民。”
    ④ Ellettronica Sicula S.p.A.(ELSI) (United States of America v. Italy),Martin Dixon, "Case concerning Ellettronica Sicula S.p.A.(ELSI) (United States of America v. Italy)", "The International and Comparative Law Quarter/y", Vol. 41, No.3 (Jul.,1992),PP.701—708
    ① 官以德著:《外资并购上市公司的法律透视》,人民法院出版社,1999年2月版,第1页。
    ② Henry Campbell Black, Black's Law Dictionary, West Publishing Co.,(8th edition,2004),P.891 "Merger is the act or an instance of combining or uniting"
    ③ Gu Mingkang, Understanding Chinese Company Law, HongKong University Press. (2006),P.245.
    ④ J.A. Simpson, Edmund S. Weiner, The Oxford English Dictionary, 2 edition (1989), Oxford University Press, USA, P896.
    ⑤ Henry Campbell Black, Black's Law Dictionary, West Publishing Co., (8th edition, 2004),P.247. "Consolidation: the unification of two or more corporations of other organizations by dissolving the existing ones and creating a single new corporation or organization; the act or process of uniting; the state of being untied "
    ⑥ Henry Campbell Black, Black's Law Dictionary, West Publishing Co.,(8th edition,2004),P.125 "Acquisition: The gaining of possession or control over something,.
    ① Gu Mingkang, Understanding Chinese Company Law, HongKong University Press. (2006),P.245.
    ② 薛波编:《元照英美法词典》,法律出版社,2003年5月版,第1326页。
    ③ "Article3.1 A concentration shall be deemed to arise where a change of control on a lasting basis results from:(a) the merger of two or more previously independent undertakings or parts of undertakings, or(b) the acquisition, by one or more persons already controlling at least one undertaking, or by one or more undertakings, whether by purchase of securities or assets, by contract or by any other means, of direct or indirect control of the whole or parts of one or more other undertakings."
    ④ Council Regulation (EC) No. 4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between undertakings Clark, Corporation Law, Little Brown & Company Limited, (1986) PP. 425-437.
    ⑤ Gu Mingkang, Understanding Chinese Company Law, HongKong University Press. (2006) P246.
    ⑥ 刘澄清著:《公司并购法律事务》,法律出版社,1998年5月版,第2页至第3页。
    ① Gu Mingkang, Understanding Chinese Company Law, HongKong University Press. (2006),PP260-261.
    ② 辜海笑著:《美国反托拉斯理论与实践》,中国经济出版社,2005年9月版,第171页。
    ③ 见前注,第188页。
    ① 郑艳馨著:《论我国混合合并的反垄断法律规制》,载于北大法律信息网:www.chinalawinfo.com/
    ② 扩大产品或服务的并购是指如果一家企业经常需要另一家企业生产的某种前者所不能生产,但又与前者生产、销售有关的产品或服务,那么两级企业就分属于不同的产品或服务市场,两家企业如果进行了合并,就是扩大产品或服务类别的并购。其属于混合并购的一种。参见包锡妹著:《反垄断法的经济分析》,中国社会科学出版社,2003年7月版,第170页。
    ③ 扩大市场的并购是指一个企业为了扩大它的竞争地盘,而与他尚未渗透的地区生产同类产品的企业进行的合并,而这两个企业分属于不同的地域市场。其属于混合合并的一种。见同前注。
    ④ 集团式并购——指不相关行业的公司合并;参见:吴怡德 叶鸣朗 陈美玲,《国内金融业并购之策略与个案分析》,栽于《远东学报》,第23卷第1期,2006年版,第52页。
    ⑤ 同源式并购——指相关行业的公司合并,见前注。
    ⑥ 《中华人民共和国公司法》第184条规定:公司合并可以采取吸收合并和新设合并,一个公司吸收其他公司为吸收合并,被吸收的公司解散。二个以上公司合并设立一个新的公司为新设合并,合并各方解散。
    ① 狭义的上市公司收购仅仅指要约收购。广义的则还包括各类在客观上能够使购买者获得上市公司控制权的行为。参见符启林主编:《中国证券交易法律制度研究》,法律出版社,2000年5月版,第219-220页。
    ② 马永梅:《我国外资并购中有关反垄断规则问题探析》,载于《经济师》,2005年第4期,第34页。
    ③ Section 7 of"the Clayton Act"(1914) provides: "No person engaged in commerce or in any activity affecting commerce shall acquire, directly or indirectly, the whole or any part of the stock or other share capital and no person subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission shall acquire the whole or any part of the assets of another person engaged also in commerce or in any activity affecting commerce, where in any line of commerce or in any activity affecting commerce in any section of the country, the effect of such acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly. No person shall acquire, directly or indirectly, the whole or any part of the stock or other share capital and no person subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission shall acquire the whole or any part of the assets of one or more persons engaged in commerce or in any activity affecting commerce, where in any line of commerce or in any activity affecting commerce in any section of the country, the effect of such acquisition, of such stocks or assets, or of the use of such stock by the voting or granting of proxies or otherwise, may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly."
