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人类牙齿的发育是一个相对比较复杂的过程,许多信号通路互相串联在一起,形成一个复杂的信号网络共同调控牙齿的发育过程。小鼠作为模式生物,其牙齿发育的调控机制已经研究的比较透彻,但是不同物种之间存在差异,至今为止,我们对人类牙齿发育过程中信号调控的过程仍不是十分清楚。为了弄清人类牙齿发生的分子机制,同时了解信号通路的调控模式,我们做了一些相应的基础研究。有文献报道在小鼠中敲除BMPRIA,阻断BMP信号会导致牙胚发育停留在蕾状期,还有众多文献表明BMP信号缺失导致牙齿发育异常,由此可见BMP信号对于调控牙齿发育是比较关键的。本实验研究了BMP信号通路的一些关键因子在人牙胚中的表达情况,这些基因包括BMP2, BMP7, SDAM4, BMPRIA, BMPRIB和BMPRII, noggin.通过对比相应时期小鼠基因的表达情况,我们发现在人类牙胚发育的分子调控过程中BMPRIB的表达与小鼠存在差异,而其余基因表达情况均与小鼠类似,我们可以推测是否在人类牙胚发育过程中BMPRIB受体而不是BMPRIA起到了关键的信号传递的作用。通过本实验可以进一步探讨调节牙齿发育过程的信号通路之间的相互作用关系。
The development of human teeth is a relatively complex process. Many signaling pathways work in tandem together to form a complex signaling network to mediate the process of tooth development. Mice as a model organism, the regμLation of tooth development has been thoroughly studied, but there is considerable differences between the different species. So far, of the human tooth development controlling process, the signal is still not very clear. We did a lot of experiments to understand the molecμLar mechanism of human teeth and signaling pathway model. It is reported that if BMPRlA is blocked, the blocked BMP signaling can cause tooth development remain in the bud stage. There are numerous literature indicates that lacking of BMP signaling resμLts in abnormal tooth development. Therefore, BMP signaling is critical in the regμLation of tooth development. This experiment studies the key factors of the BMP signaling pathway in the expression of human tooth in these genes, including BMP2, BMP7, SDAM4, BMPR1A, BMPRIB and BMPRⅡ, NOGGIN. By comparing the corresponding period of gene expression in mice, we found BMPRIB expression in human tooth development is different in mice, while the rest were similar. We specμLate that it is not the BMPRIB but BMPRlA receptor plays a key role in signal transduction in human tooth germ development. This experiment can be further explored by adjusting the process of tooth development the interaction between signaling pathways.
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