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     采取HPLC法对糙米中CoQ10的含量进行测定,并对测定技术进行了优化。用该技术测定了100个品种(种质资源)的辅酶Q10含量,变化范围为0.30±0.03 mg/kg~5.36±0.04mg/kg,品种之间糙米辅酶Q10含量呈极显著差异。含量最高的为4B233(5.36±0.04mg/kg),是最低含量的178.67倍,是平均含量的1.40倍,是恢复系蜀恢527(1.32±0.03 mg/kg)的4.06倍、镇恢084(0.77±0.15 mg/kg)的6.96倍、圭630(0.72±0.06 mg/kg)的7.44倍。国内第一次系统研究报道糙米辅酶Q10的测定研究。
     测定了24个黑米、红米、常规白米的水稻品种中的糙米和糙米皮(米糠)中的黄酮含量,结果表明,品种之间黄酮含量呈极显著差异。含量最高的品种是闽紫香2号(MZX2 ,3867mg/kg),是平均数的3.70倍,是最低的63倍,是推广品种“佳禾早占”的50.0倍。早季水稻品种糙米中黄酮含量介于37~680 mg/kg之间,平均为252 mg/kg。米糠中黄酮含量介于276~6100 mg/kg之间,平均为1999 mg/kg。晚季水稻品种糙米中黄酮含量介于61~5867mg/kg之间,平均为1212 mg/kg。米糠中黄酮含量介于605~51123 mg/kg之间,平均为9911 mg/kg。品种之间糙米黄酮含量呈极显著差异。早、晚季米糠中黄酮含量均高于糙米。
     对20个水稻品种的糙米和精米的维生素B1、B2含量进行研究。品种间糙米与精米的维生素B1、B2含量都存在显著差异。糙米维生素B1含量最高的是京福1A/R41-496,含量为1.59%,比平均数增加40.71%,比最低含量增加72.83% ,比推广种优I66增加72.83%;维生素B2最高的是粤丰A/R41-135,含量为0.63%,比平均数增加10.14%,比最低含量的品种增加21.15% ,比推广种优I66增加16.67%。糙米维生素B1含量在1.59~0.92 mg/kg之间,维生素B2含量在0.63~0.51mg/kg之间;精米维生素B1含量在1.07~0.45mg/kg之间,维生素B2含量在0.43~0.35mg/kg之间。糙米经过加工成为精米后,维生素B1的含量降低3.19%~62.55%,维生素B2的含量降低22.89%~44.44%。
     20个水稻品种糙米中6种矿质元素的平均含量排序为:Ca>Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu>Se,其平均含量分别是:Ca为320.859、Mn为144.45、Fe为64.514、Zn为33.399、Cu为17.597、Se为0.077 mg/kg ;精米中6种矿质元素的平均含量排序为:Ca>Mn>Zn>Fe>Cu>Se,其平均含量分别为71.103、10.008、8.321、5.790、1.674、0.020 mg/kg。糙米中各元素含量均明显高于精米,差异最大的是Mn,糙米Mn中的含量是精米中的14.43倍,其次是Fe(11.14倍),第三是Cu(10.51倍),Ca、Zn、Se依次为4.51、4.01、3.85倍。
     闽紫香2号具有闽紫香1号较好的品质性状。闽紫香2号的直链淀粉(1%)、蛋白质(11.43%)、总氨基酸(9.13%)、黄酮(3963.89mg/kg)、Fe(46.82 mg/kg)、Zn(23.21 mg/kg)、Ca含量(157.85 mg/kg),与闽紫香1号相比均有所改善。不同年份闽紫香2号的黄酮含量测定保持较高的含量:2005年3963.89 mg/kg,2006年3867.0mg/kg,2008年4671.82±7.90 mg/kg。
     2. MZX2发芽糙米利用与品质研究
     以闽紫香1号、闽紫香2号、福建省生产上应用的品种组合甬优6号、佳辐占、东南201、汕优63和福建市场销售的丰源978、吉林黑米等10个水稻品种(品系)为材料,研究米糠、精米、糙米和发芽糙米的γ-氨基丁酸含量差异。结果表明,闽紫香2号2008年、2007年收获稻谷加工的发芽糙米γ-氨基丁酸含量,居前两位,含量分别是89.15±1.43mg/kg、80.33±0.80mg/kg,闽紫香1号为61.66±1.13mg/kg,居第三位。闽紫香2号γ-氨基丁酸含量比平均值(50.97 mg/kg)增加74.91%,比市场销售发芽糙米HM(45.76±1.34mg/kg)提高94.82%,比含量最低的FY978(20.82±0.60mg/kg)提高328.19%。
     同一品种,不同收获季节对γ-氨基丁酸合成造成影响,闽紫香2号2007年收获的糙米做成发芽糙米比2008年收获的含量下降10.98%;同一品种,不同加工处理方法γ-氨基丁酸含量差异显著,发芽糙米>糙米>精米,10个品种间平均γ-氨基丁酸含量分别是:50.9840mg/kg、13.7250 mg/kg和5.2390 mg/kg。
     紫闽香2号发芽糙米中黄酮含量达到8603.82mg/kg,是佳辐占发芽糙米的4.5倍,是对照市场销售HM发芽糙米(655.11 mg/kg)的13.13倍。闽紫香1号发芽糙米含量达6463.78 mg/kg。高黄酮发芽糙米研究为国内首次报道。
Nourishing compositions conenzymeQ10 (hereafter abbreviated as CoQ10), flavone, amino acid, vitamin and mineral in brown rice with different genotypes and flavone,γ-aminobutyric acid etc in system germinated brown rice were studied in this paper. Main findings are as follows:
     ⅠStudy on nourishing quality of rice varieties with different genotypes
     1. Co Q10 in brown rice