    ① 陈丽洁著:《公司合并法律问题研究》,法律出版社,2001年1月版,第187页。
    ① 大卫·弗里德曼著,杨欣欣译:《经济学语境下的法律》,法律出版社,2004年5月版,第9—10页。
    ② 胡顺娟著:《反垄断法中垄断的经济分析及对我国的启示》,载于《山西省政法管理干部学院学报》,2006年第19卷第2期,第30页。
    ③ 戚聿东著:《中国现代垄断经济研究》,经济科学出版社,1999年11月版,第10页。
    ④ 邹东涛,杨秋宝著:《经济竞争论》,四川人民出版社,1989年4月版,第320—324页。
    ⑤ 吴汉洪著:《西方寡头市场理论与中国市场竞争立法》,经济科学出版社,1998年6月版,第183-184页。
    ⑥ 肖建华著:《社会主义经济中的垄断》,《中青年经济论坛》,1987年第6期,第45页。
    ① 张维迎、盛洪著:《从电信业看中国的反垄断问题》,《改革》,1998年第2期,第36页。
    ② 王炀:《论反垄断法一般理论及基本制度》,《中国法学》,1997年第2期,第28页。
    ① 在价格型寡占市场中,当厂商确定价格并在此价格下销售给意愿的需求者时,决定市场绩效的关键要素是产品差别化的程度。但当并购出现,产品的差别度必然降低,消费者的选择面变窄,垄断自然而生。参见刘志彪,石奇著:《市场结构和公司结构的决定》,《产业经济研究》,2004年第2期,第55页。
    ② 数量型寡占模型:厂商决定生产多少,让市场决定所销售产出的价格。如果在兼并后的市场中,追随厂商在扩张其产出时受到扩张成本的制约,那么兼并将会增加兼并企业的市场势力。见前注。
    ③ Stephen W. Salant, Sheldon Switzer and Robert J. Reynalds, "Losses from Horizontal Merger: the Effects of An Exogenous Change in Industrial Structure on Courtnot-Nash Equilibrium ", "Quarterly Journal of Economics" , Vol. 98, 1983, pp185-199.
    ④ 纵向并购需要企业投入具有专用性的资产,其是指资产在经济活动中所形成的专门性用途。一旦资产形成专用性特征,那么它就不能改作它用,或者虽可改作它用但其价值却大大降低。维持厂商间垂直关系,要求企业投资于高度的专用性资产,从而使得企业不敢轻易将资产用于投机。
    ① David Levy, "Testing Stigler' s Interpretation of 'the Division of Labor Is Limited by the Extent of the Market'",. "Journal of Industrial Economics" , Vol.32, No.3, 1984, P386.
    ② Dennis. C. Muller, "The Effects of Conglomerate Mergers: A Survey of the Empirical Evidence", "Journal of Banking and Finance" , Vol. 18,No.5, 1977, PP.315-347.
