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In teacher education, the curriculum's setting are more on experience, but not on empirical research. The teaching knowledge is the important sign to measure the degree of specialization of Teachers. It is significant to study the relationship between the teacher education course and teachers'teaching knowledge. The research on the relationship between the course of the history of mathematics and preservice teachers'teaching knowledge. Focus on the following two aspects:(1) After learning the history of mathematics, what has changed in preservice teachers' teaching knowledge?(2) In learning the history of mathematics, preservice teachers' teaching knowledge is how to change? Among them, each problem is divided into two small question to study.
     This research is based on the theory of MKT, study the changes of preservice teachers' teaching knowledge including subject content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. This study is divided into two parts of quantitative research and qualitative research. In quantitative research, the researcher developed the teaching knowledge questionnaire, and test the research and the control calss'preservice teachers, in before and after the term. In qualitative research, the researcher asked11preservice teathers to carry on the simulation teaching on a certain knowledge. In the history of mathematics course, the research interduced the history of the certain knowledge. Then, the researcher asked the preservice teachers to reflect on the previous simulation teaching. Through interviews, the researcher know what changed of the preservice teachers'simulation teaching, and know what the changes are caused by the factors of the history of mathematics. The researcher also analyzed the change of preservice teachers'teaching knowledge in different types of the history of mathematics content and different teaching methods.
     Conclusions of the research are as follows:
     (la) After the history of mathematics course, preservice teachers'subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge have been improved, and the degree of the pedagogical content knowledge to improve larger than the subject matter knowledge,(lb) The history of mathematics improve class A (normal) preservice teachers'teaching knowledge more than class B (non normal), especially in the pedagogical content knowledge.
     (2a) The change of preservice teachers' subject matter knowledge are not directly linked to the order of learning the history of mathematics, but relate to richness and types of the history of mathematics. The change of preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge not only relate to richness and types of the history of mathematics, but also relate to the order of learning the history of mathematics.(2b) The type of evolution history is the biggest change preservice teachers' teaching knowledge, the type of enumueration history is the smallest change. Preservice teachers the most welcome the history of mathematics content of both knowledge and fun, and the history of mathematics content combine to HPM teaching case will the most suitable for preservice teachers'learning. Discuss integrating the history of mathematics into mathematics teaching in the history of mathematics course can improvement preservice teachers'teaching knowledge effective. Assign appropriate homework help to enhance preservice teachers on mathematics history and mathematics education understanding. The video cases can help preservice teachers to better translate the history of mathematics into teaching knowledge.
     According to the study of revelation, the researcher have proposed some suggestions on construction of the history of mathematics course and teaching design process of integrating the history of mathematics into mathematics teaching. After discussion of the shortcomings of the research, the researcher puts forward some prospects for future research.
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