     High performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) was employed to determine content of CoQ10 in brown rice, and the testing technology was optimized in the meantime. Content of CoQ10 in 100 varieties(germplasm resources) was determined by HPLC, range of which is 0.30±0.03 mg/kg~5.36±0.04mg/kg, very significant differences of CoQ10 content were found in brown rice of various varieties. The one with highest content of CoQ10 (5.36±0.04mg/kg) is 4B233, content of which is 178.67 times of the lowest, and is 1.40 times, 4.06 times, 6.96 times, 7.44times of mean, restorer Shuhui527(1.32±0.03 mg/kg), Zhenhui084(0.77±0.15 mg/kg), Gui630(0.72±0.06 mg/kg) respectively. It is the first time to report the determination and systematical study of CoQ10 in brown rice in China.
     2. Flavone in brown rice
     Flavone content in brown rice and rice bran of 24 rice varieties including black rice, red rice and conventional white rice was determined, very significant difference of flavone content among various varieties was illustrated in the results. Variety with highest content of flavone is Minzixiang2(MZX2, 3867mg/kg), content of which is 3.70, 63.0,50.0 times of mean, the lowest and CK“Jiahezaozhan”,respectively. Flavone content in brown rice of early season rice varieties is within 37~680 mg/kg, the mean is 252 mg/kg. Flavone content in rice bran is within 276~6100 mg/kg, the mean is 1999 mg/kg. Flavone content in brown rice of late season rice varieties is within 61~5867 mg/kg, the mean is 1212 mg/kg. Favone content in rice bran is within 605~51123 mg/kg, the mean is 9911 mg/kg. Very significant difference of flavone content in rice bran was found among various varieties. Flavone content in rice bran of early and late season rice varieties are both higher than that in brown rice.
     3. Amino acid, vitamin and minerals in brown rice
     Amino acid content in brown rice and polished rice of 8 early hybrid rice combinations was studied. Very significant differences of amino acid content in brown rice were found in every combination. Combination with the highest amino acid content in brown rice is T You78150, whose amino acid content is 4.39% higher than the mean, and increases 10.02%, compares to variety with lowest amino acid content, and is 4.41% more than CK You I 66. Total amino acid content in brown rice and polished rice of 8 rice varieties are 8.012~8.945%, 6.976~7.748%, respectively. Total content of essential amino acid in brown rice is 2.842%~3.086%, of which in polished rice is 1.741%~2.698%, very significant differences were found in both kinds. Content of amino acid was lost seriously in rice processing, during brown rice was made into polished rice.