    ① 张乃根著:《经济学分析法学》,上海三联书店,1995年2月版,第226—227页。
    ② 美国是世界上最先产生反垄断立法的国家,而所有先进的经济学分析理论也来源于此。可以说,美国的反垄断法经济学分析是当前世界上最具有影响力的理论学说。
    ③ 辜海笑著:《美国反托拉斯理论与实践》,中国经济出版社,2005年9月版,第19页。
    ④ 包锡妹著:《反垄断法的经济分析》,中国社会科学出版社,2003年7月版,第106页。
    ⑤ Joe. S. Bain, "Economies of Scale, Concentration, and the Condition of Entry in Twenty Manufacturing Industries", "American Economic Review",Vol.44,PP15-39
    ① 邹勋元:《经济全球化下政府治理型态转变之省思一个批判的观点》,载于:http://www.aboutweb.org/canc/data/pub/content/vol3/3-8.pdf/
    ② 夏大慰著:《产业组织与公共政策:芝加哥学派》,载于《外国经济与管理》,1999年第9期,第38页。
    ③ George Stigler, "Barriers to Entry, Economies of Scale and Firm Size, in George Stigler", "The Organization of Industry, Homewood: Richard D.Irwin",PP67-70
    ① 辜海笑著:《美国反托拉斯理论与实践》,中国经济出版社,2005年9月版,第27—28页。
    ② 刘兵勇著:《试论美国反托拉斯法价值目标的变化》,载于《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》,2003年1月第1期,第12页。
    ③ Robert Pitofsky, "Efficiencies in Defense of Mergers: 18 Months after, George Mason Law Review", "Antitrust Symposium: The Changing Face of Efficiency Washington D.C" . Oct.16,1998
    ① 卫新江著:《欧盟,美国企业合并反垄断规制比较研究》,北京大学出版社,2005年3月版,第21页。
    ② Oliver D. Hart and J. Tirole, "Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics" , Brooking Institution Press, 1990,PP.205-256.
    ③ 辜海笑著:《美国反托拉斯理论与实践》,中国经济出版社,2005年9月版,第48页。
    ④ Richard Posner, Anti-Trust, University of Chicago Press, Second Edition,2001,Pix.
    ⑤ Baskoy T.(2005), "Effective Competition and EU Competition Law", "Journal of European and Russian Studies", Vol.1,No.1,2005.
    ① 这种理论认为,影响市场竞争的因素是市场结构(主要指市场参与者的数目和它们的市场占有额)、企业的市场行为和市场运行的结果(如企业的生产率或利润水平)。其中决定性的因素是市场结构,因为市场结构可以影响企业的市场行为,进而影响市场结果。比如在垄断条件下,垄断者一般趋向于抬高价格、压缩产量,攫取垄断利润,造成福利上的无谓损失,而且过高的利润率可能减弱垄断企业本身的创新压力和动力。Generally See: J.M. Clark, "Toward a concept of workable competition", "American Economic Review",1940, vol.30.
    ① William J. Kolasky and Leon B. Greenfield,"Merger Review in the EU and US: Substantive Convergence and Procedural Dissonance", "Global Competition Review", Oct./Nov.,1998,
    ② 杨兴业,白文英:《美国联邦政府诉美国铝业公司垄断案——反垄断法简释》,载于“天涯法律网”,网址:http://www.hicourt.gov.cn/theory/artilce_list.asp?id=855/
    ③ ContinentalT.V.Inc.etal.v.GTESylvania,Inc.,433..36(1977).
    ④ E.吉尔霍恩,WE.科瓦西克:《反垄断法律与经济》,中国人民大学出版社,2001年12月版,第ⅳ页。
    ⑤ United States V, Microsoft, 84F. Supp. 2d9(D.D.C.1999),United StatesV.Microsoft,87F, Supp.2d30(D.D.C.2000).
    ⑥ Oliver E. Williamson, The Merger Guidelines of the U.S. Department of Justice—In Perspective, available at: http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/hmerger/11257.pdf/
    ⑦ 该报告提出了以“资产剥离”方式处理一些反竞争性行为,而非传统的法院诉讼模式。参见:the Staff of the Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission,William J.Baer Director,A Study of the Commission Divestiture Process,1999.
    ① Title 31-Money and Finance: Treasury, Chapter Ⅷ——office of International Investment, Department of the Treasury, Part 800-Regulations Pertaining to Mergers, Acquisitions, and Takeovers by.Foreign Persons.
