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鲐属(Scomber)为暖水性中上层鱼类,在海洋捕捞业中占有重要的地位,但其系统发育关系与分类、物种划分尚存争议。本研究基于形态学、线粒体DNA和核基因分析了鲐属鱼类的分类与系统发育关系,并探讨了鲐属鱼类的起源进化历史。同时我们以在西北太平洋分布的日本鲐(Scomber japonicus)和澳洲鲐(Scomber australasicus)为研究对象,分别采用形态学、线粒体DNA和微卫星三种标记来检测两种鲐属鱼类的群体遗传结构和系统地理格局,并探讨了其群体动态历史的演化过程,揭示历史因素、当前环境因素及鱼类自身的生态习性对海洋鱼类群体遗传结构和系统地理分布模式的综合作用。主要研究结果如下:
     (2)本文以线粒体DNA(COI、Cyt b和控制区)和核基因(5S rDNA)为分子标记,结合线粒体基因和核基因各自的优点,在每个基因片段独立分析的基础上,利用贝叶斯联合模型分析方法重建鲐属鱼类的系统发育关系。结果显示:所有的系统发育分析均解决和支持鲐属鱼类的单系性;不同分区策略的贝叶斯分析获得了拓扑结构一致且各节点后验概率均较高的系统发育树,日本鲐与澳洲鲐聚为姐妹群,再与圆鲐聚类,大西洋鲐位于基部位置。
Scomber species are epipelagic and pelagic fishes with gregarious behavior.Scomber mackerel fisheries are very important in many regions throughout theirdistributions. Despite its economic importance for international fisheries, thetaxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Scomber have long been controversial. Inthe present study, phylogenetic analysis of Scomber was conducted usingmorphological, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data to clarify the currenttaxonomic classification, and to assess phylogenetic relationships and theevolutionary history of this genus. Additionally, we estimated the population structureand phylogeographic pattern of Scomber japonicus and Scomber australasicus inNorthwestern Pacific using morphological, mitochondrial DNA sequence andmicrosatellite DNA markers to infer the relative role of historical vicariant events,environmental factors and life history traits in shaping and maintaining the populationstructure pattern of these two species.
     1. The taxonomy, and phylogeny and evolution of Scomber
     (1) The phylogenetic relationships of three Scomber species was inferred byusing morphological and otolith shape analysis. The shape of Scomber scombrusotolith is totally different from those of S. japonicus and S. australasicus. The resultsof multivariate analysis consistently showed S. japonicus is morphologically similarto S. australasicus, whereas large difference was observed between S. scombrus andthe other two Scomber species based on morphological characters and otolith shapevariable.
     (2) A molecular phylogenetic analysis of Scomber was conducted based onmitochondrial (COI, Cyt b and control region) and nuclear (5S rDNA) DNA sequencedata in multiple perspective. The present study produced a well-resolved phylogenythat strongly supported the monophyly of Scomber. We confirmed that S. japonicusand S. colias are genetically distinct. Although morphologically and ecologicallysimilar to S. colias, the molecular data showed that S. japonicus has a greatermolecular affinity with S. australasicus, which conflicts with the traditional taxonomy.This phylogenetic pattern was corroborated by the morphological data. Thepresent-day geographic range of each species was compared with the resultantphylogeny to evaluate possible hypotheses for its diversification and range expansion.In view of the unique geographic distributions of Scomber species, we hypothesizedthat speciation in the genus was primarily based on historical vicariance and adaption.
     2. Population genetic structure and molecular phylogeography of S. japonicus
     (1) Morphological characters and otolith shape variable were compared bymultivariate analysis for S. japonicus populations in Northwestern Pacific. Significantdifferences were found in many characters among eight S. japonicus populations.However, no geographical trend was observed. In addition, comparative analysis ofotolith shape variable from different length groups indicated that otolith shape of S.japonicus varied with growth rate.
     (2) Molecular phylogeography of S. japonicus in Northwestern Pacific wasinvestigated using mitochondrial control region sequences. Two significantly distinctlineages were detected, which might be isolated during glacial periods of Pleistocene.However, the relative frequency of individuals occupying the two major lineages didnot differ significantly among sample locations. It is supposed that the presentdistribution of haplotypes is indicative of secondary contact with subsequent highgene flow over the sampled range. Both mismatch distribution analyses and neutralitytests suggested a late Pleistocene population expansion for S. japonicus.
     (3) Genetic differentiation of S. japonicus in Northwestern Pacific was surveyedat eight microsatellite loci. Microsatellite analyses revealed relative high genetic diversity for S. japonicus due to high mutation rate of microsatellite DNA as well aslarge effective population size of this species. Significant population genetic structurewas detected among S. japonicus populations, which might be caused by thecomplicated interaction between marine currents and biological characteristics of S.japonicus.
     3. Population genetic structure and molecular phylogeography of S. australasicus
     (1) Morphological traits and truss network characters were measured toinvestigate morphological difference among S. australasicus populations.Multivariate analysis consistently found significant differences between China andJapan populations, which may be caused by marine currents in these two areas.
     (2) The first hypervariable region (HVR-1) of the mitochondrial DNA controlregion was analyzed for samples collected from five locations in Northwestern Pacific.NJ tree and median-joining network revealed no significant phylogeographic structure.No significant genetic structure was detected among populations of S. australasicusanalyzed. It is likely a consequence of extensive gene flow caused by passive larvaltransport and/or extremely high vagility in adult as well as population expansionduring late Pleistocene.
     (3) Weak but significant genetic structure was found in four S. australasicuspopulations in Japan’s Pacific coastal waters based on microsatellite analyses. Smallbut significant genetic differentiation between the middle of north Pacific populationand other populations might be attributed to the limited gene flow due to Kamchatka.In accordance with mtDNA result, microsatellite diversities were relatively high anddid not show any geographical trends.
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