     Content of vitamin B1, B2 in brown rice and polished rice of 20 rice varieties was studied. Significant differences of Content of vitamin B1, B2 in brown rice and polished rice were found in various rice varieties. Brown rice with highest vitamin B1 content (1.59%) is variety Jingfu1A/R41-496, which increases 40.71%, 72.83%, 72.83%, compares with the mean , variety with lowest vitamin B1 content, CK variety You I 66, respectively; Variety with highest content of vitamin B2 is YuefengA/R41-135, increases 16.67%, compares with extended variety You I 66. Content of vitamin B1 in brown rice is within 1.07~0.45mg/kg, vitamin B2 is within 0.63~0.51mg/kg; Content of vitamin B1 in polished rice is within 1.07~0.45mg/kg, and vitamin B2 is within 0.43~0.35mg/kg, content of vitamin B2 decreases 22.89%~44.44%.
     Order of the mean contents of 6 mineral elements in brown rice of 20 rice varieties is Ca>Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu>Se, the mean contents of Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu, Se are 320.859 mg/kg, 144.45 mg/kg,64.514 mg/kg,33.399 mg/kg,17.597 mg/kg,0.077 mg/kg, accordingly; Order of the mean contents of 6 mineral elements in polished rice of 20 rice varieties is Ca>Mn>Zn>Fe>Cu>Se, the mean contents of which are 71.103mg/kg, 10.008 mg/kg,8.321 mg/kg,5.790 mg/kg,1.674 mg/kg,0.020 mg/kg, accordingly. Content of every element in brown rice is higher than that in polished rice apparently, element of maximum content difference is Mn, which is 14.43 times of that in polished rice, next is Fe(11.14 times), third is Cu(10.51 times), Ca, Zn, Se is 4.51 times, 4.01 times, 3.85 times, respectively.
     Flavone and CoQ10 were also found in brown rice and polished rice with different genotypes, and very significant difference was found among varieties. Contents of amino acid, vitamin, minerals all higher than those in polished rice apparently, and very significant difference was also found among varieties.
     ⅡBreeding and utilization technology study on fragrant black glutinous rice variety which has high content ofγ-aminobutyric acid and flavone
     1. Breeding on fragrant black glutinous rice“Minzixiang2(MZX2)”that has high flavone content
     MZX1, whose total flavone is as high as 2052~3346mg/kg, was employed as parent to breed“MZX2”which has fine agronomic traits and high quality of nutrition and health by Co60 radiating. Main spike and tillering panicles of“MZX2”is regular, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight were improved, yield of 501.22kg/667m2 can be reached, 16% higher than standard“MZX1”. In the mean time, equilibrium of seed setting rate, 1000-grain weight and whole polished rice rate between main spike and tillering panicles in“MZX2”also can be reached , and source-sink-flow coordinately, yield was improved correspondingly.
     Preferable quality traits of“MZX1”were kept in“MZX2”. Compares with“MZX1”, contents of amylase(1%), protein(11.43%), total amino acid(9.13%), flavone(3963.89mg/kg ), Fe(46.82 mg/kg)、Zn(23.21 mg/kg)、Ca(157.85 mg/kg) all were improved. Tested flavone contents in“MZX2”of different years were kept in a high level: 3963.89 mg/kg year 2005, 3867.0mg/kg year 2006, 4671.82±7.90 mg/kg year 2008. after processed into germinated brown rice, flavone content in which is 8603.82±17.96 mg/kg, and is the highest content, compares with tested varieties, and is 13.13 times of that in market-sale germinated brown rice CK1-HM(white rice variety, germinated brown rice 655.11 mg/kg).
     New-bred“MZX2”is a new germplasm that showed in DNA fingerprint identification result.
     In order to improve the comprehensive quality of“MZX”series germinated rice products ,the germinated brown rice processing technology was also studied .