    ② 根据美国的反垄断法判例,价格显著的幅度随产业的不同而不同,也不必一定高于SSNIP市场界定法所要求的5%的幅度,在某些情况下也可以低于5%。参见卫新江著:《欧盟,美国企业合并反垄断规制比较研究》,北京大学出版社,2005年3月版,第37页。
    ③ 见前注。
    ④ 依照HHI指数对市场集中度作出不同的划分:低度集中,中度集中,高度集中,对低度集中市场不予干预,对中度集中市场再综合非市场因素决定其是否具有垄断的趋势,对高度集中市场禁止横向合并。而在纵向合并上,则注重市场份额与市场支配地位的衡量,以此决定该合并是否会造成对竞争的实质性损害产生垄断的趋势。参见:邓向荣周密,《”麦克米伦”缺口及其经济学分析》,《南开经济研究》,2005年第4期,第63-68页。
    ⑤ Timothy J. Muris, "Improving the Economic Foundations of Competition Policy" , "George Mason University Law Review's Winter Antitrust Symposium" , January 15,2003,Washington D.C.
    ① 李国海著:《反垄断法实施机制研究》,方正出版社,2006年1月版,第283—297页。
    ② 王为农:《企业集中规制中的关联市场的划定标准——美国、EU及日本的反垄断法律制度的比较》,载于《经济法论丛》,2001年第一卷,第65页。
    ③ 产品市场是指判定处在一定的空间和时间范围之内的数个产品或者服务是否具有竞争关系的场所。Dr.Ulrich Stumpf,Peter Alexiadis,Dr.Sonia Strube Martins,etc.,“Methodologies for market definition and market analysis".“Study for ICP-ANACOM Final Repot".23 July 2003
    ④ 地理市场是指在相应的产品市场内的产品或服务所能展开竞争的空间范围。见前注。
    ⑤ 时间市场是指在相应的产品市场内的产品或服务所能展开竞争的时间范围。见前注。
    ⑥ 技术革新市场包括拥有研发直接得来的全新或者全面提升的产品或程序,以及类似的研发替代品的场所。参见”Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property”Issued by the U.S.Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission,April 6,1995
    ⑦ Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. U.S., at 61,31S. Ct.502,516, The Judge point out that the commerce referred to by the word" any part" construed in the light of the manifest purpose of the statue——include any portion of the United States and any one of the classes of things forming a part of interstate or foreign commerce.
    ① 但美国的全国检察官协会(NAAG:the National Association of Attorneys General)表示,只在有充分的证据证明,适用司法部和联邦贸易委员会的《兼并指南》中的“关联市场”界定方法是可行的并且确定的情况下,才可以接受SSNIP界定法。参见the NAAG Horizontal Merger Guidelines(1993)
    ② 吴汉洪 董红霞:《企业并购需要反垄断法加以规制——一个经济学分析的视角》,载于:www.njjczx.gov.cn/
    ③ 《各国反垄断法汇编》编选组:《各国反垄断法汇编》,《1992年横向并购规则》第1.1.0概要,人民法院出版社,2000年1月版,第129至130页。
    ④ Section 2.0 of the Horizontal Merger Guidelines, revised April.8 1997
    ⑤ The general standards for horizontal mergers are as follows: a)Post-Merger HHI Below 1000. Markets in this region generally would be considered to be unconcentrated, having the equivalent of at least 10 equally sized firms. Because implicit coordination among firms is likely to be difficult and because the prohibitions of section 1 of the Sherman Act are usually an adequate response to any explicit collusion that might occur, the Department is unlikely to challenge mergers falling in this region. b) Post-Merger HHI between 1000 and 1800. Because this region extends from the point at which the competitive concerns associated with concentration become significant to the point at which they become quite serious, generalization is particularly difficult. The Department, however, is unlikely to challenge mergers producing an increase in the HHI of less than 100 points.31 The Department is more likely than not to challenge mergers in this region that produce an increase in the HHI of more than 100 points. In making that decision, however, the Department will take into account the post-merger concentration of the market, the size of the resulting increase in concentration, and the presence or absence of the other factors discussed in Sections Ⅲ(B) and Ⅲ(C). c) Post-Merger HHI Above 1800. Markets in this region generally are considered to be highly concentrated, having the equivalent of no more than approximately six equally sized firms. Additional concentration resulting from mergers is a matter of significant competitive concern, and the Department will resolve dose questions in favor of challenging the merger. The Department is unlikely, however, to challenge mergers producing an increase in the HHI of less than 50 points.32 For mergers producing an increase in the HHI of from 50 to 100 points, the Department will base its decision whether to challenge the merger on the post-merger concentration of the market, the size of the resulting increase in concentration, and the presence or absence of the factors discussed in Sections Ⅲ(8) and Ⅲ(C). The Department is likely to challenge mergers in this region that produce an increase in the HHI of 100 points or more.33 available at: "1982 Merger Guideline" Ⅲ. A. 1.
