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     二是深入分析了西方先进的风险管理理论,主要包括有COSO的内部控制理论、欧盟的Solvency Ⅱ、在险价值(Value at Risk)、经济资本(Economic Capital)等。并且在上述研究的基础上,也论述了在风险量化与资本分配的基础上,提高风险管理能力,提高资本利用效率。
Risk management ability is one of core competitiveness of financial enterprises. It is particularly important for property insurance companies. In the countries whose insurance business is more developed, property insurance companies' risk management ability is stronger both in theoretics and in practices, and has played an important role in business administration. In the core field of property insurance companies' business administration, actuary has a decisive function in risk management. But in China, the development of property insurance is late, and the foundation is weak, and developing way is still extensive, so the consciousness, measures and abilities of risk management are not strong enough.
     Actuary is one of core technologies in insurance management. As insurance management has its own characteristics, it should follow the basic principles and act in accordance with management laws. Actuary can explain the business process and management elements, and analyze the results and causes of management, then it can improve the management, increase the revenue efftively and keep scientific development. During risk management, to indentify the risks the property insurance company should face, which include the area of insurance, operation, strategy and asset or finance, then to set up actuarial models through analyzing the characteristics of these risks and to quantize those risks can strengthen the capital management, and implement capital adequacy testing and capital distribution.
     This paper mainly aims to find how to implement property insurance companies' risk management, and improve their core competitiveness, and guarantee their financial stability, and improve their profitability from actuarial angle. In China, both in theory and practice, the study on risk management of property insurance company is not thorough, especially in application. By the combination of theoretical analysis and case study, macroanalysis and microanalysis, and referring to the overseas advanced experience, this paper has made a deep research on property insurance companies'risk management from actuarial angle.
     This paper will focus on Research on Risk Management of Chinese Property Insurance Company-Based on the Actuarial Angle. The purpose of the study is to provide the theory basis for the risk management of Chinese property insurance company, and find new management methods, and improve their risk management ability, and guard against systematic risk, and improve the property insurance companies'profitability and financial stability. The main contents include as follows:
     Ⅰ. The paper expounds and analyzes main theory of the research subject. Firstly, it expounds all the risk management theories, which include the content of risk and risk management, the process of risk management, etc.; Secondly, it deeply analyzes the theoretical basis of risk management, which include company administration theory, actuary theory, etc.; Thirdly, to deeply study the partial risk of property insurance company, it emphatically analyzes the risk classification, evaluation and choice.
     Ⅱ. The paper deeply analyzes the advanced risk management theories in the west, which include internal control theory of COSO, Solvency Ⅱ, Value at Risk, Economic Capital, etc.; and based on the analyzing, it also researches into how to improve the risk management ability and the capital utilization rate with risk quantization and capital allocation.
     Ⅲ. The paper deeply analyzes the current situation of property insurance companies' risk management, and the risk that they face. Firstly, it divides the history into two periods:before and after the policy of reform and opening up, and expounds the developing process of property insurance companies' risk management in China; secondly, it researches the main achievements chinese property insurance companies have gained on risk management from three aspects:supervision, property insurance and the company itself; thirdly, it emphatically analyzes the weak links during risk management, which include corporate governance system, external supervision mechanism, technology platform of the overall risk management, culture of risk management, etc.; fourthly, it analyzes the systematic risks that the Chinese property insurance industry should face.
     (?). The strategy study of property insurance companies' risk management from actuarial angle is the point of this paper. The paper is divided into two parts:partial risk management and overall risk management.
     Firstly, the paper deeply analyze the partial risk that property insurance company should face, which include the area of operation, strategy, insurance, asset or finance, reserves fluctuation, model, etc.; and puts forward relative policies and suggestions for risk analysis of property insurance company in China, which can help improve their risk management ability.
     Secondly, based on the partial risk analysis, the paper deeply analyzes the overall risk management. Firstly, it introduces the overall risk theory, such as the development and content of the overall risk theory, and the significance to apply the overall risk management, etc.; secondly, it focuses on the analysis of key theories of overall risk management, which include pressure testing, scenario planning, dynamic financial testing and guiding the development of company by theory of value and culture of risk management.
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