     2. Utilization and quality study on“MZX”germinated brown rice
     “Minzixiang1”,“Minzixiang2”“Yongyou6”,“Jiafuzhan”,“Dongnan 201”,“Shanyou63”those applied in yield in Fujian province and seeds“Fengyuan978”,“Jilin Black Rice”etc sold on market of Fujian province together were employed as testing materials to study gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) contents differences in rice bran, polished rice, brown rice and germinated brown rice. Results shows that the top two samples with highγ-aminobutyric acid content varieties are germinated brown rice of“MZX2”planted in year 2007 and year 2008, contents of which are 89.15±1.43mg/kg, 80.33±0.80mg/kg, accordingly, the third is“MZX1”(61.66±1.13mg/kg). Content of γ-aminobutyric acid in“MZX2”is 74.91% more than the mean (50.97mg/kg), and is 94.82% more than that in market sale germinated rice HM(45.76±1.34mg/kg), and is 328.19% more than FY978(20.82±0.60mg/kg)which has the lowestγ-aminobutyric acid content.
     Impact onγ-aminobutyric acid synthesiscan be found in the same variety planted in different seasons, when“MZX2”brown rice harvested in year 2007 be processed into germinated brown rice, content ofγ-aminobutyric acid decreases 10.98%, compares with that harvested in year 2008. Significant difference onγ-aminobutyric acid content also can be found in the same rice variety with various processing methods: germinated brown rice>brown rice>polished rice, the mean contents ofγ-aminobutyric acid among 10 rice varieties are 50.9840mg/kg, 13.7250 mg/kg and 5.2390 mg/kg, respectively.
     Five rice varieties of MZX1, MZX2, Yongyou6, Jilin Black Rice and Jiafuzhan were taken as testing materials to study contents of flavone, protein, amino acid, IP6, dietary fiber and reducing sugar in rice bran, polished rice, brown rice and germinated brown rice.
     Content of flavone in“MZX2”germinated brown rice is as high as 8603.82mg/kg, which is 4.5 times of that in Jiafuzhan germinated brown rice, and is 13.13 times of that in CK, market-sale germinated brown rice (HM ,655.11mg/kg). Flavone content in“MZX1”germinated brown rice is as high as 6463.78 mg/kg. It is the first time to report germinated brown rice with high flavone content in China
     Protein and amino acid contents in germinated brown rice of 5 rice varieties were studied, results shows that: contents of protein, total content of amino acid and essential amino acid were found differently among various rice varieties, significant difference can also be found among different rice varieties, the one with top contents of compositions mentioned above is“MZX2”; content of protein, total contents of amino acid and essential amino acid all were presented as :germinated brown rice>brown rice>polished rice ; Among polished rice, the highest content of first restrictive amino acid-lysine was found in“MZX2”,as high as 0.55±0.04% . After germination, content of lysine in every variety was improved, the one improved most is“MZX2”, 19.57% increased.
     Analysis on nourishing compositions vitamin, reducing sugar,, dietary fiber etc.Results shows that, vitamin B1 in germinated brown rice is 1.7 times of that in polished rice, and vitamin B2 is 2.7 times of that in polished rice, dietary fiber is 7.08 times of that in polished rice.
     As main byproduct from the process of rice milling, rice bran accounts for 8%~10% of whole brown rice, results showed in this study indicates that, rice bran has a high nourishing value,“MZX2”was taken as an example, contents of its GABA, protein, total amino acid, essential amino acid, lysine, vitamin B1,B2, reducing sugar, flavone, dietary fiber etc in rice bran are 4.15times,1.71 times,1.65 times,1.69 times,2.18 times,2.81 times,3.24 times,11.62 times,115.33 times,18.00 times of those in polished rice, respectively.
     Edible value of“MZX2”germinated brown rice was compared with CK, which has high commercial quality rice variety“Jiafuzhan”in Fujian province, contents of GABA, protein, total amino acid, essential amino acid, lysine, vitamin B1,B2, reducing sugar, flavone, dietary fiber etc in which are 21.13 times, 1.38 times, 1.88 times, 1.97 times, 2.20 times, 4.16 times, 7.54 times, 50.94 times, 392.87 times and 12.00 times of those in CK.
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