    ① 1992 Horizontal Merger Guideline, Section 2.11 Conditions Conducive to Reaching Terms of Coordination
    ② 1992 Horizontal Merger Guideline, Section 2.2 Lessening of Competition Through Unilateral Effects
    ③ “及时”是指市场进入从最初计划到能够产生明显的市场影响在2年之内完成,1992 Hofizontal Merger Guideline, Section 3.2 Timeliness of Entry
    ① “可信”是指当进入策略按照并购前的价格计算能为进入者带来利润。在分析可信度时,《兼并指南》采用的是最低可行性模式(MVS:Minimum Viable Scale),1992 Horizontal Merger Guideline,Section 3.3 Likelihood of Entry
    ② “充分”是指进入足以组织或者抵消并购所带来的反竞争效应.,1992 Horizontal Merger Guideline,Section 3.4 Sufficiency of Entry
    ③ Malcolm B. Shughart, Merger Enforcement at the Federal Trade Commission in Three Presidential Administration, The Antitrust Bulletin/Summer 2000,P347
    ④ Damien Neven etc., Merger in Daylight, London: Center For Economic Policy Research,1993.P62
    ⑤ Section 4 of the Horizontal Merger Guidelines,1992
    ⑥ Section 4 of the Horizontal Merger Guidelines,1992
    ⑦ Robert H. Lande, "Chicago's False Foundation: Wealth Transfers (Not Just Efficiency) Should Guide Antitrust", 58Antitrust L.J. 631 (1989)
    ① 尚明主编:《反垄断—主要国家与国际组织反垄断法律与实践》,中国商务出版社,2005年6月版,第82页。
    ② 卫新江著:《欧盟,美国企业合并反垄断规制比较研究》,北京大学出版社,2005年3月版,第158页。
    ③ Steven P. Lipowski, "Mergers and Acquisitions Affected By Amended Thresholds Under Hart-Scott-Rodino Act Effective", available at: http://www.ruder.com/News_interface/Results/
    ① 陈建刚,《美国、德国、日本行政决策听证制度比较及借鉴》,载于《中共四川省委省级机关党校学报(新时代论坛1》,2006年第2期,第94—96页。
    ② United States v. Aluminum Company of America 148 E 2d 416 (2d Cir 1945)
    ③ 奎生、邵建东、陈立虎著:《反垄断法研究》,中国大百科全书出版社,1993年6月版,第576页。
    ④ The US Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvement Act,15 U.S.C. §6a(1)(A)
    ⑤ Timberlane Lumber Co. v. Bank of America, 549 F.2d 597, 613. (9th Cir. 1976)
    ① 卫新江著:《欧盟,美国企业合并反垄断规制比较研究》,北京大学出版社,2005年3月版,第98页,
    ② 《外资在华并购监管加强》,参见搜狐财经网:http://business.sohu.com/20060731/n244544497.shtml
    ③ the Staff of the Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission, William J. Baer Director, A Study of the Commission Divestiture Process, 1999, P.25
    ④ Id.p31
    ① 李梅影:《反垄断法有望明年出台 借鉴欧盟竞争法经验》,载于新浪网:http://tech.sina.com.cn/it/2005-04-25/0740591900.shtm/
    ② 该条例在欧盟立法中标识为:Council Regulation(EC)No.4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between undertakings,本文将其简称为:《合并购条例》
    ③ 该条例在欧盟立法中标识为:Commission Regulation(EC)No.447/98 of 1 March 1998 on the notifications,time limits and hearing provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No.4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between undertakings,其又被称为:implementing regulation,本文将其简称为:《执行条例》
    ④ 修订后的条例被标识为:Council Regulation (EC) No.139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings,本文将对此简称:《新合并条例》
    ⑤ Commission Notice on the definition of the relevant market for the purpose of Community competition law
    ⑥ Commission Notice on the concept of concentration under Council Regulation (EC) No. 4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between undertakings
    ⑦ Commission Notice on Remedies acceptable under Council Regulation (EC) No. 4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between undertakings
    ① Council Regulation (EC) No. 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings, Article 2.1
    ② Commission Notice on the definition of the relevant market for the purpose of Community competition law, Supply substitution
    ③ Council Regulation (EC)No.1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the Implementation of the Rules on Competition Laid down in Article 81and 82 of the Treaty. Article. 4
    ① 卫新江著:《欧盟,美国企业合并反垄断规制比较研究》,北京大学出版社,2005年3月版,第52页。
    ② 吴汉洪 董红霞:《企业并购需要反垄断法加以规制——一个经济学分析的视角》,载于:www.njjczx.qov.cn/
    ③ 许光耀主编:《欧共体竞争立法》,武汉大学出版社,2006年10月版,第422页。
    ① 见前注
    ② 尚明主编:《反垄断——主要国家与国际组织反垄断法律与实践》,中国商务出版社,2005年6月版,第82页。
    ③ Generally see: Commission Notice on the Handling of Complaints by the Commission under Article 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty, Section Ⅲ, D. the commission's procedures when dealing with complaints
    ④ 见前注
    ⑤ Generally see: Commission Notice on the Handling of Complaints by the Commission under Article 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty, Section Ⅲ, D. the commission's procedures when dealing with complaints
    ① Generally see: Commission Regulation (EC) No. 773/2004 of 7 April 2004 Relating to the Conduct of the Proceeding by the Commission Pursuant to Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty, Section 5th
    ② "2. The Commission shall carry out the procedures set out in this Regulation in close and constant liaison with the competent authorities of the Member States, which may express their views upon those procedures" See: "COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings", Art.19.2
    ③ See: "COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings", Art.9&Art.22
    ④ 卫新江著:《欧盟,美国企业合并反垄断规制比较研究》,北京大学出版社,2005年3月版,第149页。
    ① Case T-5/02, Tetra Laval v Commission, CFI judgment 25 October 2002 available at: http://europa.eu.int/jurisp/cgi-bin/gettext.pl?lang=en&num=79978974T19020005&doc=T&ouvert=T&seance=ARRET&where=()/
    ② 该判例采用了与欧盟后期做法不同的效果主义原则。参见:郑建伟:《论“效果原则”及我国反垄断立法的选择》,《商场现代化》2006年2月(中旬刊)总第458期,第30页。
    ③ 饶玉琳:《我国反垄断法域外适用研究》,载于游劝荣主编:《反垄断法比较研究》,人民法院出版社,2006年4月版,第562页。
    ④ Gencor Ltd. v. Commission, Case T-102/96
    ⑤ 饶玉琳:《我国反垄断法域外适用研究》,载于游劝荣主编:《反垄断法比较研究》,人民法院出版社,2006年4月版,第564页。
    ⑥ Case 48/69, ICI v Commission (Dyestuffs), [1972] ECR 619, 661-663
    ① Wolfgang Mederer, Remedies in Merger Cases, The Fifth Annual Competition Conference, Para. 2.2
    ① 王中美:《WTO争端解决机制与国际竞争政策——柯达*富士胶卷案之国际竞争法方面分析》,载于:《商业研究》,2002/12(下半月版)总第260期,第103—105页。
    ② Mark William,”Adootion of the EC Comoetition Law Model——Is it a Trojan House for China?”,参见:《中国竞争法立法探要——欧盟对我们的启示》,社会科学文献出版社,2006年4月版,第324页。
    ③ 杜明,李红波:《经济转轨国家中企业并购的反垄断规制:对中国的个案研究》,,参见:《中国竞争法立法探要——欧盟对我们的启示》,社会科学文献出版社,2006年4月版,第80页。
    ④ 严海:《入世后我国外资并购中的反垄断问题研究》,网址:http://www.law-lib.com/lw/lw_view.asp?no=4388
    ① 李小军:《企业合并反垄断控制中的效率抗辩》,载于《反垄断法比较研究》,人民法院出版社,2006年4月版,第445页。
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